Tired of telling students to ask questions and to think about what they were doi

Tired of telling students to ask questions and to think about what they were doi

Tired of telling students to ask questions and to think about what they were doing, Damien Hynes, a high school geography teacher in Australia, decided to do an experiment to test what he had long been thinking.He wrote some well-organized nonsense (something untrue) on the blackboard.The students simply copied it but very few asked any questions.This shows that students are willing to believe anything given by teachers.The story is repeated in support of the Project for Enhancing Effective Learning (PEEL).
PEEL was carried out by some teachers and researchers in Melbourne who had concluded that normal teaching methods seldom achieve their intended goals; what the teachers think they are teaching is one thing and what the students actually learn is something else.Students’ lack of an over-all view of learning goals and their concentration on test scores make them see each lesson as a separate activity.
Researchers realized that many students do not come into class empty-headed but have their own explanations of how the world works.Their own ideas can remain important to them even when they differ from scientific explanations that are learned later.In fact such ideas are hardly affected by traditional teaching.Students accept the teacher’s scientific explanation, but do not drop their own.They simply keep both and use them practically: in a class test, they copy the teacher’s idea, but in real life they use their own.
Clearly what was needed was to make students understand their learning process(过程), and this is what the PEEL teachers set out to deal with.On the surface,(表面) a class being taught by PEEL methods only differs from an ordinary class in being a little noisier, because more people are talking.But there are some meaningful changes.Students are given much more time to express their views, and teachers don’t make immediate judgment.The students are allowed to guide what is done in class and their own ideas are always respected.This draws their attention to the actual learning process, and they become responsible for their own progress.
小题1:The aim of Hynes’ experiment was to ______.
A.show that students didn’t think about what they learnt
B.prove the effectiveness of the project known as PEEL
C.test students’ general knowledge about geography
D.encourage students to ask more questions in class
小题2:Why did some teachers and researchers carry out PEEL?
A.To ensure teachers do scientific work.
B.To help students get higher test scores.
C.To find the differences between what is taught and learnt.
D.To help normal teaching methods achieve their goals.
小题3:An important difference between PEEL and non-PEEL classes is that in the PEEL classes ______.
A.the teacher does not give the usual scientific explanations
B.students always have their own knowledge of the subject
C.more attention is paid to the students’ own ideas
D.the best explanations are given by the students
小题4:What is Damien Hynes?
A.He is a teacher who teaches geography in a high school in Australia
B.He is a geography teacher and a researcher in Australia
C.He is a teacher teaching geography in a high school in Austria
D.He is a high school geography teacher in Austria.



There’s a time to get angry, and it’s best for your child if you do. Let’s say your child hits a playmate with a toy hard enough to make the other child cry. How can you teach your child to feel sorry so he or she won’t do it again? Researchers say the best way for parents to react(反应)is to show their anger and to let the child know exactly why they are mad.
  Many parents believe that it is best to control their feelings and to wait until they’re calm before scolding their children. But the mother or father who explains reasonably to a child , “Peter was crying because you hit him,” is not likely to attract much attention. Young children need to be scolded immediately, and strongly, before they’ll take criticism (批评)to heart.
  When your young child does something wrong, scold him or her seriously at once. At the same time be sure to tell the child clearly what he or she has done wrong. An angry reaction without an immediate explanation does little good. Forbidding a child to play outside or not allowing him to watch TV as a punishment works well-but only when taken together with an explanation. Make sure your child understands that although his or her wrongdoing has made you angry, you still love him or her. Use simple, direct words such as, “You hurt peter. How would you feel if he hit you? You must never, never hurt people.” If your voice expresses strong feeling clearly, your message will carry enough weight.
小题1:According to researchers, how should parents react when their child did something wrong?
A.Ask the child not to do it again any time.
B.Show the child how angry they are and tell him why.
C.Teach the child why and how to say sorry to others.
D.Let the child know you still love hime or her.
小题2:What do many parents think they should do with the wrongdoer?
A.Calm themselves down before scolding him.
B.Hide their feelings when talking to him.
C.Explain immediately why he was wrong.
D.Speak strongly and angrily to him.
小题3:What could be the best title for the text?
A.Different Ways to Deal with Children’s Wrongdoings
B.Differences among Parents in Dealing with Children
C.Best Ways to Stop Children’s Wrongdoings
D.Research on Preventing Children from Hurting Others

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How do apology languages work? Have you ever tried to apologize, only to be refused? It may be that you were offering a partial apology in a “language” , that was foreign to your listener.The five languages of apology include:
Apology Language 1: “I am sorry.”
List the hurtful effects of your action.Not “I am sorry if …”, but “I am sorry that…”.You might ask if they want to add any points that you have not recognized.
Apology Language 2:“I was wrong.”
Name your mistake and accept fault.Note that it is easier to say “You are right” than “ I am wrong”, but the latter carries more weight.
Apology Language 3: “ What can I do to make it right?”
How are you now? How shall I make amends(弥补) to you? How can I restore your confidence that I love you— even though I was so hurtful to you?
Apology Language 4: “I’ll try not to do that again.”
Engage in problem-solving.Don’t make excuses for yourself such as, “Well, my day was just so…” Instead, offer what you will change to prevent yourself from putting them in the same bad situation again.
Apology Language 5: “Will you please forgive me?”
Be patient in seeking forgiveness.They may need some time or greater clarification of your input from Apology Languages 1-4.
Finally, your apology may not be accepted, but at least you know that you have been faithful in offering a sincere olive branch of peace.
小题1:The passage mainly talks about___________
A.5 tips for apologies that workB.5 ways of refusing apologies
C.the function of apology languagesD.the importance of apology languages
小题2:According to Paragraph 1, your apology may be refused mainly because________
A.your listeners can’t understand your dialect.
B.your listeners can’t hear what you said clearly.
C.your apology is not sincere.
D.your apology is not expressed well enough.
小题3:When offering an apology, which of the following does the author prefer?
A.“You are right”B.“I am sorry if …”
C.“I was wrong.”D.“Well, my day was just so…”
小题4:In the last paragraph, the author tells us even if your apology may not be accepted, at
least ___________.
A.It’s your fault any moreB.your mind will be at peace
C.your friend will make peace with you D.your apology is true to your heart

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Damage to Ozone Layer Gets Worse
In the middle of winter, when snow is falling in many parts of the United States, scientists have sounded a warning to people who plan to spend many hours in the sun this summer.The warning: The sun"s summertime rays are more dangerous than once thought.
A team of scientists from 80 nations recently reported to the United Nations that a layer of ozone(臭氧层)in the atmosphere, which protects humans from harmful levels of ultraviolet(紫外线)radiation, will be thinner over the United States this summer.The thinner layer allows more ultraviolet rays from the sun to reach Earth.The extra amount of ultraviolet radiation could cause an increase in the number of cases of skin cancer.
Scientists first became concerned about the layer in the mid-1980s when a hole was discovered in the layer above Antarctica during the winter.The hole was caused in chemicals used in refrigerators and air conditioners.When these chemicals are sent out into the atmosphere, they produce gases that destroy the ozone.
Concern about the protective ozone layer rose more recently when data from satellites and ground stations showed that ozone levels were dropping over areas other than Antarctica.Low ozone levels were recorded in the spring and summer over the United States and over other populated areas in the world.
Although many countries have already begun stopping the use of ozone-destroying chemicals, the new findings are expected to advance the timetable for a total ban of the chemicals.
小题1:The scientists have observed the ozone layer ______.
A.since 1980B.since last winter
C.for more than 20 yearsD.for about one year
小题2:The ozone layer in the atmosphere can ______.
A.do a lot of good to human beings in many ways
B.protect humans from diseases caused by bad weather
C.do a lot of harm to human beings in the summer-time
D.protect humans from harmful levels of ultraviolet radiation
小题3:Scientists first found that there was a hole in the ozone layer ______.
A.above Arctic during the winter in the mid-1980s
B.above Antarctica during the winter in the mid-1980s
C.over somewhere in the north of the equator in 1980
D.over the USA in the summertime in the mid-1980s
小题4:The damage to the ozone layer was caused by ______.
A.the changeable weatherB.ozone-destroying chemicals
C.chemicals from refrigeratorsD.chemicals from air conditioners

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Toucans(巨嘴鸟), a kind of tropical birds known for its colorful beak, are very smart. In Mexico, my dad became friends with a toucan that was in a “walk in and see the birds” cage. The toucan was so smart that it knew how to get out. It just needed some human to help it. It almost flew out while we were leaving!
I also noticed that all toucans have different beaks! They also have very long unique beaks with an extremely long tongue. It struts(大摇大摆地走) around with its chest sticking out and beak pointed forward. The toucan is a beautiful bird! The beak has a red tip (different shades on every one), but sometimes there is a little turquoise on the bottom half. Then, right where the beak separates there is a splotch of yellow. And the rest of the beak is green. The toucan takes very much pride of itself.
The toucan eats fruit and seeds. The ramphastidae(the toucan family) is known for its long beak, and 37 species. Toucans also feed on insects, small lizards, bird nestlings and eggs. They nest in hollow trees where they incubate and care for their young.They are found in the woody areas.
Of the various toucan facts, here is an odd one. Citizens of Central and South America associate the toucans with evil spirits. They think the birds can be the personification of evils. Where couvades(父代母育) is practiced, the father of a new child must not eat toucan flesh as it is believed to bewitch the new-born child. Yet the toucan can also be a tribal totem(图腾). So the medicine men use it as a symbol to fly to the spirit world.
60. 小题1:Which of the following words is NOT suitable to describe toucans?
61. 小题2:The second paragraph mainly talks about _______.
A.where toucans strut aroundB.how toucans get food
C.what toucans look likeD.when toucans lay eggs
62. 小题3:What does the underlined word“incubate”probably mean in paragraph 3?
A.Hatch eggsB.Take coverC.Gather strengthD.Keep warm
63. 小题4:We can learn from the last paragraph that _______.
A.all citizens of Central and South America are afraid of toucans
B.the toucans can also be used as medicine to cure diseases
C.a new child must not eat toucan flesh because it is poisonous
D.some people believe toucans can bring them misfortune

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Like most big projects, learning to manage your mother well is what you should do. Here are what I believe the best steps towards a better relationship with her. They are not necessarily surprising or revolutionary, but they have worked for many people. Try them.
Remember your mother’s age. As children, we often do not think of our mother as having an age. Even when we become conscious of her as an individual, age does not change our view; she is still our mother. Knowing our mother’s age, not just in numbers of years but in terms of her psychological and physical state, often helps us to understand her better.
Listen to your mother. I have found that sometimes the things my mother told me long ago are remarkably useful. If your mother knows that you respect her point of view, even if you do not share it, it will help her feel close to you.
Remember that your mother has a past. A key step in managing our relationship with our mother is to find out about her early life.In learning about our mother’s past, we know that it can encourage us to think about her whole life.
Ask your mother about your childhood history. My grandparents died when I was young. If you are fortunate enough to have living family, think of your life as a jigsaw puzzle and ask as many questions as you can to put the picture together. Understanding your roots and your childhood can help you know more clearly who you are, as part of a family which you share with your mother.
Remember that managing your mother is really about managing yourself. Taking any measure to managing our mother is the issue of how we manage ourselves. No matter how difficult we find her, it is important to remember that it is not her behavior itself that is causing us discomfort, but the way we feel about her behavior. We should follow the way of her life. At the heart of managing your mother is being able to accept your flawed self. Only then are you able to accept your mother-----with all her failings.
64. 小题1:What does the underlined phrase “a jigsaw puzzle” mean?
65. 小题2:Which of the following is implied but not stated in the passage?
A.You will have a better relationship with your mother if you respect her opinion.
B.Knowing your mother’s age is a useful piece of advice.
C.The key measure of managing our mother is how we manage ourselves.
D.It is unreasonable to expect our mother to change totally from the way she was brought up.
66. 小题3:The main purpose of writing the text is _______.
A.to give information about how you think of your mother
B.to improve the relationship with your mother
C.to keep a sense of humor about your mother all day long
D.to accept your mother-----with all her failings

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