BUnless we spend money to spot and prevent asteroids (小行星) now,one might crash i

BUnless we spend money to spot and prevent asteroids (小行星) now,one might crash i


Unless we spend money to spot and prevent asteroids (小行星) now,one might crash into Earth and destroy life as we know it,say some scientists.
Asteroids are bigger versions of the meteoroids(流星)that race across the night sky. Most orbit the sun far from Earth and don"t threaten us. But there are also thousands whose orbits put them on a collision course with Earth.
Buy $ 50 million worth of new telescopes right now. Then spend $ 10 million a year for the next 25 years to locate most of the space rocks. By the time we spot a fatal one,the scientists say,we"ll have a way to change its course.
Some scientists favor pushing asteroids off course with nuclear weapons. But the cost wouldn"t be cheap.
Is it worth it? Two things experts consider when judging any risk are: 1) How likely the event is; and 2) How bad the consequences if the event occurs. Experts think an asteroid big enough to destroy lots of life might strike Earth once every 500,000 years. Sounds pretty rare-but if one did fall,it would be the end of the world. “If we don"t take care of these big asteroids,they"ll take care of us,”says one scientist. “It"s that simple.”
The cure,though,might be worse than the disease. Do we really want fleets of nuclear weapons sitting around on Earth? “The world has less to fear from doomsday(毁灭性的) rocks than from a great nuclear fleet set against them,” said a New York Times article.
1. What does the passage say about asteroids and meteoroids?
[ A ]. They are heavenly bodies different in composition.
[ B ].They are heavenly bodies similar in nature.
[ C ].There are more asteroids than meteoroids.
[ D ].Asteroids are more mysterious than meteoroids.
2. We can conclude from the passage that_____ .
[ A ].while pushing asteroids off course nuclear weapons would destroy the world
[ B ].asteroids racing across the night sky are likely to hit Earth in the near future
[ C ].the worry about asteroids can be left to future generations since it is unlikely to happen in our lifetime
[ D ].workable solutions still have to be found to prevent a collision of asteroids with Earth.
3. Which of the following best describes the author"s tone in this pass age?
[ A ]. Optimistic.  [ B ]. Critical.  [ C ]. Objective.  [ D ]. Arbitrary.

1.解析:参阅第二段可知流星和小行星都是绕日的星体,故正确答案为[ B ]。

The care given to pupils at an infants school has been rated (评定)as outstanding in a recent Ofsted report. Inspectors (视察员)visited Avondale Infants School in Kettering in June and were pleased with what they found.
Schools are graded between one and four, with one being outstanding, and staffs(全体职员)at Avondale were delighted to be to be given an overall(总的)grade of two.
The reports states that the school, which has an above average number of children who are entitled to free school meals, is improving.
It also focuses on the good progress made by children who enter the school with below or well below average standards – the standards at the end of Year 2 are now the best since 2004.
The report states: "Pupils" behavior and personal development are good, being enhanced(增强)considerably by the vibrant(活跃的)atmosphere within the school."
Headteacher Jean Wilkins is also praised as "the driving force behind developments and the vision of the future. Under her exceptional guidance, a conscientious team is intent(专注)upon raising standards."
Mrs. Wilkins said that staff at the school, which has 163 children aged from four to seven, pride themselves on the support and guidance they offer the children.
She said: "We"re extremely pleased with these results. We put a lot of emphasis(强调)on the well-being of the pupils to raise their self esteem(尊重)and make sure they enjoy being at school.
"We have focused carefully on where we needed to make improvements."
Inspectors said that the school could improve further through closer working with the parents of some pupils who do not attend regularly.                       
1. The main idea of the text is that _________.
A. The pupils at an infants school.           B. Happy school wins inspector’s praise.
C. The pupils have made much progress.       D. The Avondale Infants School is improving.
2. What else will the school need to do with?
A. Make the meals better                   B. Focus on the pupils
C. Hire a great many staffs                  D. Work with the parents.
3. From the passage, we can learn that what “ infant school” is ?
A. Children attend school with little intelligence.
B. Children attend school with good understanding.
C. Children attend school in the first few years of their life.
D. Children attend school with outstanding performance.
4. The writer wants to tell us the following EXCEPT that _______.
A. Inspectors paid a visit to Avondale Infants School in June, 2004.
B. More than 50% of the children in the school have meals for free.
C. The staffs at the school provide the pupils with much guidance.
D. The infant school has made large quantities of improvement.
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Children are getting smarter by the generation. I am very amazed by how kids these days know exactly what they want, and know how to communicate with several different languages when they are with different persons. It’s very common in HK that kids are being looked after by overseas domestic helpers. Their helpers do speak with them in English. Some do even speak with the kids in their own countries languages. Surprisingly, the kids do know how to response to their helpers regardless what languages they are in communication. This is what I observed a helper with a one-year-old kid on bus last week. My cousin has a Pilipino helper at home for more than ten years. He can response to his helper well regardless she speaks with him in English or Pilipino. Some kids’ grandparents do speak with their grand children in their hometown dialect. The kids also pick up fast with whatever dialect it is. Kids’ parents usually speak with them in Cantonese; naturally, this also becomes their first language.
I have really noticed among urban HK children, is that they know exactly which human behavior to switch on when facing with parents, grandparents and helpers. Their expression is different when they ask their helpers to help compared with their parents. They are usually much more direct with their helpers instead of their parents and grandparents when they want to ask for something. (eg. when they ask for ice-cream or chocolate) I think there must be related to phenomenon(现象), whether it is learnt or not. It’s really amazing how children automatically(自动地)know all at such a young age, which mode of behavior, and at what tone and manner to use them, who to use them on, and when.                                                
1. The example of my cousin’s story shows that __________.
A. The kids know exactly what they are in need of.
B. The kids know how to communicate well with others.
C. The kids know how to response to their helpers.
D. The kids know all the above at so young an age.
2. Who will the kids turn to for help in the first place?
A. Kids’ parents       B. Kids’ grand parents
C. Relatives          D. overseas domestic helpers
3. What does the underlined phrase “pick up” most probably mean?
A. succeed in seeing or hearing     B. gain or acquire it by purpose
C. learn it without taking lessons    D. take hold of and lift it
4. Which of the following expresses the main idea of the text?
A. Kids have an amazing childhood.    B. Kids are getting smarter in HK.
C. Kids are truly amazing and smart.      D. Kids get along well with the helpers.
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Against the supposition than forest fires in Alaska, Canada and Siberia warm the climate, scientists have discovered that cooling may occur in areas where burnt trees allow more snow to mirror more sunlight into space.
This finding suggests that taking steps to prevent northern forest to limit the release of greenhouse gases may warm the climate in northern regions. Usually large fires destroyed forests in these areas over the past decade. Scientists predict that with climate warming, fires may occur more frequently over next several centuries as result of a longer fire season. Sunlight taken in by the earth tends to cause warming, while heat mirrored back into space tends to cause cooling.
This is the first study to analyze all aspects of how northern fires influence climate. Earlier studies by other scientists have suggested that fire in northern regions speed up climate warming because greenhouse gases from burning trees and plants are released into the atmosphere and thus trap heat.
Scientists found that right after the fire, large amounts of greenhouse gases entered the atmosphere and caused warming. Ozone(臭氧)levels increased, and ash from the fire fell on far-off sea ice, darkening the surface and causing more radiation from the sun to be taken in. The following spring, however, the land within the area of the fire was brighter than before the fire, because fewer trees covered the ground. Snow on the ground mirrored more sunlight back into space, leading to cooling.
“We need to find out all possible ways to reduce the growth of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.” Scientists tracked the change in amount of radiation entering and leaving the climate system as a result of the fire, and found a measurement closely related to the global air temperature. Typically, fire in northern regions occurs in the same area every 80 to 150 years. Scientists, however, found that when fire occurs more frequently, more radiation is lost from the earth and cooling results. Specifically, they determined when fire returns 20 years earlier than predicated, 0.5 watts per square meter of area burned are soaked up by the earth from greenhouse gases, but 0.9 watts per square meter will be sent back into space. The net effect is cooling. Watts are used to measure the rate at which energy is gained or lost from the earth.
46. According to the new findings, taking steps to prevent northern forest fires may _______.
A. result in a warming climate
B. cause the forest fires to occur more frequently
C. lead to a longer fire season
D. protect the forests and the environment there
47. The following are all the immediate effects after a forest fire EXCEPT _________.
A. large amounts of greenhouse gases enter the atmosphere
B. the levels of ozone which is a type of oxygen increase
C. snow on the ground mirrors more sunlight back into space
D. ashes from the fire fall on the ice surface and take in more radiation from the sun
48. Earlier studies about northern forest fires _________.
A. analyze all aspects of how northern fires influence climate
B. indicate that forest fires will pollute the atmosphere
C. suggest that people should take measures to protect environment
D. suggest that the fires will speed up climate warming
49. The underlined phrase “soak up” in the last paragraph most probably means ________.
A. released                B. absorbed               C. created                 D. distributed
50. From the passage we can draw a conclusion that forest fires in Alaska, Canada and Siberia may __________.
A. warm the climate as the supposition goes
B. allow more snow to reflect more sunlight into space and thus cool the climate
C. destroy large areas of forests and pollute the far-off sea ice
D. help to gain more energy rather than release more energy
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Moving in with a boyfriend causes women to eat more unhealthily and put on weight. But the opposite is true for men, whose long-term health benefits when they move in with a female partner.
Dieticians at Newcastle University said both partners try to please one another, and so change their dietary habits to suit their other half.
It leads men to eat more light meals, such as salads, fruit and vegetables, while women choose to make creamier, heavier dishes curry or rich pasta sauces, which may please their partner.
Women still have the strongest long-term influence over the couple’s diet and lifestyle, as they still have the traditional role of shopper and cook in most households.
The report, by Newcastle University’s Human Nutrition Research Centre, reviewed the finding of a variety of research projects from the UK, North America and Australia, which looked at the eating and lifestyle habits of couples.
The research shows that women are more likely to put on weight and increase their consumption of foods high in fat and sugar when they move in with their partner.
Women also use food as a comfort when dealing with emotional stress and have been found to gain weight when a relationship ends, while the same finding has not been observed in men.
Many couples reported food as being central to their partnership, and eating together in the evening was particularly important to many.
Report author and registered dietician Dr. Amelia Lake said, “The research has shown that your partner is a strong influence on lifestyle and people who are trying to live healthier lives should take this factor into consideration.”
41. According to the passage, moving in with a girlfriend, men _______.
A. have few changes of their dietary habits
B. have to eat more unhealthy foods
C. don’t like foods high in fat and sugar at all
D. try to eat foods that their girlfriends like
42. The underlined word “light”(in Paragraph 4 ) probably means ________.
A. not very heavy
B. less in fat and sugar
C. gentle
D. not serious or important
43. According to the report by Newcastle University’s Human Nutrition Research Centre, ________.
A. women put on weight only because they want to suit their other half
B. when men are faced with emotional stress, they will change their dietary habits
C. eating together in the evening is a good way to communicate for couples
D. it is wrong to change your dietary habits to suit your partner
44. From the passage, we can infer that _________.
A. women should pay more attention to their partner’s influence on them
B. more men will play roles of shopper and cook in most households
C. couples will not change their dietary habits and lifestyle to please their partner
D. long-term health of men benefits when they move in with a female partner
45. What would be the best title for the passage?
A. Don’t be silly any more, women!
B. Which are better dietary habits?
C. Boyfriends make you fat
D. Dr. Amelia Lake and his study
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Can people change their skin colour without suffering like pop king Michael Jackson? Perhaps yes. Scientists have found the gene that determines skin colour.
The gene comes in two versions, one of which is found in 99 per cent of Europeans. The other is found in 93 to 100 per cent of Africans, researchers at Pennsylvania State University report in the latest issue of Science.
Scientists have changed the colour of a dark-striped zebrafish to uniform gold by inserting a version of the pigment(色素) gene into a young fish. As with humans, zebrafish skin colour is determined by pigment cells, which contain melanosomes(黑色素). The number, size and darkness of melanosomes per pigment cell determines skin colour.
It appears that, like the golden zebrafish, light-skinned Europeans also have a mutation(变异) in the gene for melanosome production. This results in less pigmented skin.
However, Keith Cheng, leader of the research team, points out that the mutation is different in human and zebrafish genes.
Humans acquired dark skin in Africa about 1.5 million years ago to protect bodies from ultra-violet rays of the sun(太阳光紫外线), which can cause skin cancer.
But when modern humans leave Africa to live in northern latitudes, they need more sunlight on their skin to produce vitamin D. So the related gene changes, according to Cheng.
Asians have the same version of the gene as Africans, so they probably acquired their light skin through the action of some other gene that affects skin colour, said Cheng.
The new discovery could lead to medical treatments for skin cancer. It also could lead to research into ways to change skin colour without damaging it like chemical treatment did on Michael Jackson.
51. The passage mainly tells us that ________.
A. people can not change their skin colour without any pain
B. the new discovery could lead to search into ways to change skin colour safely
C. pop king Michael Jackson often changed his skin colour as he liked
D. scientists have found out that people’s skin colour is determined by the gene
52. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.
A. nowadays people who want to change their skin colour have to suffer a lot from the damage caused by the chemical  treatment
B. Europeans and Africans have the same gene
C. the new discovery could help to find medical treatments for skin cancer
D. there are two kinds of genes
53. Scientists have done an experiment on a dark-striped zebra fish in order to ________.
A. find the different genes of humans’
B. prove the humans’ skin colour is determined by the pigment gene
C. find out the reason why the Africans’ skin colour is dark
D. find out the ways of changing peopl’s skin colour
54. The reason why Europeans are light-skinned is probably that ________.
A. they are born light-skinned people
B. light-skinned Europeans have mutation in the gen for melanosome production
C. they have fewer activities outside
D. they pay much attention to protecting their skin
55. The writer’s attitude towards the discovery is ________.
A. neutral                     B. negative                   C. positive                    D. indifferent
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