阅读理解。    Along the river banks of the Amazon and the Orinoco there lives a bird

阅读理解。    Along the river banks of the Amazon and the Orinoco there lives a bird

题型:0124 月考题难度:来源:
阅读理解。    Along the river banks of the Amazon and the Orinoco there lives a bird that swims before it can fly, flies like
a fat chicken, eats green leaves, has the stomach of a cow and has claws (爪) on its wings when young. They
build their homes about 4.6 m above the river, an important feature (特征) for the safety of the young. It is
called the hoatzin.
    In appearance, the birds of both sexes look very much alike with brown on the back and cream and red on
the underside. The head is small, with a large set of feathers on the top, bright red eyes, and blue skin. Its
nearest relatives are the common bires, cuckoos. Its most striking feature, though is only found in the young.
    Baby hoatzins have a claw on the leading edge of each wing and another at the end of each wing tip. Using
these four claws, together with the beak (喙), they can climb about in the bushes, looking very much like
primitive bires must have done. When the young hoatzins have learned to fly, they lost their claws.
    The drier months between December and March hoatzins fly about the forest in groups of 20:00, but in
April, when the rainy season begins, they collect together in smaller living units of two seven birds for
producing purposes. 1. What is the test mainy about? [     ]
A. Hoatzins in dry and rainy seasons.
B. The relatives and enemies of hoatzins.
C. Primitive birds and hoatzins of the Amazon.
D. The appearance and living babits of hoatzins. 2. Yong hoatzins are different from their parents in that _____. [     ]
A. they look like young cuckoos
B. they have claws on the wings
C. they eat a lot like a cow
D. they live on river banks 3. What can we infer about primitive birds from the text? [     ]
A. They had claws to help them climb.
B. They could fly long distances.
C. They had four wings like hoatzins.
D. They had a head with long feathers on the top. 4. Why do hoatzins collect together in smaller groups when the rainy season comes? [     ]
A. To find more food.
B. To protect themselves better.
C. To keep themselves warm.
D. To produce their young.
1-4: D B A D
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     Keeping a diary in English is an effective way to improve               
English writing skill. _______ (比较) with other forms of writing,      
it can help you to develop the _______ (习惯) of thinking in English,  
which is of great u_______ in learning English. Of course, you          
will _______ with many difficulties. First, you may have trouble       
_______ (找到) proper words and phrases to express your minds.        
Second, there are many phrases and sayings in Chinese, _______        
are hard _______ you to translate in English. My suggestion is that   
you should have a _______ (字典) at hand so that you can use it         
whenever it is needed. You can also t_______ to your teacher if necessary. 
If you stick to doing so, you’ll g_______ make progress in writing.   

1. __________        
2. __________        
3. __________      
4. __________       
5. __________                       
6. __________       
7. __________        
8. __________        
9. __________         
10. __________    
    As many as one in five US teenagers have some degree of hearing loss, according to researchers. They
say the problem is growing.
    Teenagers really don"t pay attention to how much noise they are exposed (暴露) to, Josef Shargorodsky
of Brigham and Women"s Hospital in Boston told Reuters. "Often people won"t notice it, but even slight hearing
loss may affect language development," said Shargorodsky, one of the researchers.
    The study compared surveys from the early 1990s and the mid-2000s. Each included a few thousand
teenagers. In the first survey, about 15 percent of teenagers had some degree of hearing loss. Some 15 years
later, that number had risen by a third, to nearly 20 percent. 
    "This certainly is big news," said Alison Grimes, an ear doctor. Hearing loss is very common in old people,
Grimes said, but she added that it was worrying to see it happen in the younger age group.
    In babies and young children, hearing problems are known to slow language development. The science is
less clear for teenagers, but it is easy to imagine how being hard of hearing could affect learning, said Grimes. 
    The reasons for the rise are still unclear. When researchers asked teenagers about noise exposure-on the job,
at school or from activities, for example-the teenagers didn"t report any change. But Shargorodsky said that
might not be true. "We knew from before that it is difficult to ask this age group about noise exposure-they
underestimate (低估) it." Few people would call it noise when they listen to music on their MP3 player, for
example. "There is a difference between what we think is loud and what is harmful to the ear," said Grimes. 
    Although it"s not clear that the MP3 players cause teenagers" hearing loss, Grimes said it was still a good
idea to turn down the sound and take short breaks from listening.
1. According to the researchers, in a US class of 40 students, about _____ students have some degree of
    hearing loss.
[     ]
A. one
B. five
C. six
D. eight
2. Which of the following statements is true according to the article?
[     ]
A. Slight hearing loss does not influence learning.
B. Only a few old people have hearing problems.
C. Hearing problems can slow language development.
D. Noise exposure is clearly noticed by teenagers.
3. About hearing loss, it can be inferred that _____.
[     ]
A. the reasons for the rise have been found
B. MP3 players are to blame
C. listening to loud music may be a cause
D. noise is the main reason
4. The article was written to _____.
[     ]
A. warn teenagers that loud music might be harmful
B. explain what kinds of noises might affect studies
C. suggest that teenagers shouldn"t listen to loud music
D. show how important hearing can be for learning
    By the time a student starts to apply (申请) for a US university, much of his or her record, including grades
and after-school activities, has been set in stone. For this reason, the student must in his or her first year of
high school start getting ready for college. He or she also has to decide on the non-academic (非学业的) tasks,
which are important to improve the student"s chances of getting in.
1. After-school activities
    When it comes to high school activities, quality is better than quantity (数量). Admissions (录取) officers
do not want to see a student who has joined dozens of organizations (组织) for a short period of time.
    Many students try to do this towards the end of their high school. But schools want to see a student who
has been with one organization for all or most of high school. A student who can do this shows maturity (成熟).
It is the quality that admissions officers look for as it is one of the markers of future success. 
2. Leadership
    Schools want to see a student who has taken on a leadership role in an organization. A student can show
leadership by taking on any role that needs extra commitment (奉献) and responsibility.
    If you do not have a great title (头衔) such as president, be sure to explain any leadership roles you have
taken. This kind of involvement (参与) in school activities shows you are the responsible person that admissions
officers look for.
3. Consistency (一致性)
    Admissions officers like an application (申请) to be consistent. For example if there is a high school activity
you particularly (特别地) love, it would help if that activity matches your future academic and career interest.
    Of course not everything needs to be consistent. Otherwise (否则) the student would be narrow and this is
not what schools are looking for. However, you cannot have different parts of your application saying
conflicting (矛盾的) things.
1. Who was the article written for?
[     ]
A. US college students hoping to study in China.
B. Chinese college students hoping to study in the US.
C. Third year high school students hoping to study in the US.
D. Teenagers hoping to study in the US.
2. The underlined phrase "set in stone" in Paragraph 1 probably means _____.
[     ]
A. made clear
B. something unchangeable
C. become obvious
D. at the right level(水平)
3. The author"s suggestion is to _____.
[     ]
A. try as many different organizations as possible
B. start planning for college at the beginning of high school
C. make everything in an application consistent
D. put non-academic tasks before academic tasks
4. According to the article, which of the following statements is TRUE?
[     ]
A. Students should choose after-school activities they have great interest in.
B. It"s already too late for first year students to apply for a US university.
C. It is necessary for a student to be a president if he/she is to apply for a US university.
D. Students should concentrate on just one activity in high school.
    Scientists recently found three kinds of animals living two smiles at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea
(地中海). Their small bodies have many cells-each about the size of a large sand-but they are animals. The
most exciting thing about these creatures, is that they don"t seem to need oxygen to live.
    What biologists know about life so far is that only one-celled (单细胞) animals can live in spaces that have
no oxygen, and those animals who have many cells can visit these places, but cannot live there. These newly-
found creatures could change that idea.
    The animals live in a super-salty lake under the Mediterranean Sea. It may seem strange to think of a lake
under the sea, but the water in the lake is so salty that it cannot mix with the seawater above it, and the water
in the lake is even saltier than normal seawater. Ordinary seawater has oxygen in it-which allows animals like
fish to live-but the water in the lake doesn"t have oxygen.
     Finding animals down there is surprising. The scientists at first thought they were the bodies of dead
animals floating (漂浮) into the lake from somewhere else. But later, they found "these dead bodies" appeared
to be alive. Some of these animals had eggs, which suggests they were reproducing (繁殖); and their old skins
suggest that they had lived there long enough to grow. But scientists still don"t know how the animals live
without oxygen. More studies are needed, and maybe biologists will need to rethink (重新考虑) what they
know about animals.
1. At the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, the scientists found _____.
[     ]
A. many one-celled animals
B. three kinds of living animals
C. some dead animals bodies
D. animals that look like fish
2. What is special about the super-salty lake?
[     ]
A. The lake water doesn"t mix up with the seawater above.
B. Animals with many cells began to live in the lake.
C. The water in the lake has much more oxygen.
D. The water in the lake has different colours.
3. What can we infer from the text?
[     ]
A. The lake under the Mediterranean attracts many visitors.
B. The animals in the super-salty lake catch scientists" attention.
C. One-celled animals may lay eggs to reproduce.
D. More animals can be found in the super-salty lake.
    Peace of mind basically means having no stress (压力) or anxiety. It"s a state where you know everything
is going to be okay. You don"t have any   1   or concerns.This is a great thing to experience.   2  , the way of
life makes it hard to ever experience this state of mind. Most people go through the opposite where they
constantly have stress and   3   of not being able to meet certain expectations (期望) or anxiety over the daily
demands of life. 
    Meditation (冥想) can help you   4   peace of mind because it will allow you to   5   and let go of all of the
things that are causing you stress and worry. It can be a great way to be at peace with yourself. What you
can do is simply sit quietly and just focus on breathing for about 30 minutes. Make sure there are no
distractions. If you want, you can play some peaceful music to help   6   a more relaxing environment. The
reason for doing this is to train your   7  to be able to feel like it"s at peace regardless of what sort of demands
of life you have to deal with. The more you do it, the easier getting to this state will be.
    Having peace of mind comes down to being able to   8   what needs to hold on and let go what should be
let go. Let go of things you can"t change. Do what you need to do to   9   the situation when there are things
you can do to make a change. Once you do all you can do, just let it be.Peace of mind comes when you just
let things be and  10  stressing over things that is out of your control.
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(     )1. A. hopes     
(     )2. A. Generally 
(     )3. A. satisfaction 
(     )4. A. enjoy    
(     )5. A. relax    
(     )6. A. do        
(     )7. A. head      
(     )8. A. hold on to  
(     )9. A. worsen     
(     )10. A. continue   
B. worries  
B. Honestly
B. delight  
B. achieve 
B. sleep   
B. start   
B. spirit  
B. let go of      
B. improve  
B. start   
C. tasks   
C. Probably   
C. fear  
C. control 
C. rest   
C. sit    
C. mind   
C. hold back   
C. get    
C. stop   
D. needs          
D. Unfortunately  
D. mind           
D. lose           
D. stop           
D. create                             
D. body           
D. let in         
D. make           
D. still