“A very disruptive(调皮捣蛋的) six-year-old child kicked my legs and clawed at my han

“A very disruptive(调皮捣蛋的) six-year-old child kicked my legs and clawed at my han

“A very disruptive(调皮捣蛋的) six-year-old child kicked my legs and clawed at my hand,” said one teacher. “ I broke up a fight and was kicked between my legs,” said another. Many people have heard stories like this. But the situation is more worrying still and it involves parents.
Every child, regardless of the circumstances into which they are born, has the right to achieve their potential, regardless of their parents’ wealth and class. And we recognize that, as a nation, it is a long way to achieve this goal. But with rights come responsibilities and what worries people is that we are in danger of ignoring the latter.
Far too many children are behaving badly at school, even to the point of being violent to staff. This is terrible enough, but it is hard to be surprised since many children are just mirroring the behaviour of their parents.
My members tell me that parents also come into school often and threaten staff and some staff have been attacked by a pupil’s parents. One father encouraged his child to start a fight on the playground before school started. A primary teacher reported that a parent shouted at him. We need to have a serious and sensible debate about the roles and responsibilities of parents and the support that they can reasonably expect of schools and teachers.
Children will not learn how to behave as social beings if they are stuck in front of the TV for hours every day. They need their parents to show an interest in them and to spend time with them, helping them to play with their peers(同龄人) and to learn the rules of social behavior.
Children are now arriving at school socially undeveloped, increasingly unable to dress themselves, unable to use the toilet properly, unable to hold a knife and fork and unused to eating at a table, Mary Bousted, general secretary of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers, writes in today’s Observer. Instead of taking responsibility themselves, too many parents expect teachers to control their children’s behaviour and wellbeing, she adds. Bousted says one mother blamed staff when she discovered that her 16-year-old son was smoking.
We are in danger of becoming a nation of families living separate lives under one roof. The bedroom, once a place to sleep, has become the living space for the young. Spending hours in front of computer screens, on social networking sites or being immersed(沉迷于) in computer games, children and young people spend little time with their parents. Parents are unable to monitor just what their children are watching.
Schools cannot right the wrongs of society and teachers cannot become substitute parents. Both parties need to work together. Parents must be helped and given confidence to take back control. They are responsible for setting boundaries for their children"s behaviour and sticking to those boundaries. They are responsible for setting a good example to their children and for devoting that most precious of resources — time — so that children come to school ready and willing to learn.
小题1:In the opinion of the writer, what problem do people ignore?
A.The violence in the school
B.The study pressure of students.
C.The responsibilities of the students
D.The right to achieve students’ potential.
小题2:The underlined part in Paragraph 7 means _____.
A.parents care little about children’s life at home
B.parents and children live in their separate rooms
C.children don’t live with their parents in the same house
D.children live a different life from that of parents at home
小题3:The author’s attitude to the behaviour of parents may be ______.
小题4:From the last paragraph, we can infer that ______.
A.teachers have no responsibility for playing the role of parents
B.schools can’t correct the wrongs that society does to teachers
C.students are responsible for making themselves known in society
D.parents should spend time with children to make them ready to learn



小题1:C段落理解题。Every child, regardless of the circumstances into which they are born, has the right to achieve their potential, regardless of their parents’ wealth and class. And we recognize that, as a nation, it is a long way to achieve this goal. But with rights come responsibilities and what worries people is that we are in danger of ignoring the latter.大意为:不管孩子的出生环境怎么样,也不管父母的财富和等级,每个孩子都有发展潜能的权力,我们已经意识到了这一点,但是在发展权力的同时,伴随而来的是责任,而我们去忽视了后者,故答案应为C。
小题2:A细节理解题。One father encouraged his child to start a fight on the playground before school started. A primary teacher reported that a parent shouted at him. We need to have a serious and sensible debate about the roles and responsibilities of parents and the support that they can reasonably expect of schools and teachers.在文中作者列举了两个例子,一个父亲鼓励他的孩子在操场上去和别人打架。一对孩子的父母对一位老师训斥,父母需要担起他们的责任和角色。由此可以看出作者对父母的表现是不满意的,故答案应为A。
It"s really true what people say about English politeness: it"s everywhere. When squeezing past someone in a narrow passage, people say "sorry". When getting off a bus, English passengers say "thank you" rather than the driver. In Germany, people would never dream of doing these things. After all, squeezing past others is sometimes unavoidable, and the bus driver is only doing his job. I used to think the same way, without questioning it, until I started traveling to the British Isles, and here are some more polite ways of interacting (交往) with people in UK.
People thank each other everywhere in England, all the time. When people buy something in a shop, customers and retail assistants in most cases thank each other twice or more. In Germany, it would be exceptional to hear more than one thank you in such a conversation. British students thank their lecturers when leaving the room. English employers thank their employees for doing their jobs, as opposite to Germans, who would normally think that paying their workers money is already enough.
Another thing I observed during my stay was that English people rarely criticize others. Even when I was working and mistakes were pointed out to me, my employers emphasized several times but none of their explanations were intended as criticism. It has been my impression that by avoiding criticism, English people are making an effort to make others feel comfortable. This also is showed in other ways. British men still open doors for women, and British men are more likely to treat women to a meal than German men. However, I do need to point out here that this applies to English men a bit more than it would to Scottish men! Yes, the latter are a bit tightfisted.
小题1:What is the author"s attitude towards English politeness?
A.He thinks it is artificial. B.He thinks little of it.
C.He appreciates it very much. D.He thinks it goes too far.
小题2: What can be inferred from the passage?
A.The author think it"s unnecessary to say "thank you" to the bus driver.
B.In Germany, employers often say "thank you" to employees for their job.
C.German men never treat a woman to dinner.
D.Germans think it is unnecessary to thank workers because payment is enough.
小题3:We can learn from the last paragraph that Scottish men _______.
A.are more likely to be involved in a fighting
B.are as generous as English men
C.treat women in a polite way
D.are unwilling to spend money for women
小题4:Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.English drivers often say "thank you" to passengers when they get off the bus.
B.In Germany, passengers sometimes say "thank you" to bus drivers.
C.English people try to avoid criticizing others in the daily life.
D.Germans are more considerate and polite than Englishmen.
小题5:The author develops the text through the method of
A.making comparisons B.telling stories
C.giving comments D.giving reasons/examples

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小题1:Considering all imports and exports, what statement can be made about Panland’s trade?
A.Panland imports food and exports raw materials(原材料).
B.Panland imports manufactured goods(加工品) and exports food.
C.Panland imports manufactured goods and exports raw materials.
D.Panland imports raw materials and exports manufactured goods.
小题2: With which of the following does Panland carry on the most trade?
A.Asia.B.Africa.C.Middle East. D.United States.
小题3:What is probably Panland’s largest import from the Middle East?
A.oilB.food C.wood D.cotton
小题4:Judging from its economy, it could be concluded that most of Panland’s working people are _____
A.farmersB.fishing people
C.unskilled laborers D.skilled factory workers

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Special Bridges Help Animals Cross the Road
----- Reported by Sheila Carrick
Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side. Most people know this joke. But recently, some people have been much more concerned with how the grizzly bear and mountain lion can cross the road. Millions of animals die each year on U.S. roads, the Federal Highway Administration reports. In fact, only about 80 ocelots, an endangered wild cat, exist in the U.S. today. The main reason? Road kill. "Ecopassages" may help animals cross the road without being hit by cars. They are paths both over and under roads. "These ecopassages can be extremely useful, so that wildlife can avoid human conflicts, " said Jodi Hilty of the Wildlife Conservation Society. But do animals actually use the ecopassages?The answer is yes. Paul Beier of Northern Arizona University found foot marks left by mountain lions on an ecopassage that went under a highway. This showed that the lion used the passage. Builders of some ecopassages try to make them look like a natural part of an area by planting trees on and around them. Animals seem to be catching on. Animals as different as salamanders and grizzly bears are using the bridges and underpasses. The next time you visit a park or drive through an area with a lot of wildlife, look around. You might see an animal overpass!
小题1:The writer uses the example of “ocelots” to show that_________.
A.wild animals have become more dangerous
B.the driving conditions have improved greatly
C.the measure for protecting wildlife fails to work
D.an increasing number of animals are killed in road accidents
小题2:When the writer says that animals seem “to be catching on”, he means_________.
A.animals begin to realize the dangers on the road
B.animals begin to learn to use ecopassages
C.animals are crossing the road in groups
D.animals are increasing in number
小题3:The writer asks visitors and drivers to look around when traveling because_________.
A.wild animals may attack cars
B.wild animals may jam the road
C.they may see wild animals in the park
D.they may see wild animals on ecopassages

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Understanding the process of making career choices and managing your career is a basic life skill that everyone should understand.
Your career decisions have such a profound effect on all aspects of your life. It’s important to have the knowledge and resources needed to make smart, informed decisions. Whether you are looking for a new job, aiming to take the next step at your current job or planning your retirement options, you are making career decisions. Using good resources and the guidance of a career counselor can help you to make those decisions well.
Many people mistakenly believe that choosing a career is a one-time event that happens some time in early adulthood. However, career management is actually a life-long process, and we continue to make consequential (重大的) career choices over the years. When people want to take action in their career, career management and job search are about so much more than writing a good resume. If you learn about and act on the following areas of career management, you’ll be rewarded throughout your career.
Your interests, abilities, values, personal needs and realities should all be taken into account in any career decision making process. You spend countless hours at work, and it impacts your life in so many ways; it makes sense that you should be fully informed before making such profound decisions.
Do you know how many different career choices are available to you? Both The Dictionary of Occupational Titles (American) and The National Occupational Classification (Canadian) list well over 20,000 different job titles. So unless you’ve actively explored a variety of career options, there’s a very good chance that there are great possibilities available to you, and you don’t even realize they exist.
Match your understanding of yourself with your understanding of possible career options. Once you have developed a good understanding of yourself, you will be able to combine that self-knowledge with your career and labor market research to determine potential careers that are a great fit for you.
When you’ve made a well informed decision, then you’re ready to make it happen. Making use of good career guidance and resources will help you to acquire the education, skills, and experience needed to get the job and learn and implement (实施) effective job search strategies.
Time spent understanding your needs, researching your career options and developing outstanding job search skills, guided by great career resources, is a powerful investment in your future.
小题1:What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.In the process of making career decisions, people should consider interests, abilities, values, personal needs and realities.
B.All the people should have a good knowledge of how to make career choices and manage their career.
C.Career decisions have a great impact on people’s life.
D.There are various possibilities available to you of making career decisions.
小题2:How many tips does the author give on career management?
A.1.B.2. C.3.D.4.
小题3:It can be inferred that _______.
A.career decision is misunderstood by many people because they don’t take it as a life-long process
B.your career will be definitely successful if you make a well informed decision
C.making yourself understood can help you make a final choice
D.writing a good resume can find a good job
小题4:Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A.Your interests in the occupation you choose are vital.
B.Good career guidance and resources can help you gain the skills and experience.
C.You are to make significant decisions without good resources and the guidance of a career adviser.
D.Planning your retirement options is related to career management.

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Many drivers say the large digital billboards flashing ads every few seconds along Bay Area freeways are just too bright and too distracting. And they may be right.
A Swedish study published in the journal Traffic Injury Prevention concludes that digital billboards hold the gazes of drivers longer than two seconds. Previous studies have shown that anything that takes a driver’s eyes off the road for that length of time increases the risks of a crash. “This study proves what is common sense when it comes to digital billboards,” says Mary Tracy, president of Scenic America, a national nonprofit group that seeks to limit billboards. “Bright, constantly changing signs on the sides of roads are meant to attract and keep the attention of drivers, and this study confirms that this is exactly what they do.”
The Federal Highway Administration allowed digital signs for the first time in 2007 after concluding they did not pose a significant danger. But a follow-up report is pending (待定的) and could be released this year. California has no law banning the billboards, and is one of 39 states that allows them. “We would need to review more research, so it’s too early to call for a ban,” says Jonathan Adkins, executive director of the Governors Highway Safety Association. “There is a role for digital messaging, such as conveying urgent information and other safety messages.”
There are more than 1,800 digital billboards nationwide, more than double the number five years ago. While no data indicate an increase in accidents due to the Bay Area signs, many drivers are opposed to them.
“Monstrosities” is what Merlin Dorfman of San Jose calls them, while insurance agent David Whitlock says he has found them a major distraction. “They’re much too bright at night,” he says. “When the advertisement switches from a bright color to a darker one, your eyes cannot adjust fast enough, and you end up losing sight of the roadway.”
Officials with sign companies could not be reached for comment, but Bryan Parker, an executive vice president for Clear Channel Outdoor, told USA Today last year that “there’s no doubt in my mind that they are not a driving distraction.”
小题1:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.The brightness of digital billboards is harmful to people’s eyes.
B.The Federal Highway Administration banned digital signs in 2013.
C.There is evidence indicating an increase in accidents duo to digital billboards.
D.Digital billboards are used to convey messages.
小题2:What do we learn from the text?
A.Scenic America is an organization that is in favor of digital billboards.
B.Drivers in the Bay Area are against the digital billboards.
C.California has banned digital billboards.
D.There were about 1,800 digital billboards nationwide five years ago.
小题3:What is Bryan Parker’s attitude towards digital billboards?
小题4:What is the main idea of the text?
A.Studies have shown digital billboards pose a danger to drivers.
B.People’s eyes cannot adjust fast enough to the brightness of digital billboards.
C.A study says flashing digital billboards are too distracting.
D.Experts doubt it is necessary to limit digital billboards.
小题5:We are most likely to find the text in the ________ section of a magazine.
A.international cultureB.traffic and safety
C.fashion and travelD.personal health

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