In Daniel Gilbert’s 2006 book "Stumbling(跌撞) on Happiness," the Harvard professo

In Daniel Gilbert’s 2006 book "Stumbling(跌撞) on Happiness," the Harvard professo

In Daniel Gilbert’s 2006 book "Stumbling(跌撞) on Happiness," the Harvard professor of psychology looks at several studies and concludes that marital(婚姻的) satisfaction decreases after the birth of the first child and increases only when the last child has left home. He also declares that parents are happier grocery shopping and even sleeping than spending time with their kids.
The most recent comprehensive study on the emotional state of those with kids shows us that the term "bundle of joy" may not be the most accurate way to describe our kids. "Parents experience lower levels of emotional well-being, less frequent positive emotions and more frequent negative emotions than their childless peers," says Florida State University’s Robin Simon, a sociology professor.
Simon received plenty of hate mail in response to her research,which isn’t surprising. Her findings shake the very foundation of what we’ve been raised to believe is true. In a recent NEWSWEEK Poll, 50 percent of Americans said that adding new children to the family tends to increase happiness levels. But which parent is willing to admit that the greatest gift life has to offer has in fact made his or her life less enjoyable?
Is it possible that American parents have always been this disillusioned(有幻觉的)? In pre-industrial America, parents certainly loved their children, but their kids also served a purpose—to work the farm, contribute to the household. Today, we have kids more for emotional reasons, but an increasingly complicated work and social environment has made finding satisfaction far more difficult. Raising children has not only become more complicated, it has become more expensive as well. The National Marriage Project’s 2006 report says that parents have significantly lower marital satisfaction than nonparents because they experienced more single and child-free years than previous generations.
As for those of us with kids, all the news isn’t bad. Parents still report feeling a greater sense of purpose and meaning in their lives than those who’ve never had kids. And there are other rewarding aspects of parenting that are impossible to quantify.
What’s the main idea of the book Stumbling on Happiness?
A.Parents are happier shopping than looking after their children.
B.Once they have children, the couples can never be as happy as before.
C.Compared with their childless peers, parents are leading a sad life.
D.The adding of children at home brings down marital satisfaction.
. What can we infer from Para.3?
A.The Newsweek Poll shows that people think Prof. Simon’s finding is right.
B.Many people can’t accept the fact that they are not happy with their children.
C.It isn’t surprising that Professor Simon’s controversial research made her famous.
D.Simon’s findings are based on the belief passed down from generation to generation.
What can we learn about American’s families in the past?
A.People had very good parents-children relationship in the family.
B.Having children could be partly out of some practical purposes.
C.Parents loved their children but they still asked them to work a lot.
D.Children had to work very hard to make their parents love them.
What’s the author’s opinion about having children?
A.The author doesn’t think having children is a good thing to the family.
B.The author feels children make the life of a family happy.
C.The author thinks parenting can still be rewarding in a certain way.
D.The author believes that parents sacrifice a lot for having children.



小题1:根据concludes that marital(婚姻的) satisfaction decreases after the birth of the first child and increases only when the last child has left home.描述可知选D。
小题1:根据In a recent NEWSWEEK Poll, 50 percent of Americans said that adding new children to the family tends to increase happiness levels.描述可知选B,很多人不能接受他们对他们的孩子不高兴的事实。
小题1:根据In pre-industrial America, parents certainly loved their children, but their kids also served a purpose—to work the farm, contribute to the household.描述可知过去美国父母要孩子部分是处于实用目的,故选B。
What’s your dream vacation? Watching wildlife in Kenya? Boating down the Amazon? Sunbathing in Malaysia? New chances are opening up all the time to explore the world. So we visit travel agents, compare packages and prices, and pay our money.
We know what our vacation costs us. But do we know what it might cost someone else? It’s true that many poorer countries now depend on tourism for foreign income. Unfortunately, though, tourism often harms the local people more than it helps them.
It might cost their homes and lands. In Myanmar, 5,200 people were forced to leave their homes among the pagodas(佛塔)in Bagan so that tourists could visit the pagodas.
Tourism might also cost the local people their livelihood and dignity. Local workers often find only menial(卑微的)jobs in the tourist industry. And most of the profits do not help the local economy. Instead, profits return to the tour operators in wealthier countries. When the Maasai people in Tanzania were driven from their lands, some moved to city slums. Others now make a little money selling souvenirs or posing for photos.
Problems like these were observed more than 20 years ago. But now some non-government organizations, tour operators and local governments are working together to begin correcting them. Tourists, too, are putting on the pressure.
The result is responsible tourism, or“ethical tourism.”Ethical tourism has people at its heart. New international agreements and codes of conduct can help protect the people’s lands, homes, economies and cultures. The beginnings are small, though, and the problems are complex.
But take heart. The good news is that everyone, including us, can play a part to help the local people in the places we visit. Tour operators and companies can help by making sure that local people work in good conditions and earn reasonable wages.
They can make it a point to use only locally owned hotels, restaurants and guide services. They can share profits fairly to help the local economy. And they can involve the local people in planning and managing tourism.
What can tourists do? First, we can ask tour companies to provide information about the conditions of local citizens. We can then make our choices and tell them why. And while we’re abroad, we can:
★Buy local foods and products, not imported ones.
★Pay a fair price for goods and services and not bargain for the cheapest price.
★Avoid flaunting(炫耀) wealth.
★Ask before taking photographs of people. They are not just part of the landscape! Let’s enjoy our vacation and make sure others do, too.
.What is probably the best title for the article?
A.Tourism Causes Bad EffectsB.Tourism Calls for Good Behavior
C.Vacations Bring a Lot of FunD.Vacations Cost More Than You Think
The underlined phrase“take heart”means“     ”. attentionB.take careC.cheer upD.calm down
According to the passage, the writer thinks     .
A.tourism is not a promising industry.
B.dream vacations should be spent abroad
C.the problems caused by tourism are easy to settle.
D.tourists should respect local customs and culture

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If you know exactly what you want, the best way to get a job is to get specialized training. A recent survey shows that companies like graduates in such fields as business and health care who can go to work immediately with very little on-the-job training. 
That’s especially true of booming fields that are challenging for workers. At Cornell’s School of Hotel Administration, for example, bachelor’s degree graduates get an average of four or five job offers with salaries ranging from the high teens to the low 20s and plenty of chances for rapid advancement. Large companies, especially, like a background of formal education coupled with work experience. But in the long run, too much specialization doesn’t pay off. Business, which has been flooded with MBAs, no longer considers the degree an automatic stamp of approval. The MBA may open doors and command a higher salary initially, but the effect of a degree washes out after five years.
As further evidence of companies gradually losing faith in specialized degrees, Michigan State’s Scheetz mentions a pattern in hiring practices. Although companies tend to take on specialists as new hires, they often seek out generalists for middle and upper-level management.  “They want someone who isn’t constrained(限制)by details to look at the big picture,” says  Scheetz. This sounds like a formal statement that you approve of the liberal-arts (文科)graduates. Time and again labor-market analysts mention a need for talents that liberal-arts majors are assumed to have: writing and communication skills, organizational skills, open-mindedness and adaptability, and the ability to analyze and solve problems. David Birch, manager of the Boston Red Sox, claims he does not hire anybody with an MBA or an engineering degree, “I hire only liberal-arts people because they have a less-than-canned way of doing things,” says Birch.
For a liberal-arts degree, students focus on some basic courses that include literature, history, mathematics, economics, science, human behavior—plus a computer course or two. With these useful and important courses, you can feel free to specialize, “A liberal-arts degree coupled with an MBA or some other technical training is a very good combination in the marketplace,” says Scheetz. 
What kinds of people are in high demand on the job market?
A.Students with a bachelor’s degree in humanities.
B.People with an MBA degree from top universities.
C.People with formal schooling plus work experience.
D.People with special training in engineering
By saying “…but the effect of a degree washes out after five years”(Para 2), the author means     
A.most MBA programs fail to provide students with a solid foundation MBA degree does not help in the future promotion
C.MBA programs will not be as popular in five years’ time as they are now
D.people will not forget about the degree the MBA graduates have got
According to Scheetz’s statement ( Para. 3), companies prefer people who     
A.have a strategic mind B.are talented in fine arts
C.are ambitious and aggressive D.have received training in mechanics
David Birch claims that he only hires liberal-arts people because they     
A.are more capable of handling changing situations
B.can stick to established ways of solving problems
C.are thoroughly trained in a variety of specialized fields
D.have attended special programs in management
Which of the following statements does the author support?
A.Specialists are more expensive to hire than generalists.
B.Formal schooling is less important than job training.
C.On-the-job training is, in the long run, less costly.
D.Generalists will do better than specialists in management.

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Roslyn Hing School on long Island recently started a pilot program using iPads in some classrooms.
A growing number of schools across the U.S.are multimedia,history through gamse and math with step-by -step animation(动画)of complex problems.
As part of a pilot program,Roslyn High School handed out 47 iPads on Dec.20,2010 to the students and teachers in two humanities(人文学科)classes. The school district hopes to provide iPads eventually to all 1,100 of its students.
The iPads are to be used in class and at hom during the school year to replace texbooks,allow students to correspond with teachers and tum in papers and homework tasks,and preserve a rocord of student work in digital files.
“It allows us to extend the classes beyond these four walls.”said larry Reiff,an English teacher at Roslyn who now posts all his course mateials online.
But educators are still divided over whether practices to give every student a laptop have made a difference academically.
“Thre is very little evidence that kids learn more,faster of better by using these machines,”said Larry Cuban,a retried professor of eduction at Staford University.“IPads are excellent tools to attract kids,but then the fieshness wears off and you eget int hard-core problems of teaching and learning.”
But school leaders say the iPad is not just a cool new toy but rather a powerful and multifunctional tool with a number of applications,including thousands with educational uses.
“If there isn"t an application that does something I need ,there will be sooner or later,”said Mr.Reiff,who said he now used an application that includes all of Shakespare"s plays.
小题1:The program of using iPads in class is            .
A.widely accepted by most schools in the United States
B.only an experimental one carried out in some schools
C.a compulsory one carried out by the U.S government
D.encouraged and organized by the iPad company
小题2:The underlined part “these four walls”in paragraph 5 refers to    . campus
C.teacher"s classroom
小题3:We can use iPads to do the following at school except     .
A.replace the school textbooksB.keep digital record of homework
C.judge the teachers"teachingD.communicate with teachers
小题4:The school leaders tink highly of the iPad mainly because it is       . and interestingB.powerful and helpful
C.multifunctional and expensiveD.attractive and vivid
小题5:We can infer from the passage that     .
A.most old teachers are against the pilot program
B.students have achieved a lot after using iPads
C.teaching will become less important with the help of ipads
D.iPads will be used is more and more schools in the US

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There is that great idea that in an information and knowledge based economy, the most important thing for companies is attracting and holding outstanding talented guys.Obviously I will not say that is not important, but in my opinion a successful and groundbreaking company cannot be built just from the collection of high talented people, as a great sports team can"t be constructed only by the collection of great players.
It is more important to build teams of people that achieve the goals according to the company"s organizational vision.It is necessary to create organizations where everybody (with outstanding talent or not) can develop their best personal capabilities and that these capacities are addressed to achieve the corporate goals and mission.The company efforts must be addressed to design an organizational system that produces and uses talent from everyone in the company.
Trying to get the best from our people through corporate team building policies, establishing a concrete corporate culture and values, making our company a place where people want to work because it is a good place to stay and develop their capacities, is the best way to compete in the knowledge economy.That will keep us out of the obligation to constantly seek for the "best players" and entering in the retribution auctions(拍卖).
We have to take into account that, nowadays, the real talented and creative people, like to work or engage themselves in projects where they can develop their capacities, they can be involved in the organizational goals and vision, and where they are treated with respect and dignity.Definitively, they want to be happy doing their jobs.And we have to build organizations where they can find that.
.The underlined word that in Paragraph 1 refers to ________.
A.information and knowledgeB.the great idea
C.the collection of talented peopleD.attracting and holding talented people
.In the author’s opinion, a good company should consist of ________.
A.only outstanding peopleB.both talented and common people
C.only common peopleD.more talented people than common people
The most important thing a successful company should do is ________.
A.constantly seek for talented people
B.employ people with different abilities
C.make the company a place where employees are glad to devote themselves to work
D.make the company a place where employees can get the best pay and great respect
According to Paragraph 3, the company can get the best from its employees in the following ways EXCEPT ________.
A.making corporate team building rules
B.forming corporate culture and values
C.encouraging them to develop their abilities
D.competing in the knowledge economy

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You can tell a lot about a person from the clothes they wear, but you can also tell a lot about a person simply from the handbags they carry. It"s hard to believe, but you can find out a number of things about a woman"s personality just by looking at the type of handbag she sports. Below you will find a number of handbag styles and colors as well as what each specific type of handbag says about the owner.
Under-the Shoulder – handbags which are smaller and fit tightly underneath the shoulder indicate class and sophistication. A women working in an upscale office or someone of high stature would choose this form of handbag.
Big and Bulky – Big, bulky and oversized bags are casual and are often associated with younger individuals. These are used for individuals who carry a number of things (binders, books etc) and require a lot of space. Down-to-earth, lower-maintenance women would carry this type of handbag.
Designer – Designer handbags often cost an arm and a leg and therefore are usually associated with high-maintenance females. Females who are confident and require top of the line accessories will settle for nothing less than a name-brand designer purse. Guys – watch out for these girls, they tend to be a handful.
Cigar Box Purses – A women who carries a cigar box purse likes to be unique and stand out from the crowd. These women have minds of their own and cannot be told what to do. They are comfortable in their own skin and tend to be very independent.
Leather with Buckles and Zippers – women who choose leather purses with lots of buckles and zippers are leashing out their wild sides. These women tend to act before they think and are always ready for a good time. The extra buckles and zippers tend to signify a "bad girl" image.
Bright Colors – Bright colored handbags like pink, purple, bright blue and green indicate that the woman is fun, friendly and approachable. women who are out-going and sociable will tend to choose these colors. This is the type of woman who will strike up a conversation with a complete stranger.
Black and Brown – women who choose black or brown handbags tend to be more formal in manners and are often mistaken as being snobby or restricted. These types of handbags are often associated with down-to-earth women, who are shy at first, but open up after a while. They tend to exude a shy confidence, which is sometimes mistaken as someone who thinks she"s better than others.
The style and color of your handbag says a lot about you. Choose your handbag very carefully and remember you can choose more than one style. You may feel like being reserved one day and the center of attention another…it"s natural to want different things in life.
小题1:. Who is likely to start a conversation with a complete stranger according to the passage?
A.A woman with her handbag carried under the shoulder.
B.A woman carrying an oversized handbag.
C.A woman carrying a bright colored handbag.
D.A woman who chooses a black or brown handbag.
小题2:.Women who choose leather purses with lots of buckles and zippers probably ______.
A. make careful decisions                 B. enjoy having fun
C. act in bad manners                    D. become bad girls
43. Which of the following can best describe women who choose black or brown handbag?
A. Reserved     B. Friendly     C. Wild     D. Unique
小题3:.A woman who carries a cigar box purse likes to ______.
A.follow others’ a simple lifeC.act to their own with others

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