Some families live quite far in the UK.Visiting them can either be an adventure

Some families live quite far in the UK.Visiting them can either be an adventure

Some families live quite far in the UK.Visiting them can either be an adventure or a chore(麻烦事).It depends on how much family members like each other.
If all goes well,kids have an exciting time.Your relatives will plan different fun activities and make you happy.Taking you to visit relatives gives your parents a chance to rest.It gives older relatives a good chance to relive the time when they had young kids.If they do not have children of their own,they get to play parent for a while.
I remember that Blackpool Pleasure Beach was the place I liked to go with my grandparents
It is an amusement park on the northwest coast.It is packed with roller coasters(过山车)and candy stalls(糖果摊).You could race small boats on a lake or scare yourself into death riding the ghost train.I had good memories of my time there.
As you get older,you suddenly become the one who must help your relatives with their kids.I have four COUSINS aged between one and eleven.They are fantastic and I really enjoy seeing them.However,it is very tiring,as they get so excited and energetic(充满活力).I fall asleep hoping they will remember our good times when they get older.
小题1:If all goes well,visiting relatives far away can be _____for kids.
A.dangerous B.exciting C.boringD.hard
小题2:By saying “relive the time”,the author means the old relatives enjoy______.
A.sharing old memoriesB.eating lots of food
C.watching old movies D.going out together
小题3:The author feel tired after playing with his cousins because_________.
A.his cousins are funnyB.he enjoys playing with them
C.he doesn’t like childrenD.his cousins have too much energy
小题4:The best title for this passage is      
A.My Favorite Amusement ParkB.Fun Playing with Cousins
C.Visiting Relatives in the UK D.Childhood Memories



In order to separate loving parents from their freshman sons, Morehouse College in Atlanta has held a/an ___36_____"Parting Ceremony."
When University of Minnesota freshmen ____37_____ at the end of this month, parental separation will be a little trickier: mothers and fathers will be ___38_____ to a reception elsewhere ___39_____ students can meet their roommates and talk about dorm room space -- _____40_____ adult breaking in.
In the latest wave in which superinvolved parents ____41_____ their children to college, universities are ____42_____activities ____43_____to speed the separation. In the age of MSN and twice-daily texts home, ___44______colleges are urging "sticky parents" to leave sooner so students can ___45____independence.
Grinnell College here, like others, has found it ____46____ to make it clear when parents _____47__ say goodbye. After computer printers and bags had been carried to dorm rooms, everyone gathered in the gymnasium, students on one side, _____48____on the other.
Shortly____49______, mothers and fathers were urged to leave campus.
Moving their students in usually takes a few hours. Moving on? Most deans can tell _____50_____of parents who hang around campus for days. At Colgate University in Hamilton, N.Y. "We recognize it"s a ____51______ day for families," Beverly Low, the dean(学监) of first-year students said.___52___, during various parent meetings on Colgate"s move-in day, Ms. Low and other officials plan to tell the parents ____53_____ that "activities for the class of freshmen begin at 4 on time, so parents should leave before 4." she said.
Formal departure ceremonies are unusual __54___ growing in popularity, said Joyce Holl, head of the National Orientation Directors Association. A more common method is for colleges to limit the hour for last hugs.____55_____, the parents of Princeton freshmen learn from the move-in schedule, "the rest events are intended for students only."
小题1:A  formal                 B  informal                 C  casual              D  grand  
小题2:A  move out              B  move in                  C  move around    D  graduate
小题3:A  sent                     B  driven                    C  invited             D  called on
小题4:A  so                        B  but                         C  still                 D  yet
小题5:A  with                     B  as                           C  where              D  without 
小题6:A  rescue                  B  deliver                    C  bring               D  release
小题7:A  running out          B  taking out               C  carrying out     D  picking out
小题8:A  wanted                 B  meant                     C  devoted           D  prepared
小题9:A  in which               B  which                     C  how                D  where  
小题10:A  form                  B  create                     C  increase           D  develop
小题11:A  necessary            B  unimportant            C  useless             D  difficult  
小题12:A  will                    B  need                       C  must                D  would  
小题13:A  teachers              B  police                     C  professors        D  parents
小题14:A  before                B  after                       C  later                D  passed
小题15:A  news                  B  comments               C  stories             D  shadows
小题16:A  little                   B  huge                       C  long                D  large  
小题17:A  Still                   B  Therefore                C  Thus                D  Whereas
小题18:A  rudely                B  directly                   C  conveniently    D  hardly   
小题19:A  and                    B  but                         C  however          D  so
小题20:A  For the time beingB  For a long time      C  For example     D  For a change
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The evidence for harmony may not be obvious in some families. But it seems that four out of five young people now get on with their parents, which is the opposite of the popularly held image (印象) of unhappy teenagers locked in their room after endless family quarrels.
An important new study into teenage attitudes surprisingly shows that their family life is more harmonious than it has ever been in the past. “We were surprised by just how positive today’s young people seen to be about their families,” said one member of the research team. “They’re expected to be rebellious(叛逆的) and selfish but actually they have other things on their minds: they want a car and material goods, and they worry about whether school is serving them well. There’s more negotiation(商议) and discussion between parents and children, and children expect to take part in the family decision-making process. They don’t want to rock the boat.”
So it seems that this generation of parents is much more likely than parents of 30 years ago to treat their children as friends.” My parents are happy to discuss things with me and willing to listen to me,” says 17-years-old Daniel Lazall. “I always tell them when I’m going out clubbing. As long as they know what I’m doing, they’re fine with it.” Susan Crome, who is now 21, agrees. “Looking back on the last 10 years, there was a lot of what you could call negotiation. For example, as long as I’d done all my homework, I could go out on a Saturday night. But I think my grandparents were a lot stricter with my parents than that.”
Maybe this positive view of family life should not be unexpected. It is possible that the idea of teenager rebellion is not rooted in real facts. A researcher comments, “Our surprise that teenagers say they get along well with their parents comes because of a brief period in out social history when teenagers were regarded as different beings. But that idea of rebelling and breaking away from their parents really only happened during that one time in the 1960s when everyone rebelled. The normal situation throughout history has been a smooth change from helping out with the family business to taking it over.”
小题1: What is the popular images of teenagers today?
A.They worry about schoolB.They dislike living with their parents
C.They have to be locked in to avoid troubles D.They quarrel a lot with other family members
小题2:The study shows that teenagers don’t want to ___
A.share family responsibilityB.cause trouble in their families
C.go boating with their familyD.make family decisions
小题3:Compared with parents of 30 years age, today’s parents___.
A.go to clubs more often with their childrenB.are much stricter with their children less about their children’s lifeD.give their children more freedom
小题4: According to the author, teenage rebellion____.
A.may be a false common nowadays
C.existed only in the 1960sD.resulted from changes in families

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At a primary school in a small town in the east of South Carolina, second-grade teachers Garneau and Lynne are convinced that separating elementary-age boys and girls produces immediate academic improvement in both genders(性别).
David Chadwell, South Carolina’s coordinator of single gender education says, “Boys and girls learn, hear and respond to their surroundings differently. We can teach boys and girls based on what we now know.”
Male and female eyes are not organized in the same way, he explains. The composition of the male eye makes it sensitive to motion and direction. “Boys interpret the world as objects moving through space,” he says.
The male eye is also drawn to cooler colors like silver and black. It’s no accident boys tend to create pictures of moving objects instead of drawing the happy colorful family, like girls do in their class.
The female eye, on the other hand, is drawn to warmer colors like red, yellow and orange. To attract girls, Chadwell says, the teacher doesn’t need to move as much as in boy’s class. Using descriptive phrases and lots of colors in presentations or on the blackboard gets their attention.
Boys and girls also hear differently. “When someone speaks in a loud tone, girls interpret it as yelling,” Chadwell says. “They think you’re mad and can shut down.” Girls are more sensitive to sounds. He advises girls’ teachers to watch the tone of their voices. Boys’ teachers should sound more forceful, even excited.
A boy’s nervous system causes him to be more cautious when he is standing, moving, and the room temperature is around 69 degrees Fahrenheit. Stress in boys, he says, tends to increase blood flow to their brains, a process that helps them stay focused. Girls are more focused when seated in a warmer room around 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Girls also respond to stress differently. When exposed to threat and conflict, blood goes to their guts(肠道), leaving them feeling nervous or anxious.
These differences can be applied in the classroom, Chadwell adds. “Single gender programs are about maximizing the learning.”
小题1:What is David Chadwell’s attitude toward separating elementary-age boys and girls while learning?
小题2: To engage boy in a class, the teacher ______.
A.must have a moving object in this handB.needs to wear clothes in warm color
C.has to speak politelyD.had better move constantly while teaching
小题3:Which of the following shows the organization of the passage?
(=" Paragraph" 1 ‚=" Paragraph" 2 ƒ=" Paragraph" 3  ….. ˆ=" Paragraph" 8)
小题4:Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A.Ways of teaching boys and ways of teaching girls
B.Boys and girls should be separated
C.How boys and girls learn differently
D.How to teach more effectively
小题5:Which of the following students is most likely to be focused?
A.A boy sitting in a warm roomB.A standing boy who is faced with stress
C.A girl standing in a cold roomD.A girl who is facing a lot of pressure

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Are you tired of looking for love in all the usual places? Nowadays, millions of lonely singles are now going online instead.The World Wide Web is quickly becoming the world’s most popular matchmaker.With so many singles online, dozens of dating sites like Yahoo Personals and are helping singles find that special someone.Around the world, from America to China, love is now very much online.
Singles are flocking to the Internet mainly because their busy lifestyles leave them little time to look for a significant other.Using dating sites is quick and convenient.They can “meet” a lot more people online than they could by hanging out at a club.Besides , many singles say the regular dating scene has just led them from one bad experience to another and are ready to try something else.They also appreciate the first distance of online dating, which allows them to hide themselves until they are ready to meet someone face to face.Dating sites also make it easy to avoid someone you are not interested in.In the real world, however, ignoring someone you don’t like can be awkward.
Despite all the advantages, online dating also presents its own set of problems.People aren’t always who they claim to be in their online profiles.For instance, someone who tells you he is “handsome, successful and single” might turn out to be homely, unemployed and married.Safety is another concern.You are just as likely to find a criminal online as you are Mr or Miss Right.
Even so, supporters of online dating see things in a positive way.In their opinion, singles can safely play the online dating game with a little common sense.Online dating experts recommend following a few safety tips:
Guard your personal information.Never give out your personal information online.This includes your last name, phone number, home address and place of work.
Watch for red flags.Do any of the people you are chatting with make disrespectful comments? Do they try to control you? Do they give false information about themselves? If so, forget them!
Meet in a safe place.When meeting someone in person, choose a public location with other people around.
Following these tips and you might be able to find the person of your dreams.
小题1:According to the passage, many lonely singles don’t appreciate the regular dating scene because it is ___.
A.unpopular   B.troublesomeC.convenient D.forgettable
小题2:This passage is mainly about  
A.getting tired of falling in love in a usual way
B.people with false information on the Internet technology to find love through the Interent
D.web sites such as Yahoo Personals and
小题3:Which of the following is NOT a suitable place for meeting someone you get to know through the Internet for the first time according to the text?
A.At his/her house.     B.At a museum.
C.At McDonald’s.  D.At a bookstore.
小题4:From this passage ,we can infer that  
A.there are mostly homely and unemployed people online
B.the police had better find criminals online
C.we can find love only through the dating sites
D.following safety tips ensure a safe online dating experience

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Millions of people are now using what are called“peer-to-peer”networks. Basically, you link your computer to other computers all across the country, mostly so you can give something in exchange for music for free.“But here"s the problem,”“Early Show”Consumer Correspondent Susan Koeppen says as part of the broadcast"s series, “Somebody"s Watching You”: thieves are using the same networks, and they"re not interested in music-they"re seeking access to your financial information.
Beth Pope learned the hard way. When she put peer-to-peer software on her computer, she had one goal in mind: increasing her music library.“I thought I could get access to other people"s music folders and they could have access to my music folders,”she says,“and that was about it. I didn"t think it went any further than that.”
Are Your Medical Records Watched? That is, until she was contacted by the Secret Service-with shocking news-someone had stolen personal information from her computer-using the very software she used to trade music. With the help of David Dunn, a member of the Secret Service Electronic Crimes Task Force, Koeppen decided to see what personal information she could find using a peer-to-peer network.
Thieves typically seek documents such as credit reports, tax returns, or the federal financial student aid application, Dunn says.“Obviously,”says Dunn,“we aren"t going to download it, because it"s someone"s personal information. I"m sure that, whoever (this file sharer) is didn"t want her (student aid application) confirmation number available online for somebody to download.”Pope says she"s done using peer-to-peer.“I"ve gotten all of that off my computer, ”she says.“I pay for music now. It"s the best way to do it. There"s no way that I would ever do that again.”
The trade group for file sharing software companies says they are working on better systems to prevent the misuse of the peer-to-peer networks. Still, Koeppen urges that people, for instance, delete Lime Wire from their computers, or make sure they have the latest version, which should have updated security features.
小题1:Thieves are trying to get access to your computer in order to     .
A.find your personal information
B.see how your computer is working with you you with your system
小题2:Why did Beth Pope use peer-to-peer software?
A.Because she wanted others to use her information.
B.Because she wanted to try it.
C.Because she wanted to increase her music library.
D.Because she wanted to get others" financial information.
小题3:Susan Koeppen tried to      .
A.warn the readers of dangers of sharing music files with others.
B.warn the readers not to share music files with others.
C.tell us a true and funny story
D.advertise the peer-to-peer networks.
小题4: From the passage we get to know      .
A.we shouldn"t believe others.
B.computers make our life easy and comfortable.
C.softwares help us to share music with others
D.everything has two sides, the good side and the bad one

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