BELJLNG-Eating at a Beijing restaurant is usually an adventure for foreigners, a

BELJLNG-Eating at a Beijing restaurant is usually an adventure for foreigners, a


BELJLNG-Eating at a Beijing restaurant is usually an adventure for foreigners, and particularly when they get the chance to order “chicken without sex life” or “red burned lion head”.
Sometimes excited but mostly confused, embarrassed or even terrified, many foreigners have long complained about mistranslations of Chinese dishes. And their complaints are often valid, but such an experience at Beijing’s restaurants will apparently soon be history.
Foreign visitors will no longer, hopefully, be confused by oddly worded restaurant menus in the capital if the government’s plan to correctly translate 3,000 Chinese dishes is a success and the translations are generally adopted.
The municipal(市政)office of foreign affairs has published a book to recommend English translations of Chinese dishes, which aims to help restaurants avoid bizarre translations. It provides the names of main dishes of famous Chinese cuisines in plain English, “an official with the city’s Foreign Affairs office said .” Restaurants are encouraged to use the proposed translations, but it will not be compulsory .“ It’s the city’s latest effort to bridge the culture gap for foreign travelers in China.
Coming up with precise translations is a daunting task, as some Chinese culinary techniques are untranslatable and many Chinese dishes have no English-language equivalent.The translators, after conducting a study of Chinese restaurants in English-speaking countries, divided the dish names into four categories: ingredients, cooking method, taste and name of a person or a place. For some traditional dishes, pinyin, the Chinese phonetic system, is used, such as mapo tofu(previously often literally translated as “beancurd made by woman with freckles”), baozi(steamed stuffed bun ) and jiaozi (dumplings) to “reflect the Chinese cuisine culture,” according to the book.
“The book is a blessing to tourist guides like me. Having it, I don’t have to rack my brains trying to explain Chinese dishes to foreign travellers,” said Zheng Xiaodong, a 31- year – old employe with a Beijing- based travel agency.
“I will buy the book as I major in English literature and I’d like to introduce Chinese cuisine culture to more foreign friends,” said Han Yang, a postgraduate student at the University of International Business and Economics.
It is not clear if the book will be introduced to other parts of China. But on Tuesday, this was the most discussed topic on weibo. com, China’s most popular microblogging site.
小题1:          What’s the best title of the passage?
A.An adventure for foreigners who eat in Beijing.
B.Confusing mistranslations of Chinese dishes
C.Chinese dishes to have “official” English names
D.The effort to bridge the culture gap
小题2:          “chicken without sex life” or “red burned lion head” are mentioned in the beginning of the passage to show     .
A.some Chinese dishes are not well received
B.some Chinese dishes are hard to translate
C.some Chinese dishes are mistranslated
D.some Chinese dishes are not acceptable
小题3:          What measure has the municipal office taken?
A.Recommending a book on Chinese dishes
B.Advocating using precise translation for Chinese dishes
C.Publishing a book on China’s dietary habits
D.Providing the names of main Chinese dishes
小题4:          What’s the meaning of daunting in paragraph 5?
小题5:          What’s the attitude of most people to the book according to the passage?
A.not clearB.excitedC.favorableD.divided


小题1:          C
小题2:          C
小题3:          B
小题4:          C
小题5:          C

小题1:          推理题,由本文的主要意思“中国菜各种各样,外国人点菜时总是搞错,所以给中国菜有专门英语翻译”所以选C
小题2:          细节题,由第二段第二行foreigners have long complained about mistranslations of Chinese dishes.可以知道答案,所以选C
小题3:          细节题,由第五段第一句Coming up with precise translations is a daunting task可以知道答案,所以选B
小题4:          推理题,由as some Chinese culinary techniques are untranslatable and many Chinese dishes have no English-language equivalent.可以推出想出宝贵的的翻译是个令人沮丧的任务,所以选C
小题5:          推理题,由最后一段It is not clear if the book will be introduced to other parts of China. But on Tuesday, this was the most discussed topic on weibo. com, China’s most popular microblogging site.可以推出知道人们对这本书的态度是赞成的,所以选C

Have you ever considered all the English expressions that include words about clothes? Let’s have a look.
People wear pants to cover the lower part of their bodies.We sometimes say that people who are nervous have ants in their pants.Sometimes,people may get caught with their pants down.They are found doing something they should not be doing.And,in every family,one person takes contro1.Sometimes a wife tells her husband what to do.Then we say she wears the pants in the family.
Pants usually have pockets to hold things.Money that is likely to be spent quickly can bum a hole in your pocket.Sometimes you need a belt to hold up your pants.If you have less money than usual,you may have to tighten your belt.
I always praise people who can save their money and not spend too much. l really take my hat off to them. Yet, when it comes to my own money, I spend it at the drop of a hat, which means I immediately spend it.
Boots are a heavy or strong kind of shoes. People who are too big for their boots think they are more important than they really are. I dislike such people.
My father is an important person. He runs a big company. He wears a suit and tie, and a shirt with sleeves that cover his arms. Some people who do not know him will think he is too serious and never shows his feelings openly. But I know that my father wears his heart on his sleeve.                                                                                                                               
小题1:What is this passage mainly about?  
A.What pants mean in English.
B.Some special English expressions.
C.Some funny English expressions.
D.Some expressions related to clothes.
小题2:Which of the following expressions can show someone is nervous?
A.Get caught with one"s pants down.B.Have ants in one"s pants.
C.Wear the pants in the family.D.Bum a hole in one"s pocket.
小题3: If we say someone has to tighten his belt, we probably mean he        
A.has done something wrongB.used to live a rich life
C.has put on the wrong pantsD.doesn’t have enough money
小题4:Someone who spends his money at the drop of a hat most probably_           
A.doesn’t save moneyB.earns much money
C.never wastes his moneyD.spends more than he earns

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Hundreds of years ago, a Roman army came north from England to make war on Scotland. The Scots, a brave people, love their country. They fought hard to drive the enemy out of Scotland. But there were too many of the Romans. It looked as if the Romans would win.
  One night, the leader of the Scots marched his soldiers to the top of a hill. “We will rest here tonight, my men,” he said, “Tomorrow we will fight one more battle①. We must win, or we will die.”
  They were all very tired. So they ate their supper quickly and fell asleep. There were four guards on duty, but they were very tired, too, and one by one, they fell asleep.
  The Romans were not asleep. Quickly they gathered at the foot of the hill. Slowly they went up the hill. Closer they came to the sleeping Scots. They were almost at the top. A few minutes more the war would be over. Suddenly, one of them put his foot on a thistle (蓟). He cried out and his sudden cry woke the Scots. In a minute they were on their feet and ready for a battle. The fighting was hard, but it did not last long. The Scots wiped out the Romans and saved Scotland②.
  The thistle is not a beautiful plant. It has sharp needles all over it. Few people liked it. But the people of Scotland liked it so much that they made it their national flower.
 小题1: Hundreds of years ago, the Romans ____ .
A.came from the north through England to make war on Scotland
B.came to the north Scotland from England to make war on Scotland
C.came from the north of England to fight the Scots
D.came to the north from the south of Britain to fight the Scots
 小题2:At the shout of a Roman soldier, all the Scots who were asleep at the hill ____ .
A.began to fight the Romans hard
B.stood up without putting on their shoes and began to fight
C.woke and rose immediately, ready to fight
D.put their feet into their shoes at once and were ready to fight
 小题3:The result of the war is that ____ .
A.the Romans killed all the Scots
B.the Scots were defeated
C.the Scots were driven out of Scotland
D.the Scots defeated the Romans
 小题4: The Scots made thistle their national flower because thistle ____ . lovely, though not beautiful
B.gave them happiness a kind of useful plant
D.helped the Scots in wiping out the Romans

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As is known to all, colors appear in every language to express people’s feeling and thoughts.Then, what is the situation in American English?
Red is a hot color.Americans may say they are red hot about something unfair.They are red hot when they are very angry about something.The small hot-tasting peppers found in many Mexican foods are called red hot for their color and their fiery taste.Fast loud music is popular with many people.They may say the music is red hot, especially the kind called Dixieland Jazz.
Pink is a lighter kind of red.People sometimes say they are in the pink when they are in good health.The expression was first used in America at the beginning of the twentieth century.It comes from the fact that many babies are born with nice pink skin that shows that they are in good health.
The color black is often used in expressions.People describe a day on which everything goes wrong as a black day.People or things on a blacklist are connected with things illegal now.But at one time, some businesses refused to employ people who were on a blacklist for belonging to unpopular organizations.
The color green is natural for trees and grass.But it is an unnatural color for humans.A person who has a sick feeling in his stomach may say he feels a little green.A passenger on a boat who is feeling very sick from high waves may look very green.
Sometimes a person may be upset because he does not have something as nice as a friend has.That person may say he is green with envy.Some people are green with envy because a friend has more dollars or greenbacks.Dollars are called greenbacks because green is the color of the back side of the paper money.
小题1:Americans use “red hot” to describe the following EXCEPT _______.
A.something unfair
B.small hot-tasting peppers
C.the person who is very angry
D.popular music like Dixieland Jazz
小题2:People use “in the pink” to express they are in good health because _______.
A.the expression has a very long history
B.the color pink makes people feel happy
C.people think the color pink is gentler than red
D.healthy babies are born with nice pink skin
小题3:When we say someone feels a little green, it means he/she _______.
A.enjoys himself in hit by a high wave
C.has a stomachacheD.likes trees and grass
小题4:In the writer’s eyes, what is related to a black day?
A.Being sent a beautiful gift.
B.Passing a very difficult test.
C.Failing in an important interview.
D.Being invited to an exciting party.

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As I was leaving to meet Lynne,my roommate told me that I’d better take some money,but I didn’t listen to him. I thought that Lynne would pay because she had invited me.
I arrived at the restaurant exactly on time. I’d been told that Americans expect you to be on time. Lynne and I sat at a table in the corner of the restaurant and a waitress came and took our order. The dinner was a great success. I talked a lot about Saudi Arabia and Lynne told me all about herself. After two hours the waitress finally came and asked if we wanted one check or two. Lynne said two. We went to the cashier and Lynne paid her check. I was embarrassed (尴尬) when the cashier gave me my bill. I had no money to pay for my meal. Then I had an idea. I pretended to look for something in my pockets and said,“Oh!I forgot my money! Can I call my roommate,please?” The cashier showed me where the phone was and I quickly called my roommate.
In a few minutes he arrived with some money,but he couldn’t hide how he felt. He laughed all the way home.
Now,I think it’s funny too. But at the time I was terribly embarrassed. I thought that an invitation to have dinner meant the same thing in the United States as in my country. I guess you have to understand that your customs(习俗) are only your customs. When you visit a foreign country,you have to learn about their customs,too.
小题1:Customs can be ________in different countries according to this passage.
A.close to each otherB.entirely different
C.quite the sameD.very similar
小题2:The writer’s roommate advised the writer to take some money with him to________.
A.invite Lynne to for the table
C.share the cost of the meal for the restaurant
小题3:The writer and Lynne________.
A.shared a successful dinner
B.had a talk for three hours
C.traveled to Saudi Arabia together
D.enjoyed their meal without talking
小题4:Why didn’t Lynne pay the check for the writer?
A.Because she thought it was natural for people to pay their own check.
B.Because she didn’t have the meal.
C.Because she wanted to embarrass the writer.
D.Because she didn’t have enough money with her.
小题5:The roommate laughed all the way home because the writer________.
A.was embarrassed when he couldn’t pay his breakfast
B.would not listen to him when he left the house
C.telephoned him to bring some books to him
D.hadn’t told Lynne the truth

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Chinese Spring Festival marks the first day of a new year, so the first meal is rather important. People from the North and the South have different   26  about the foods they eat on this  27  day. In Northern China, people   28  eat Jiaozi. The word Jiaozi in Chinese means the   29  and the beginning of time. According to historical  30 , in the past people from the North and the South both ate Jiaozi on Chinese New Year’s Day. Perhaps   31  the areas in Southern China   32  more rice than those in Northern China, southern people slowly  33  to eat many other kinds of food on New Year’s Day.   34  , the most common foods for the first   35  are noodles, New Year Cake and Tangyuan. The noodle  36  long life. The New Year Cake is called Niangao in Chinese, which   37  the hope of improvement in   38  year after year. Tangyuan is a symbol of   39   according to the Chinese.
To  40  a New Year visit to relatives and friends is an important activity during the Spring Festival. People also send cards to   41   a New Year’s greeting. What children love most is to set off firecrackers.   42  , as the pace of life is becoming faster and faster, people have   43  new ways to celebrate the Chinese traditional New Year. For example, many people no longer send out greeting cards.   44  , they use short messages or emails. Also to travel during the New Year holidays has come into   45  .
小题6: long asB.thoughC.whenD.because
A.symbolizes B.revealsC.showsD.indicates
A.reunionB.luck C.happinessD.harmony
A.given awayB.made intoD.taken up

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