CI believe that animals possess greater intelligence than most people think. But

CI believe that animals possess greater intelligence than most people think. But


I believe that animals possess greater intelligence than most people think. But plants? I"ve never considered the possibility of plant intelligence. The idea seems absurd.
Yet I"ve had friends argue that plant intelligence might exist. "What are the differences between plants and animals?" they ask, and then they argue about certain species that seem to share the intelligence of both plants and animals.
New research suggests that plants communicate via "networks". Plant communication is not idea, and cannot indicate that its is a kind of intelligence, but it is still interesting.
Recent research from Vidi researcher Josef Stuefer at the Radboud University Nijmegen shows that plants have their own chat systems that they can use to warn each other. Therefore plants are not boring and passive organisms that just stand there waiting to be cut down or eaten up. Many plants form internal communication networks and are able to exchange information networks and are able to exchange information efficiently.
Many herbal plants such as strawberries and clovers (三叶草)naturally form networks.
Individual plants remain connected with each other for a certain period of time by means of runners (plant stems that grow along the ground and put down roots to form new plants). These connections enable the plants to share information with each other via internal channels. They are therefore very similar to computer networks. But what do plants chat to each other about?
Recently Stuefer and his colleagues were the first to prove that clover plants warn each other via the network links if danger is nearby . If one of the plants is attacked by caterpillars (毛虫),the other members of the network are warned via an internal signal. Once warned the intact (完好无损的)plants strengthen their chemical and mechanical (机体的)resistance so that they are less attractive to advancing caterpillars. Thanks to this early warning system, the plants can stay one step ahead of their attackers. The research has shown that this significantly limits the damage to the plants.
Again, I don"t believe this reflects intelligence, but it"s is certainly fascinating.
66.The author thinks that the plant communication      . absolutely a new idea a sign of plant intelligence related to animal communication interesting and fascinating
67.Clover plants warn each other when danger is nearby by       .
A.making sounds
B.releasing chemicals
C.strengthening mechanical resistance
D.sending internal signals
68.Which of the following statements about the research is NOT true?
A.Most plants have no chat system and are passive organisms.
B.Individual plants can also remain connected with each other.
C.The communication between clover plants can protect them from damage.
D.The research is the first to show how clover plants warn each other.
69.The author"s attitude towards plant intelligence is   
A. unconcerned        B. doubtful    C. positive      D. hopeful
70" What"s the best title for the passage?
A.Does Plant Communication Really Exist?
B.Some Discoveries About Clover Plant
C.Does Plant Communication Imply Intelligence?
D.A New Study on Plant Communication

66---70   DDABC


Shopping carts are such a ubiquitous presence in stores today that it is hard to imagine a time without them.And yet it wasn’t until the year 1937 when the first shopping cart was introduced.
The shopping cart was the brainchild of Sylvan Goldman,the owner of a grocery food chain in 0klahoma.Goldman noticed that his customers struggled to carry their food in heavy hand-held baskets.He decided there must be an easier way for his costomers to carry the food around in his supermarkets.Observing a folding chair, Goldman decided to use that as the prototype for his new shopping cart.
With the aid of a mechanic, Fred Young ,Goldman designed the first shopping cart based on the folding chair.Wheels were placed where the bottoms of the chair legs were. In place of the chair seat, Young and Goldman , placed two metal baskets on top of each other. This cart could be stored by folding it up like a folding chair.
At first there was a bit of difficulty getting the public to accept shopping carts.Men thought using them was effeminate(女人气的)while younger women considered the use of the shopping carts to carry products around to be somewhat unstylish.Goldman solved this problem by hiring men and women models to use shopping carts in his stores.In addition,store     greeters instructed customers in how to use the shopping carts.In short order,the shopping carts became incredibly popular because it made shopping much easier for customers.By 1940 the popularity of shopping carts had grown to such an extent that there was a 7 year waiting list in store orders for new shopping carts.
45.. The underlined word“ubiquitous”is closest in meaning to”_________”.
A.strange    B.pleasant       C.common       D.possible
46.. The idea of shopping carts came from _____________.
A.Goldman’ s imagination           B.customers’needs
C.Fred Young’ s suggestion           C.other shops’examples
47.. Why was it difficult to get the public to accept shopping carts at first?
A.Both men and women were afraid they would not look good if they used them.
B.  People thought it unnecessary to use them because they never did much shopping.
C.  The early shopping carts were too difficult to use.
D. Only men and women models were supposed to use such modern things.
48.. How popular did Goldman’s invention finally become?
A.Men and women models used shopping carts in his stores.
B.Store greeters instructed customers in how to use the shopping carts.
C.Some stores had to wait several years to get his shopping carts.
D.His shopping carts had improved so much that both men and women liked to use them.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Stepping into a pool of water is common enough ,but who could ever imagine stopping into a pool of fish ?In February of 1974, Bill Tapp ,an Australian farmer ,saw a rain of fish that covered his farm . How surprised he must have been when he heard many fish hitting against his roof!
What caused this strange occurrence ?This is a question that had long puzzled people who study fish .The answer turned out to be a combination of wind and storm.
When it is spring in the northern part of the world ,it is fall in Australia, Throughout the autumn season ,terrible storms arise and rains flood the land .The strong winds sweep over Australia like huge vacuum(真空) cleaners, collecting seaweed ,pieces of wood , and even schools of fish .
The second thing,a dictionary will tell you the pronunciation.Most dictionaries give phonetic(语音的),or sound alphabet(音标).The phonetic alphabet shows pronunciation.The third thing,a dictionary will tell you the meaning of words.You can look up a word and find out what it means.Many words have more than one meaning,and a good dictionary will tell you au of the word"s meanings.For example,in English the common word“get”has over 20 different meanings.
49.Many words have_____________ .  
A.several meanings meaning    C.few meanings meaning
50.A good dictionary will tell you____________.
A.more of word"s pronunciation      B.more of the word"s meanings
C.more of grammar                 D.more of the word"s spelling.
51.Phonetic alphabets are used to show       .
A.handwritings   B.spelling    C.meanings  D.pronunciation
52.How many important things will most dictionaries tell you?
A.Four    B.Five    C.Three   D.Two
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Time spent in a bookshop can be most enjoyable, whether you are a book—lover or merely go there to buy a book as a present. You may even have entered the shop just to find shelter from a sudden shower. Whatever the reason, you can soon become totally unaware of your surroundings.
The desire to pick up a book with an attractive dust jacket is irresistible, although this method of selection ought not to be followed, as you might end up with a rather dull book.
You soon become interested in some book or other, and usually it is only much later that you realize you have spent far too much time there and must dash off to keep some forgotten appointment—without buying a book, of course.
This opportunity to escape the realities of everyday life is, I think, the main attraction of a bookshop. There are not many places where it is possible to do this. A music shop is very much like a bookshop. You can wander round such places to your heart’s content. If it is a good shop, no assistant will approach you with the inevitable greeting:“Can I help you, sir?” You needn’t buy anything you don’t want. In a bookshop an assistant should remain in the background until you have finished browsing. Then, and only then, are his services necessary. Of course, you may want to find out where a particular section is, but when he has led you there, the assistant should retire discreetly(谨慎地) and look as if he is not interested in selling a single book.
You have to be careful not to be attracted by the variety of books in a bookshop. It is very easy to enter the shop looking for a book on, say ancient coins and to come out carrying a copy of the latest best-selling novel and perhaps a book about brass—rubbing—something which had only slightly interested you up till then. This volume on the subject, however, happened to be so well illustrated and the part of the text you read proved so interesting that you just had to buy it. This sort of thing can be very dangerous. Apart from running up a huge account, you can waste a great deal of time wandering from section to section.
63.The underlined phrase “dust jacket” means_______.
A.a kind of clothes                        B.a paper cover of a book
C.a dusty book                            D.a title of a book
64.You may spend too much time in a bookshop because_______.
A.the dust jackets are very attractive start reading one of the books is raining outside have to make sure you won’t buy a dull book as a present
65.In a good bookshop_______.
A.all the books there are interesting       B.the assistant greets you in a warm way
C.your heart is satisfied       feel that you are in a music shop
66.The best title for this passage may be_______.
A.The Attraction of Bookshops          B.How to Spend Your Time
C.Bookshops and Their Assistants       D.How to Select Books
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KIDS in a Sudanese refugee camp raise a cloud of dust as they kick around a football. NBA superstar Traey Mc Grady watches from a distance before offering to buy the kids a grass patch for $1,000.
Perhaps he sees a Ronaldinho rising up out of the African soil. Or maybe he just wants to do something—anything—to give these children some hope. But he is told, politely, that grass is not what the kids need.
Mc Grady, 29, writes on his website that he traveled to Africa because he was tired of only reading about it in the news.“Who are the faces behind the statistics?” he said.“I need to see it for myself.” And he did. He stepped out of his beautiful house and flew to a place torn to bits by war and famine(饥荒). He slept in a tent. He talked with people who had suffered. And he swallowed his pride.
But no one should blame Mc Grady for wanting to buy the kids a patch of grass. Sport gave him a chance, so perhaps he thought it would do the same for the refugees.
Mc Grady was eyed by NBA scouts as a teenager and he didn’t bother going to college. Instead, he leaped right into the NBA. Since that move, basketball has given him a handsome living, but one very far removed from the lives of ordinary people. As Mc Grady would learn in Africa, most people see sport as just a break from life’s difficulties. They don’t mistake it for life itself. Only Mc Grady knows how the trip to Africa changed him, but I’d bet that, at the very least, it has given him a new sense for what is truly meaningful.
Mc Grady doesn’t own an NBA championship ring. He hasn’t risen to the heights of Kobe Bryant or Michael Jordan. But, perhaps, now he knows he doesn’t have to in order to truly make a difference in the world.
63.The refugee children most probably need______.
A.clean drinking water           B.a grass football patch
C.necessities of survival          D.a tent to sleep in
64.What can we learn about Mc Grady from the passage?
A.Basketball made him what he is today.
B.He is an NBA superstar as great as Kobe or Jordan.
C.He didn’t show his talent for basketball as a teenager.
D.He taught children to play football in a refugee camp.
65.What does the underlined part “scouts” in Paragraph 5 probably mean?
A.players.         C.audience.       D.hunters.
66.Mc Grady learned from his visit to Africa that______.
A.he needn’t improve his basketball skills to reach the heights of his seniors gave him a chance and means everything to him
C.people in hunger can never understand the importance of sport
D.what’s truly meaningful can be a world of difference to different people
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

The knowledge society will be a highly competitive one, for organizations and individuals alike, information technology, although only one of many new features of the next society, is already having one important effect: it is allowing knowledge to spread nearinstantly, and making it accessible to everyone. Given the ease and speed at which information travels, every institution in the knowledge society—not only businesses, but also schools, universities, hospitals and increasingly government agencies too—has to be globally competitive, even though most organizations will continue to be local in their activities and in their markets. This is because the Internet will keep customers everywhere informed of what is available anywhere in the world, and at what price.
This new knowledge economy will rely heavily on knowledge workers. At present, this term is widely used to describe people with considerable theoretical knowledge and learning, such as doctors, lawyers, teachers, accountants and chemical engineers. But the most striking growth will be in “knowledge technologists”: computer technicians, software designers, analysts in clinical labs, manufacturing technologists. These people are as much manual(体力) workers as they are knowledge workers; in fact, they usually spend far more time working with their hands than with their brains, but their manual work is based on a large amount of theoretical knowledge which can be acquired only through formal education, not through an apprenticeship(学徒期). They are not, as a rule, much better paid than traditional skilled workers, but they see themselves as “professionals”, just as unskilled manual workers in manufacturing were the dominant social and political force in the 21st century, knowledge technologists are likely to become the dominant social—and perhaps also political—force over the next decades.
67.The quick spread of knowledge in the next society______ based on information technology
B.results from a highly competitive society likely to increase information flow
D.will become the biggest problem to handle
68.“Knowledge workers” mentioned in the passage most likely______. with hands rather than brains
B.have received primary and secondary education
C.have acquired theoretical knowledge through apprenticeship
D.have received higher education and acquired theoretical knowledge
69.The underlined word “dominant” in this passage probably means______.
A.most influential   B.most interesting    C.most diligent    D.most serious
70.The chief reason for fierce competition in the knowledge society is that______.
A.individuals are easily influenced by information
B.customers keep track of new products worldwide
C.anyone can have access to knowledge anytime and anywhere
D.local organizations such as universities and hospitals will be globalized
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