BAfter the American Revolution won in 1787, the new government in the U.S.A. had

BAfter the American Revolution won in 1787, the new government in the U.S.A. had


After the American Revolution won in 1787, the new government in the U.S.A. had to choose a capital city. The thirteen states quarreled about this. So the government decided to build a completely new capital. The land on the River Potomac was given the name District of Columbia (D.C). The new Capital was built on the north bank of the river. It was named after George Washington, the president of the U.S.A.
Washington D. C., a government city, is an important cultural (文化) center as well as a big tourist (游览) center.
Most capital cities have simply grown from small cities. Washington, however was planned as the capital of a great nation. It was designed by a French artist who first made a study of many capital cities of Europe. In general, his plan followed the plan of the beautiful French city of Versailles (凡尔赛).
61. When the new capital was built , America was made up of ____ states.
A. thirteen                           B. thirty         C. fifty                  D. fifteen
62. Washington D.C. is the name of _______.
A. an American president            B. America’s capital
C. a famous river                  D. a beautiful garden city
63. According to the passage we can conclude that America’s capital_____.
A. lies in the center on the country              B. came from a small city
C. was built by French workers            D. lies on the River Potomac
64. According to the passage we can infer that Washington D.C. is the center of America’s ______.
A. economy (经济), sports and culture B. culture, traveling and sports
C. politics, culture and traveling          D. politics, culture and economy

61-64. ABDC  
本文主要讲的是美国的首都 Washing D. C 的由来、在美国的地位及它的设计风格。
61. A。细节题。根据第1段第2句  The thirteen states quarreled about this 可知答案为B。
62. B。细节判断题。根据第1段 …was given the name District (D. C), The new Capital…It was named after George Washington 及第2段  Washington D. C, a government city…可知答案为 B。
63. D。细节判断题。根据第1段 The land on the River Potomac was given the name District of Columbia (D. C). The new Capital was built on the north bank of the river 可知此题答案为 B。
64. C。因为 Washington D. C 是美国的首都,所以它应是美国的政治中心;再根据第2段中 …is a important cultural centre as well as a big tourist centre 可知它也是美国的文化和旅游中心。所以答案为 A。

In 1789 the U.S. government passed a law which said that the land of the American Indians could never be taken from them without their agieement. One hundred years later, however, the Indians only had a very small part of the land that originally belonged to them. How did this great
Injustice(不公正) occur?
After 1812 white settlers began to move west across North America. At first, the settlers and the Indians lived in peace. However, the number of settlers increased greatly every year. and slowly the Indians began to see the white settlers as a danger to their survival. To feed themselves, the settlers killed more and more wild animals. the Indians, who depended on these animals for food, had to struggle against starvation. The settlers also brought with them many diseases which were common in white society. but which were new for the Indians. Great numbers of Indians became sick and died.Between 1843 and 1854 the Indian population in one area of the country went down from 100,000 to30,000.
More land was needed for the increasing number of white settlers. In Washington, the old respect for the rights of the Indians disappeared. The old promises to the Indians were broken; the government began to move groups of Indians fiom their original homelands to other poorer parts of
the country. Some Indians reacted angrily and violently to this treatment. They began to attack white settlers, and the Indian war began. For 30 years, until the late 1880s, different groups of Indians fought against the injustices of the white mari. They had a few famous successes, but the result of the siruggle was never in doubt. There were too many white soldiers, and they were too powerful. Many Indians were killed; the survivors were moved from their homelands to different areas of the country.It was a terrible chapter in the history of a country that promised freedom and equality to everyone.
57. What can we infer from the passage?
A. In the U.S. there were many laws that provided the rights of American Indians.
B. The law which was passed in 1789 by the U.S. government was not successfully carried out.
C. In the 19th century no injustices were done against the Indians by the U.S. government.
D. The majority of white settlers were openly opposed to the law passed in 1789.
58. According to the passage which of the following is TRUE?
A. The Indians believed that killing too many wild animals had disturbed the balance of nature.
B. The government began to have a better understanding of the Indians in the fifties of the nineteenth century.
C. Between 1843 and 1854 about 70,000 Indians were killed in the battle.
D. The whites carried serious diseases into where the Indians lived.
59.It is implied ln the passage that____
A. the Indians had many great successes in the Indians wars
B. the Indians had no doubt that they would win the wars
C. after the war the indians stayed where they were before
D. the Indians were too weak to win the struggle
60.What is the writer"s opinion about the treatment that the Indians received from the U.S. government?
A. He believed that the government always respected the rights of the Indians.
B. He believed that the government can"t be criticized for its treatment to the Indians.
C. He believed that the government treated the Indians unjustly
D. He believed that the government"s unfair treatment against the Indians was not on purpose.
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In the year 480 BC the Greek allies (联军) faced invasion by the King of Persia, Xerxes, who commanded a huge army of about half a million men. When the Persian army marched into northern Greece, the Greek states, led by Athens and Sparta, were ill equipped to deal with the threat. The Persians were well supplied with food and weapons. Their army included infantry, cavalry, and a large navy. It seemed that they would easily defeat the Greeks.
The Greek allies decided to send 10,000 men northwards to slow down the Persians, while the rest prepared to defend their homelands. A group of 300 best Spartan soldiers were chosen to lead the force going north, with Leonidas in command. Leonidas realized that the only hope of slowing the Persians would be to block the narrow passage of land at Thermopylae. The Pass of
Thermopylae was the route between the mountains and the sea, and was so narrow that only a few men could get through at a time.
When the Persian army arrived at Thermopylae, they found Leonidas" tiny army opposing them. The Persians attacked, but could not get through. They attacked again and again, but each time they were driven back by the Greeks, led by the fearless Spartans. Leonidas" plan worked well until a Greek traitor called Ephialtes went m Xerxes. He told the Persian king about a goat"s path in the mountains that would take the Persian army past Thermopylae. When Leonidas saw the enemy crossing the mountains, he realized that he could no longer hold Thermopylae. He sent all the Greek soldiers except the 300 Spartans back to their homelands.
The Spartans waited for the 500,000 Persians at the goat’s path. Although hopelessly outnumbered, the Spartans fought bravely. They all died, but the other Greeks were able to get home to strengthen the defenses.
61. Compared with the Persian army, the Greek allies were very________.
A. powerful        B. wise           C. weak          D. foolish
62. The Pass of Thermopylae was very important for the Greeks because __
A. it was easy to hold but hard to attack
B. only very small boats could get through it
C, it was a secret pass unknown to the Persians
D. a huge number of soldiers could be stationed there
63. Why did Leonidas send most of his soldiers back to their homelands?
A. Because their homelands were under attack.
B. Because he found they were not brave enough.
C. Because the Persians gave up attacking Thermopylae.
D. Because he found it impossible to hold Thermopylae.
64. Which of the following is NOT ture according to the passage?
A. Leonidas was a great commander.
B. The Persians failed to pass Thermopylae.
C. Ephialtes betrayed his own country.
D. The 300 Spatans would be regarded as heroes by the Greeks.
65. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A. The Greek Allies  B. The Goat’s Path  C. The King of Persia  D. Xerxes and Ephialtes
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Why are so many coin banks shaped like pigs? Why not dogs or cats or elephants?
Coin banks weren"t always made to look like pigs. In fact, the name "piggy bank" may have come from a kind of clay and not from the animal at all.
The history of the piggy bank goes back to the Middle ages. At that time in Western Europe, metals were expensive, so a cheap orange clay known as pygg was used for everyday items such as dishes and jars. In fact something made from pygg clay was often just called a pygg. The first piggy bank may well have been a pygg in which a person put a few extra pennies to buy a treat on market day.
People have always had a hobby of saving pennies, and using a pygg as a coin bank became common practice. Potters (陶工) began making jars specially for saving coins, and eventually these jars took a pig-like shape. Modeling a bank to look like a pig may have been influenced by the name of the clay. The earliest Roman coin bank ever found was decorated with a pig. Because it was considered as a valuable farm animal in many countries, the pig was an appropriate symbol of wealth and prosperity.
These early clay banks were fragile and easily broken. As time passed, mining became less expensive. Iron, copper, and silver gradually replaced pygg clay in the production of household items. Although pygg clay lost its popularity, the habit of saving pennies did not. Today piggy "banks are made of every material imaginable.
The familiar saying "A penny saved is a penny earned" is as old as the clearly piggy banks. Marry a child received his or her first coin bank accompanied by this wise advice. The modern-day piggy bank may have changed in sine, shape, and spelling, but it saves our pennies just as well as the first pygg did countries ago.
64. In the Middle ages, people used pygg to make dishes because ________.
A. it was precious                             B. it stood for wealth
C. it had a beautiful color                           D. it was cheaper than other materials
65. What do we know about the pygg bank?
A. Its name might come from an animal.                   B. The first pygg bank looked like a pig.
C. It was designed for children at the beginning.         D. The early piggy banks were easily damaged.
66. Why did pygg day lose its popularity?
A. Other cheap and solid materials appeared.    B. It was inconvenient to carry it to the market.
C. It couldn"t be made into other shapes.          D. People had run out of this kind of material.
67. In the last paragraph, the author intends to tell us ________.
A. piggy banks nowadays are not practical          B. piggy banks still play a part in our daily lives
C. piggy banks today are mainly made of iron
D. most children don" t have the habit of saving money
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The first newspaper were handwritten sheets which were posted in pubic places. The earliest recorded newspaper was started in Rom in 59 BC. In the 700’s the world’s first printed newspaper was developed in China. The paper was printed from carved(雕刻的) wooden blocks and sent out among the citizens. Europe didn’t have a regularly(定期的) published newspaper until 1609, when one was started in Germany.
The fist regularly published newspaper in the English language was printed in 1620. In 1621, an English newspaper was started in London and was published weekly. The first daily English newspaper was the Daily Courant, which didn’t appear until March 1702.
In 1690, Benjamin Harris printed the first American newspaper in Boston. But the local(当地的) government soon stopped its publication. In 1704, John Campbell started The Boston News-letter, the first newspaper to be published daily in America. By 1760, the whole America had more than thirty daily newspapers. There are now about 1800 daily papers in the United States.
Today, as a group, English language newspapers have the largest circulation(发行量) in the world. The largest circulation for a newspaper, however, is that of the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun, which sells over eleven million copies every day.
71.In Europe, the newspaper was first regularly published_____. England       Germany France        London
72.The first English newspaper printed and sold every day appeared _________. 1620       1609 the end of the 17th century the beginning of the 18th century.
73.How many years earlier was the newspaper printed in China than in America?
A.9 or 10 centuries.     B.More than 1000 years.
C.700 years or so       D.Less than 800 years.
74.As suggested by the article, which of the following newspapers have the largest umber of readers in the world?
A.Italian language newspapers.
B.German language newspapers.
C.English language newspapers.
D.Japanese language newspapers.
75.Which title best gives the main idea of the passage?
A.The World’s First Newspaper.
B.History of  Newspaper.
C.The First Daily Newspaper in American.
D.A Remarkable Man-Benjamin Harris.
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Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.
At dawn on Friday, May 19, 1780, farmers in New England stopped to wonder at the pink color of the sun. By noon the sky had darkened to midnight blackness, causing Americans, still in the painful struggle of a prolonged war of independence, to light candles and tremble at thoughts of the Last Judgment. As the birds quieted and no storm accompanied the darkness, men and women crowded into churches, where one minister commented that “The people were very attentive.” John Greenleaf Whittier later wrote that “Men prayed, and women wept; all ears grew sharp . . .”
A recent study of researchers, led by Richard Guyette from the University of Missouri’s Tree Ring Laboratory, has shown that vast forest fires in the Algonquin Highlands of southern Ontario and elsewhere in Canada brought this event upon New England. The scientists have discovered “fire scars” on the rings for that year, left when the heat of a wildfire has killed a part of a tree’s cambium (形成层). Evidence collected also points to a drought that year. An easterly wind and low barometric pressure (低气压) helped force smoke into the upper atmosphere. “The record fits pretty close,” says Guyette. “We had the right fuel, the drought. The conditions were all there.”
Lacking the ability to communicate quickly over long distances, Americans in 1780 remained in the dark about the event, which had disappeared by the next day. Over the next several months, the papers carried heated debates about what brought the darkness. Some were the voices of angry prediction, such as one Massachusetts farmer who wrote, “Oh! Backsliding New-England, attend now to the things which belong to your peace before they are forever hid from your eyes.” Others gave different answers. One stated that a “flaming star” had passed between the earth and the sun. Ash, argued another commentator. The debate, carried on throughout New England, where there were no scientific journals or academies yet, reflected an unfolding culture of scientific enquiry already sweeping the Western world, a revolution nearly as influential as the war for independence from the English.
New Englanders would not soon forget that dark day; it lived on in folklore, poems, and sermons for generations.
56. New Englanders crowded into churches because they were frightened by         .
A. the pink color of the sun      B. the darkened sky at daytime
C. the Last Judgment on Friday    D. the American War of Independence
57. What can we infer about the event in New England on May 19, 1780?
A. Prayers remained silent and attentive.
B. Night birds no longer came out to sing.
C. People’s ears became sharper than usual.
D. Midday meals were served by candlelight.
58. According to the researchers, the origin of the event was         .
A. an east wind                B. a severe drought
C. some burning fuel            D. low barometric pressure
59. What can we know about the debates after the dark day?
A. They focused on causes of the event.
B. They swept throughout the Western world.
C. They were organized by scientific institutions.
D. They improved Americans’ ability to communicate.
60. What can be the best title for the text?
A. New England’s dark day.  B. Voices of angry prediction.
C. There is no smoke without fire.       D. Tree rings and scientific discovery.
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