用所给单词的适当形式填空.  Separate   low  link  as well as  suit  make up   attract  settle

用所给单词的适当形式填空.  Separate   low  link  as well as  suit  make up   attract  settle

题型:广东省同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:广东省同步题难度:| 查看答案
Separate   low  link  as well as  suit  make up   attract  settle   be known   as/for  possible
1. linked   2. separated   3. possible   4. lower   5. were known as   6. as well as
7. suitable   8. make up   9. attracts   10. settled
      During the twentieth century there has been a great change in the lives of women. A woman marrying
at the end of the nineteenth century would probably have been in her middle twenties, and would be likely
to have seven or eight children, of whom four or five lived till they were five years old. By the time the
youngest was fifteen, the mother would have been in her early fifties and would expect to live a further
twenty years, during which chance and health made it unusual for her to get paid work. Today women
marry younger and have fewer children. Usually a woman"s youngest child will be fifteen when she is
fortyfive and can be expected to live another thirtyfive years and is likely to take paid work until sixty.
     This important change in women"s life has only recently begun to have its full effect on women"s
economic position. Even a few years ago most girls left school and took a fulltime job. However, when
they married, they usually left work at once and never returned to it. Today the schoolleaving age is
sixteen, many girls stay at school after that age, and though women marry younger, more married women
stay at work at least until shortly before their first child is born. Very many more afterwards return to full
or parttime work. Such changes have led to a new relationship in marriage, with the husband accepting a
greater share of the duties and satisfactions of family life.
1.  We are told that in a family in about 1900 ________.
A.  a few children died before they were five
B.  seven or eight children lived to be more than five
C.  the youngest child would be fifteen
D.  four or five children died when they were five
2.  One reason why the woman of today may take a job is that she ________.
A.  is younger when her children are more enough to look after themselves
B.  does not like children herself
C.  needn"t worry about food for her children
D.  can be free from family duties when she reaches sixty
3.  According to the passage, it is now quite usual for women to________.
A.  stay at home after leaving school  B.  marry men younger than themselves
C.  start working again later in life  D.  marry while still at school
4.  Many girls are more likely to ________.
A.  give up their jobs for good after they are married
B.  leave school as soon as they can
C.  marry so that they can get a job
D.  continue working until they are going to have a baby
5.  Now a husband probably ________.
A.  plays a greater part in looking after the children
B.  helps his wife by doing much of the housework
C.  feels dissatisfied with his part in the family
D.  takes a parttime job so that he can help in the home
     When the world __1__ the 21st century. the development in __2__ and technology will bring us many more new hopes and chances we"ve never __3__ before. People are hoping to have a peaceful and highly __4__ world. To catch up with the new development and to be __5__ in the new century. the younger
generation is __6__ to possess different kinds of knowledge and skills. such as the computer science and
the English language. __7__ one will be left behind. Young people should study even __8__ at school and __9__ themselves mentally and physically to __10__ the challenge of the new century.
题型:广东省同步题难度:| 查看答案
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                                 The Beginning of the Civil Rights Movement
     In 1955, bus seats for African Americans and whites were separated in parts of the U. S.. On
December 1,1955, in the city of Montgomery, Alabama, a conflict, or disagreement, started when an
African American woman named Rosa Parks refused to give her bus seat to a white man and go to the
back of the bus. The police took 42yearold Parks to jail.
     The African American community was extremely angry. They had a meeting and decided to work
together to protest discrimination. They agreed to boycott(抵制) the buses on the day that Parks went
to court. The day was a success. Empty buses drove through the streets. The city lost money. The
community decided to continue the boycott. They elected a man named Martin Luther King, Jr. to be
the leader.
     The boycott continued. It was difficult for African Americans to get to work without buses, but they
didn"t stop the boycott. The city continued to lose money. Finally, the U. S. Supreme Court decided that Montgomery"s bus laws were unfair and gave the African American community equal right. On December 21,1956, the bus boycott ended.
     The Montgomery Bus Boycott was the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement. The movement
eventually led to the Civil Rights Act in 1964, a set of laws that made discrimination a crime. During the
Montgomery Bus Boycott, people worked together to change the government. Today, people in the
U. S. continue to work together for a change. Now hundreds of organizations and community groups
work to protect the rights of U. S. citizens and residents.

1. How is the situation for the black in the U. S. in 1955?
A. They were treated equally.
B. They were treated unfairly.
C. They had no rights to take a bus.
D. They were not allowed to take the same bus with the white.

2. What is the cause of the Civil Rights Movement?
A. Bus seats for African Americans and white were separated in parts of the U. S.
B. Rosa Parks was sent to jail for she refused to give her bus seat to a white man.
C. The African American community had a meeting to protest discrimination.
D. A man named Martin Luther King, Jr. was elected to be the leader.

3. How long did the boycott continue?
A. Less than a year.   B. Less than a month.
C. More than a year.   D. More than a month.
4. How did the black people fight for the civil rights?
A. By refusing to take buses.
B. By refusing to talk to the white.
C. Through fights with the white people.
D. By doing nothing.

5. What is the final result of the Civil Rights Movement?
A. The U. S. Supreme Court decided that Montgomery"s bus laws were unfair and gave
     the African American community equal right.
B. They elected a man named Martin Luther King, Jr. to be the leader.
C. Black people and white people can take the same bus.
D. The movement eventually led to the Civil Rights Act in 1964, a set of laws that made
     discrimination a crime.
     Adam Smith, writing in the 1770s, was the first person to see the importance of the division of labour
and to explain part of its advantages. He gives us an example the process by which pins were made in
England. "One man draws out the wire, another strengthens it, a third cuts it, a fourth points it, a fifth
grinds(磨光滑) it at the top to prepare it to receive the head. To make the head requires two or three
distinct operations. To put it on is a separate operation, to polish the pins is another. And the important
business of making pins is, in this manner, divided into about eighteen distinct operations, which in some
factories are all performed by different people, though in others the same man will sometimes perform two or three of them. "
     "Ten men, " Smith said, "in this way, turned out twelve pounds of pins a day or about 4,800 pins a
piece. But if all of them had worked separately and independently without division of labour, they certainly could not turn out any pin, each of them would have made twenty pins in a day and perhaps not even
     There can be no doubt that division of labour is a way of organising work. Fewer people can make
more pins. Adam Smith saw this but it"s a pity he also took it for granted that division of labour is in itself
responsible for economic growth and development and that it accounts for the difference between
expanding economies and those that stand still. But division of labour adds nothing new;it only enables
people to produce more of what they already have.

1. According to the passage, Adam Smith was the first person to ________.
A. take advantage of the division of labour
B. understand the effects of the division of labour
C. explain the causes of the division of labour
D. introduce the division of labour into England

2. Adam Smith saw that the division of labour ________.
A. enabled each worker to make pins more quickly and more cheaply
B. increased the number of people employed in factories
C. increased the possible output per worker
D. improved the quality of pins produced

3. Adam Smith mentioned the number 4,800 in order to ________.
A. show the advantages of the division of labour
B. emphasize how powerful the individual worker was
C. show the advantages of the old craft system
D. emphasize the importance of increased production

4. According to the writer, Adam Smith"s mistake was in believing that division of  labour ________.
A. certainly led to economic development
B. was a good way of organising work
C. increased the production of existing goods
D. was an important development in methods of production

5. Which of the following could serve as an appropriate title for the passage?
A. The Theory of Division of Labour
B. Adam Smith as the Discoverer of Division of Labour
C. Adam Smith, the English Economist
D. Division of Labour, a Good Way of Organizing Work