Four out of ten parents in the UK spend between £100 and £500 on their children’

Four out of ten parents in the UK spend between £100 and £500 on their children’

Four out of ten parents in the UK spend between £100 and £500 on their children’s birthday parties, according to a survey. Four in ten parents of children under 18, who were questioned in a survey, admitted that they felt pressured into organizing more expensive birthday parties for their children than they would like to.
How much parents spend on their children’s birthday parties is one of the most frequently discussed topics on parenting websites. Here is one comment on Mumsnet summing up the thoughts of many parents: “Where we live everyone hires places, entertainers and so on. I don’t want to compare with my rich neighbors, but I want my son to have what all his classmates have.”
The research was carried out on behalf of the children’s charity, Lumos, set up by the author JK Rowling. Just 13 percent of parents spent £50 or less in the past year on their children’s parties.
Many children’s clowns(小丑) or entertainers charge £150 or more for an hour, and parents often feel it necessary to book a special place. Even without these, the cost of plates, the cake and party bags can mount up. Party Pieces, a company set up by Carole and Michael Middleton, charge about £16 for a birthday cake for a party with 16 guests, £22 for table decorations and up to £48 for party bags.
Many children of famous people have increasingly expensive parties, often seen in famous magazines. Suri Cruise, the daughter of actor Tom Cruise and actress Katie Holmes, enjoyed a £100,000 birthday party according to a report.
Georgette Mulheir of Lumos, said,“Parents in the UK are under increasing pressure to spend more and more money on birthday parties for their children and their children’s friends.”
小题1:What’s the main idea of this passage?
A.Children’s birthday parties put their parents under financial pressure in the UK.
B.Many parents are willing to spend more on their children’s birthday parties.
C.Parents pay more and more attention to their children’s birthday parties.
D.Children in the UK hope for more and more expensive birthday parties.
小题2: What does the underlined part “mount up” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
小题3:By the example of the birthday party for Suri Cruise, the writer probably wants to show that________.
A.famous people love their children very much
B.children of famous people can get whatever they want
C.some children of famous people have really expensive birthday parties
D.holding expensive birthday parties is common nowadays
小题4:In which of the following sections would you most probably read this passage?



小题1:主旨题:从文章第一段的句子:Four in ten parents of children under 18, who were questioned in a survey, admitted that they felt pressured into organizing more expensive birthday parties for their children than they would like to. 和最后一段的句子:“Parents in the UK are under increasing pressure to spend more and more money on birthday parties for their children and their children’s friends.”可知这篇文章讲的是在英国孩子的生日聚会让父母有了经济压力,选A
小题2:猜词题:根据第四段的句子:Party Pieces, a company set up by Carole and Michael Middleton, charge about £16 for a birthday cake for a party with 16 guests, £22 for table decorations and up to £48 for party bags.可知聚会上用的蛋糕,装饰和包裹的价格都在增加,“mount up”的意思是“增加”,选A。
小题3:推理题:根据文章第五段的句子:Many children of famous people have increasingly expensive parties, often seen in famous magazines.可知作者通过Suri Cruise 的例子想说明一些名人的孩子有真正昂贵的生日聚会,选C。
America’s Beauty Is in Its Diversity
America is built on the idea of freedom, and there is no exception for Muslim women. I ______the freedom of religion and speech. But mostly, I believe it’s OK to be______, and to stand up for who and what you are. So I believe in wearing the hijab.
The hijab is a religious head covering, like a scarf. I am Muslim, and keeping my head covered is a ______ of maturity(成熟) and respect toward my ______and to Allah’s will. ______, I also like to wear it to be different. I don’t usually like to do what everyone else is doing. I want to be a(n) ______, not just part of the crowd. But when I first wore it, I was also afraid of the______ that I’d get at school.
I ______ on my own that sixth grade was the______ I should start wearing the hijab. I was ______ about what the kids would say or even do to me. I thought they might make fun of me, or ____ be scared of me and ______ my headscarf. Kids at that age usually like to be all the same, and there’s little or no ______of differences.
On the first day of school, I put all those ______ thoughts behind my back and walked in with my head held high. I was holding my breath a little, but ______ I was also proud to be a Muslim, proud to be wearing the hijab, proud to be different.
I was______ about everything I thought the kids would say or even do to me. I actually met a lot of people because of wearing my head covering. Most of the kids would come and ask me questions--______--about the hijab and why I wore it.
I did hear some kids were making fun of me, ______there was one girl-- she wasn’t even in my class, and we never really talked much-- and she spoke______ me, and I wasn’t even there! I made a lot of new friends that year, friends that I still have until this very day, five years later.
Yes, I’m different, but everyone is different here, in one way or another. This is the______of America.
A.believe inB.stick toC.carry outD.push for
A.In a wordB.In generalC.To be exactD.To be honest
小题12: offB.pull offC.pick upD.put up
小题19: terms front charge favor of

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A few years ago, my younger brother and I went to Norfolk, Virginian by plane.       , before we took off, we heard the pilot’s voice throughout the plane, “sorry, ladies and gentlemen. We have no       on the plane. We have a generator(发电机), and we are going to        the engines with it. We will        in the air and head to Norfolk, and see what happens. ”
See what happens? We are going to get up in the air, and see what happens? At this point, one woman started crying. “Oh, no! We are going to       !” There were sighs of desperation and       spreading throughout the plane, and we hadn’t even        yet. Thirty minutes passed and we were still        there. Then the voice of the pilot came over again,“ Ladies and gentlemen, I know you are       , so we are. We only have one engine going right now, and it is working double time. ”
There was crying       we had walked into grave. But, the pilot told us our one engine was working double time, and his        was to get up in the air and see what happens! Then we did. We got up in the air and         happened. We arrived in Norfolk and everyone        for still being alive.
Although I do sincerely like to have a plan        “see what happens”, which really isn’t such a bad life strategy, all too often, I would see people pursuing their goals        with inaction just because they don’t have        success. Actually, success will never be guaranteed. The       thing that you can do is just get up in the air, and see what hap­pens.
If you are planning to learn a new skill, get up in the air, and see what happens! It might not be as       as you thought. You might be smarter than you thought. It could be        ! So don’t stay there trying nothing just because there is no        of guaran­teed success.
A.get upB.pack upC.light upD.speed up
A.looked overB.gone acrossD.taken off
A.even ifC.what ifD.only if
A.less thanB.other thanC.better thanD.more than

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In December 2008, Caroline Kennedy — daughter of the late U.S. President John F. Kennedy—sat down, as a frontrunner for the Senate seat in New York, for a televised interview that helped decide the future of her campaign. The result was a disaster.
Her performance wasn’t well received, in part because her speech was full of filler words—“ums,” “ahs” and “you knows.” One listener counted 27 “ums” and 38 “you knows” in the space of five minutes. A few weeks after the interview, Kennedy ended her Senate campaign.
Filler words may seem natural in everyday speech, but they can be deadly in formal presentations. “Using excessive fillers is the most annoying speech habit,” said Susan Ward, a speech specialist. “They take your listener’s attention away often to the point that he doesn’t hear anything you say. Your message is entirely lost.”
Many speakers are afraid of pause. They believe their audience will think they are inarticulate (不善于表达) if they pause to think of what to say next, so they use filler words to avoid the silence. However, a pause is actually more impressive than a filler word. Listeners know that the speaker is thinking, trying to find the right word. Sometimes a pause can actually improve a speech, as when an actor uses a dramatic pause to hold the attention of his audience. A speaker shouldn’t be afraid to pause occasionally during a speech; it shows self-confidence.
It takes some work to cut out filler words. You can begin by taking a few seconds to think about what you want to say the next time you are asked a question. This pause will help you begin powerfully, and it will help you avoid using a filler word.
The same public speaking technique applies when you are shifting from one idea to another. While you may be tempted to fill the silence between ideas with a filler word, remember to allow yourself to pause and think about what you want to say next.
If you need help overcoming your “um” problem, consider asking a family member or a friend to point out when you use filler words. You also could record an upcoming presentation and then watch yourself in action. You may be amazed at how often you say “um” or “uh”!
Although we live in a fast-paced society that seemingly demands instant answers, we must use the pause to our advantage. Finally, we should only speak when we are ready.
小题1:In the first two paragraphs of the article the writer intends to ______.
A.introduce Caroline Kennedy to readers
B.illustrate how deadly filler words can be in the public speech
C.explain what filler words are
D.remind readers that they should count filler words used in public speeches
小题2:The reason why filler words are considered annoying by speech specialist is that   ______.
A.they prevent the listener from focusing on what the speaker is saying.
B.they convey the speaker’s superiority to the listener.
C.they mean the speaker is not articulate at all.
D.they make the speaker appear self-confident.
小题3:When used properly, pauses in speeches can actually ______.
A.give the speaker more credibility
B.hold the attention of the audience the speaker’s deep insight the audience relax
小题4:Which of the following is NOT suggested as a way to get rid of filler words?
A.To have mental training in order to think faster.
B.To ask someone else to point out when you use filler words.
C.To watch a recording of your own speech.
D.To practice thinking for a moment before answering a question.

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The popular US drama series “House of Cards”, which has already started its second season, features Chinese elements in its storyline. Traditional heroes are no longer sought after anymore. Today, it’s unconventional leading figure -like Francis J. Underwood from “House of Cards” who are winning audiences’ hearts.
The political drama, which airs on the Internet service Netflix, has won the applauses of viewers around the world since its debut(首次亮相) on February 1, 2013. And it has caught the attention of real politicians, including US President Barack Obama.
Kevin Spacey plays Francis J. Underwood, a cold-blooded Democrat who moves his way up the political ladder by any means necessary. He often uses his under-exposure in media to carry out misdeeds that will later benefit him.
The revenge(报仇) theme plays a heavy role throughout the storyline, Underwood, who had high hopes for an appointment as Secretary of State in the first season, was betrayed by the US President and his former colleagues. He and his wife then conducted a plan of revenge and swore to unseat those who turned their backs against him. Through their plan, Underwood’s own hunger for power grew and empowered him to get rid of whoever stood in his Way.
The release of the trailer(预告片) of the second season excited millions of viewers around the world, including US President Barack Obama, who has been a loyal fan since the series debuted. Obama expressed his admiration for Underwood. “This guy’s getting a lot of stuff done,” he said. Although the President is anxious to watch the story unfold, he’d like to do it at his own pace. After the release of the second season on February 14, 2014, Obama sent words on his Twitter account, “Tomorrow: @HouseOfCards. No spoilers , please.”
The second season has promised to be darker, with more unexpected turnouts, and is to include more Chinese elements. “Perhaps the team, including myself, has realized that in the next decade, Asia will be an extensively important region, and China will play an active role in its transition and change,” says Spacey.
小题1:The second season is different in that _____. is a political drama
B.more Chinese elements are involved has caught the attention of US President Barack Obama
D.Kevin Spacey, a cold-blooded Democrat, plays Francis’J. Underwood
小题2:The 3rd and 4th paragraph mainly deal with ______.
A.the plot of the drama series
B.the background of the drama series
C.the characters of the drama series
D.the popularity of the drama series
小题3:The author may agree that ______.
A.the second season is expected to be darker with more deaths
B.audiences lose their heart to traditional heroes in the drama
C.the drama is the reflection of politics of America in real life
D.the drama has won the recognition of viewers since its first season
小题4:The message sent by Obama on his Twitter account proves that he_______.
A.doesn’t wish to be told what to do as a drama fan
B.adores the drama so much that he wants to watch it in advance
C.doesn’t want to be disturbed while watching the drama
D.hopes nobody will inform him of the plot of the drama in advance

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Dealing with conflict in the workplace is rarely easy. Hurt feelings and anger can lead to lower employee morale (士气) as well as a loss of productivity and a poor work environment. As a manager. you should find some ways yourself to solve the conflict. The goal is to build a team-centered workforce.
You can use role-reversal (角色转换) methods to help each employee understand how the other feels. This model works best when there are only two parties involved. You can hold a meeting with annoyed workers in your office. You might say. "Jane, explain to me how you would feel if Nancy went to lunch with your clients (客户 ) without telling you?" Or. "Nancy, how would you respond if Jane came to me with complaints about you, but hadn"t tried to talk to you about them first? "
Workers often respond better to praise than criticism. By publicly drawing attention to employees who have healthy work relationships. you can increase the awareness for those who encourage any conflict. Avoid mentioning teams or departments that are being troubled by conflict. Instead. focus on the teams that work well together You might say. "I want to express thanks to the design team for working together to meet the deadline this week," or -Special thanks to the finance department for their teamwork in making sure that the quarterly reports were accurate"
And help your employees see that differences can be good and don"t necessarily lead to anger or disagreement This is one of the best ways to settle workplace conflicts. You can meet with employees and try to stress the value of different techniques. This lets all parties know that their own styles can be effective. You might say. " I know you disagree on how to market our services. but when you combine Jim"s email marketing with Joe"s personal one-on-one phone calls, you can increase sales. The two of you go well together. " Or. "I know you have different styles for interacting with clients. but Sally"s take-them-out-for-coffee approach works well together with Ann"s formal business meeting style Both are necessary for building relationships and getting work done. "
小题1:To build a team-centered workforce, employers_________.
A.should learn to be considerate
B.should be divided into two parties
C.shouldn"t go out with clients alone
D.should learn to accept public criticism
小题2:By saying the underlined sentence "I want to express thanks ...this week". the author tries to
A.differences are not all bad
B.role reversals are necessary
C.the importance of working together
D.the importance of focusing on the positive
小题3:The author"s purpose of writing the text is most likely to ________.

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