You’ve just come home, after living abroad for a few years. Since you’ve been aw

You’ve just come home, after living abroad for a few years. Since you’ve been aw

You’ve just come home, after living abroad for a few years. Since you’ve been away, has this country changed for the better or for the worse?
If you’ve just arrived back in the UK after a fortnight’s holiday, small changes have probably surprised you—anything from a local greengrocer suddenly being replaced by a mobile-phone shop to someone in your street moving house.
So how have things changed to people coming back to Britain after seven, ten or even 15 years living abroad? What changes in society can they see that the rest of us have hardly noticed—or now take for granted? To find out, we asked some people who recently returned.
Debi: When we left, Cheltenham, my home town, was a town of white, middle-class families—all very conservative (保守的).The town is now home to many eastern Europeans and lots of Australians, who come here mainly to work in hotels and tourism. There are even several shops only for foreigners.
Having been an immigrant (移民) myself, I admire people who go overseas to find a job. Maybe if I lived in an inner city where unemployment was high, I’d think differently, but I believe foreign settlers have improved this country because they’re more open-minded and often work harder than the natives.
Christine: As we flew home over Britain, both of us remarked how green everything looked. But the differences between the place we’d left behind and the one we returned to were brought sharply into focus as soon as we landed.
To see policemen with guns in the airport for the first time was frightening — in Cyprus, they’re very relaxed — and I got pulled over by customs officers just for taking a woolen sweater with some metal-made buttons out of my case in the arrivals hall. Everyone seemed to be on guard. Even the airport car-hire firm wanted a credit card rather than cash because they said their vehicles had been used by bank robbers. But anyway, this is still a green, beautiful country. I just wish more people would appreciate what they’ve got.
小题1:After a short overseas holiday, people tend to ______ .         
A.expect small changesB.notice small changes
C.welcome small changesD.exaggerate (夸大) small changes
小题2:How does Debi look at the foreign settlers?
小题3:When arriving at the airport in Britain, Christine was shocked by ______ .          
A.the tight securityB.the messy arrivals hall
C.the relaxed policemenD.the bank robbers
小题4:Which might be the best title for the passage?
A.Life in Britain.B.Britain in Memory.
C.Britain in Future.D.Back in Britain.



小题1:细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句中“…small changes have probably surprosed you…”可知,在短期海外度假后,人们会注意到小变化,故B正确。
小题2:推理题。根据文章第五段最后2行I believe foreign settlers have improved this country because they’re more open-minded and often work harder than the natives.可知她对于外来的移民评价很高,认为他们更开放更努力。故C正确。
小题3:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段第一句中“To see policemen with guns in the airport for the first time was frightening…”可知,当到达英国机场,Christine为紧张的安全措施所震惊。故A项正确。
小题4:主旨大意题。本题较难,文章主要讲述的是离开英国的人在回来以后的感觉,从文章最后一段But anyway, this is still a green, beautiful country. I just wish more people would appreciate what they’ve got.故D正确。
Researchers claimed that waitresses who wear red get up to 26 percent extra in tips than they would wearing other colors. However, the team finds that the sexes tip very differently—with the bigger tips coming only from male customers.
No matter what color they wear, female diners will give the same kind of amounts for service every time. Yet men, whether they realize it or not, add anything between 15 and 26 percent more to a waitress in red than they would if it was the same waitress wearing a different color.
The test was simple. Take 11 waitresses in five restaurants over a six-week period and ask them to wear the same kind of T-shirt every day but change the colors. Previous research has suggested waitresses could earn more if they acted charmingly or wore more make-up than their colleagues. But this study, by the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, only changed the color of the T-shirt. Every other aspect from make-up to behavior remained the same.
When wearing either black, white, green, blue or yellow T-shirts, the size of the tips from both male and female customers was almost identical. But when they wore red, the size of the tips went up by between 15 and 26 percent from male customers, yet stayed the same from female ones. 
A total of 272 restaurant customers were studied by researchers Nicolas Gueguen and Celine Jacob for the international journal of the tourism industry.
Even as a T-shirt, it shows just how much the color red is thought, by men, to increase the physical and sexual attractiveness of woman, said the researchers.
The researchers wrote: As red color has no negative effect on women customers, it could be in their interest to wear clothes at work.
小题1:The underlined word “identical” in Para. 4 probably means____________________.
A.differentB.similarC.the sameD.close
小题2: According to the passage, in the research by the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research waitresses could earn more by _________________.
A.wearing red T-shirtsB.putting on attractive make-up
C.changing the color of T-shirtsD.behaving themselves
小题3:Which of the following is right according to the passage?
A.Bright color can increase the physical and sexual attractiveness of women.
B.Waitresses in red make no difference to female customers.
C.Make-up makes no difference to man customers.
D.Whether male customers tips more or not depends on service.
小题4:What is the main idea of the passage?
A.People tip differently if waitresses wear different make-up.
B.Waitresses who wear red get more tips than they would wearing other colors.
C.Male customers are more interested in the red color.
D.Red color has no negative effect on female customers.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
What is a lifestyle and how is that different from a life? A lifestyle is about brand names and buying identity or fame. Lifestyle gives a false sense of peace and acceptability that comes from others recognizing what you’ve bought into (as well as bought). If your car, clothes, and home are expensive, you’re sophisticated(世故的) and stylish. If you have the right kind of job or go to the right social gatherings, then you receive the insincere approval of others. This means that your self-esteem(自尊) is always at the mercy of others, with no appreciation of you as an individual.
A life, on the other hand, is very different. A life is what you lead when you know what matters most to you. It is very simple and comes from being connected to what you know is important and being willing to put that first, no matter what others may think. When you create a life vs. a lifestyle, your self-esteem comes from what’s inside you, not what others think about you.
Lifestyle is expensive financially and personally, because it costs a great deal to keep up appearances and do what you think is socially acceptable. A life is not expensive. Rather than using personal or financial resources, a life generates energy and staying power. It’s about liberating yourself from the mindless consumption that society expects. It is about making the choices that are in line with your values, instead of using up your bank account or energy for no heart-driven reason.
How can you make the change? Understand the difference between a life and a lifestyle. Analyze your current lifestyle to see what is costing you in money, time, stress, and energy to maintain it. Let go and make room for what is really important to you, what supports you and brings you joy. Remember who you are from within, not what you own!
小题1:Which of the following examples best explains “what is life about”?
A.We work long hours in a job that we do not enjoy.
B.We focus on what we wear, or what kind of car we drive.
C.We find out what our true beliefs and values are and choose to live by these.
D.We think that how others see us is more important than what we think of ourselves.
小题2:What method does the author use to explain his opinion in the third paragraph?
A.Making comparison.B.Giving an example.
C.Giving a definition.D.Giving a reason.
小题3:To make the change, we need to______________________. directed from directed from outside driven by social driven by others’ opinions
小题4:What is the author’s purpose of writing this passage?
A.To describe what life is.
B.To introduce what lifestyle is.
C.To promote life instead of lifestyle.
D.To tell the differences between life and lifestyle.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
I grew up in a tiny Baltimore row house in a faraway mountain area. My parents ______ the necessities of life but they couldn’t give much more. If I asked my father for a pair of jeans, he would say, “ If you want them, make the money and buy them yourself.” He wasn’t being mean; he just couldn’t ______ them. From age 12 on, I did part-time jobs after school.
When I ______ from high school, I joined the navy. Soon I was in a boot camp(新兵训练营) at Parris Island, S.C., where I learned that life in the navy centered around completing daily ______. These could be anything from cleaning the camp to conducting mock(模拟的) battles. Completing these tasks successfully ______ discipline, team-work and responsibility. It didn’t ______ whether you were black, white or Asian; everyone worked together for the ______ of the company.
I went on to graduate from the U.S. Naval Academic and later became an officer in the navy. The part of my job I ______ most was the consulting(咨询) meetings I ______ with the family members of the men and women in my ______, trying to help them deal with the long periods of ______. These proved popular and word of them spread. Before long I was being asked to give encouraging ______ to business groups, educators and kids across the country.
But I consider the boot camp my first real ______, and my life is still guided by the ______ lessons I learned there. It taught me discipline, friendship and the pride related to setting a task every day and working hard to ______ it.
小题7: D.right

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Most young people enjoy some forms of physical activity. It may be walking, cycling, swimming, or in winter, skating or skiing. It may be a game of some forms—football, basketball, hockey, golf or tennis. It may be mountaineering.
Those who have a passion for climbing high and difficult mountains are often looked upon with astonishment. Why are men and women willing to suffer cold and hardship, and to take risks in high mountains? This astonishment is caused, probably, by the difference between mountaineering and other forms of activity to which men give their leisure.
Mountaineering is a sport and not a game. There are no man-made rules, as others, as there are for such games as golf and football. There are, of course, rules of different kinds which would be dangerous to ignore, but it is this freedom from man-made rules that makes mountaineering attractive to many people. Those who climb mountains are free to use their own methods.
If we compare mountaineering with other more familiar sports, we might think that one big difference is that mountaineering is not a “team game”. We should be mistaken in this. There are, it is true, no “matches” between “teams” of climbers, but when climbers are on a rock face linked by a rope on which their lives may depend, there is obviously teamwork.
The mountain climber knows that he may have to fight forces that are stronger and more powerful than man. He has to fight the forces of nature. His sport requires high mental and physical qualities.
A mountain climber continues to improve in skills year by year. A skier is probably past his best by the age of thirty. But it is not unusual for men of fifty or sixty to climb the highest mountains in the Alps. They may take more time than younger men, but they perhaps climb with more skills and less waste of effort, and they certainly experience equal enjoyment.
小题1:What sports are popular among people in winter in the passage?
A.Soccer and golf.B.Skiing and skating.
C.Cycling and hockey.D.Mountaineering.
小题2:The underlined word “passion” in Paragraph 2 could best be replaced by ______.
A.strong emotionB.good way
C.better feelingD.enough affection
小题3:Mountaineering is a sport, not a game because_______. has man-made rules is too dangerous for climbers can’t bring people joy or leisure is free for climbers to use their own methods
小题4:We know from the passage that _______.
A.mountaineering has no appeal for people
B.physical quality is more important than mental one for climbers
C.a mountain climber passes his best by the age of thirty is possible for an old man of fifty or sixty to climb the Alps
小题5:What is the best title for the passage?
A.Sports in winterB.Team work in climbing
C.MountaineeringD.The quality for mountaineering

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
My father was Chief Engineer of a merchant ship, which was sunk in World War Ⅱ. The book Night of the U­boats told the story.
In September ,1940,my mother ,sister and I went to Swansea ,where my father ‘s ship was getting ready to sail ,we brought him a family photography to be kept with him at all times and keep him safe .
Then I remember my mother lying face down ,sobbing .she had heard from a friend that the ship had been sunk by a torpedo (鱼雷).
I can remember the arrived of the telegram(电报),which in those days always brought bad news .my grandmother opened it ,it read ,safe .love ted.”
My most vivid memory is being woken and brought down to sit on my father’s knee, his arm in a bandage .
He was judged unfit to return to sea and took a shore job in Glasgow for the rest of the war, for as long as I can remember ,he had a weak heart ,mother said it was caused by the torpedoes .he said it was because of the cigarette ,whichever ,he died suddenly in his early 50s.
Ten years later I read night of the U-boat and able to complete the story .
A toast
In my room is the book and the photograph .often , glass in hand, I have wondered how I would have dealt with an explosion ,a sinking ship ,a jump into a vast ocean and a wait for rescue ?lest (以免 )we forget ,I have some more whisky and toast the heroes of the war.
小题1:We can infer that the mother and children went to Swansea ________. meet a see the father off take a family enjoy the sailing of the ship
小题2:What did the author learn about the father from the telegram?
A.he was still alive.B.His knee was broken.
C.His ship had been sunk.D.He had arrived in Glasgow.
小题3:The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 6 refers to the father’s ________.
A.weak heartB.taking a shore job
C.failure to return to seaD.injury caused by a torpedo
小题4:What is the passage mainly about?
A.A group of forgotten heroes
B.A book describing a terrifying battle.
C.A ship engineer’s wartime experience.
D.A merchant’s memories of a sea rescue.

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