As the mobile phones so widely appear in our daily life, someone said it would b

As the mobile phones so widely appear in our daily life, someone said it would b

As the mobile phones so widely appear in our daily life, someone said it would be cool if you didn’t have a mobile phone nowadays. It might be true to some extent, but as for an adult, a mobile means contact. It connects your work, relatives, friends, etc. It should do great deeds for us.
Months ago, my uncle gave his dear son a phone, because my nephew’s school is far from his home. He can only come back once a term, and the phones haven’t been so expensive yet. However, someone has criticized (批评) the young people for playing on mobiles, but not using. They are fond of sending messages, taking pictures and so on. They buy expensive, high level and fashion types for showing. They play on the mobiles day in and day out ….. Holy cow!
So, what happens to youngsters around you? Do they have a phone? What do they use it for? Do you think it’s necessary for teenagers who are still in school to have a phone?
In my view, mobile phones are only a tool for communication purpose, just like any other tools which have the potential (潜力) to be misused. In my opinion, I can see young people using it for security reason, emergency purpose, etc. If the parents can afford to pay big phone bills for their kids, well, that’s their business, like the old saying goes, “live and let live.”
--- Mary Smith
From psychological (心理学的) point of view, teenagers are more likely to be relaxed or pleasure-oriented. They would like to make something different. Buying brands that are considered “COOL” is important to them. They want others to like and admire themselves, and sometimes, even exaggerate(夸大)their own personality to show off. This can be seen as a kind of psychology during this certain range of age.
--- Dick Gates
Currently, people should tend to be more sociable, and age should not be seen as a barrier for teenagers to own their phones. They also need to set trends on the social circuit (社交圈). But here parents should play an important role in controlling their children about how to use the phones more properly.                                         
小题1: We can learn from the first sentence of the passage that ________.
A.people admire those who don’t have mobile phones
B.people don’t like to have mobile phones nowadays phones are too popular among people now phones are not as useful as before
小题2: Why are some teenagers criticized according to the second paragraph?
A.They use mobile phones for playing instead of using.
B.They don’t use mobile phones for their study.
C.They play “Holy Cow” games in mobile phones.
D.They buy expensive, fashionable mobile phones.
小题3:By saying “live and let live”, Mary Smith means that _________.
A.teenagers shouldn’t use mobile phones
B.parents should buy mobile phones for their children
C.teenagers can use mobile phones if their parents don’t mind
D.teenagers should use mobile phones for communication
小题4:What is Dick Gates’ attitude towards whether teenagers should use mobile phones?
A.Supportive.B.Objective. (客观的)
C.Negative. (消极的)D.Uninterested.



试题分析: 本文讲的是手机在日常生活中的作用越为越多,做为孩子可以拥有手机,但他们大多数时候是用来玩,消磨时间,而忽略它的沟通作用。做为家长来说,要积极的引导孩子 。
小题1:C 段落大意。第一句话As the mobile phones so widely appear in our daily life, someone said it would be cool if you didn’t have a mobile phone nowadays.概括段意,手机越来越广泛的出现在人们的生活中,故C项符合题意 。
小题2:A 细节理解题。根据第二段中提到的someone has criticized (批评) the young people for playing on mobiles, but not using,青少年们只是玩手机而不是利用它,因些受到批评,所以选A项。
小题3:C 细节理解题。根据上文提到内容. If the parents can afford to pay big phone bills for their kids, well, that’s their business,如果父母能支付得起孩子的花费的话,那是他们的事,作者主张看个人意愿了,所以选C项。
小题4:B 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段提到的Buying brands that are considered “COOL” is important to them. They want others to like and admire themselves, and sometimes, even exaggerate(夸大)their own personality to show off. This can be seen as a kind of psychology during this certain range of age.对孩子来说,买某些东西只为追求酷,甚至是更多的是炫耀,这是这个年龄段孩子们的一种心理,所以这是比较客观的分析,故选B项。
考点 日常生活类阅读。
A good friend of mine lives about one hour away. I called her last week and found out that she wasn’t doing well at work, which would make the following year a little more difficult. After hanging up the phone, I decided to offer to help her, but I couldn’t think of what to do. However, opportunities come themselves when you’re not even looking for.
A few days later, some friends and I happened to be eating desserts at a restaurant in her city. As we were looking at the menu, I turned to my friends and asked them if they wanted to join in a game. After explaining the idea, they decided to take 15 minutes to make someone’s day. We ordered an extra dessert, wrote a note, added a smile card and were off. However, there was one problem: I had no idea where she was.
Therefore, it was time to rely on the network. I called up a friend and got him to call her to see what she was doing and found out that she was at work.
We drove to her work place and one of my friends became the delivery(投递)person.He went in to look for my friend, found her, didn’t really answer her questions and walked out, saying he’s simply a delivery person.
He ran out quickly and I bent down as we drove by to make sure she didn’t follow him out. Afterwards, all of us had this huge smile on our faces. We felt as if we had just planned a surprise party or something.
A simple opportunity turned into a moment that many of us can now share.
小题1:Why is the following year a little more difficult for the author’s friend?
A.Because she lives too far away from work.
B.Because she was out of work.
C.Because she didn’t do well at work.
D.Because she failed a test.
小题2:In Paragraph 2, the underlined phrases “make someone’s day” probably means “make someone________”.
小题3:The author got to know where her friend was by________.
A.asking her friend herself by phone
B.asking another friend to call her
C.asking what she was doing directly
D.asking her friend herself on the Internet
小题4:When given the dessert, the author’s friend________.
A.refused the offerB.knew the entire thing
C.asked some questionsD.followed the delivery person out
小题5:The author and her friends might feel________at last.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
“ONE in every 50 Shanghai women has cancer, a total of more than 140,000 women currently living in the city, and cancer statistics are based on citizens with permanent residency(永久居住),” officials from the Shanghai Center for Disease Control and Prevention said ahead of International Women"s Day on Friday.
However, they said the city"s rate of cancer in women was rising slowly along with its rising number of elderly people. Early screening for breast, colorectal and cervical cancers can help prevent 30 percent of cancer cases.
Breast, colorectal, lung, gastric and thyroid cancers are the five most common cancer forms among women, with breast cancer accounting for 16 percent of Shanghai"s new cases each year and colorectal cancer 13 percent. Cervical cancer, although only the 12th leading cancer in women in Shanghai, is particularly common among women between 25 and 54 years old. Dr Zheng Ying, director of the center"s tumor prevention and control department, said , "breast, colorectal and cervical cancers accounted for 32 percent of female cancers”. He added, " However, the three types of cancer can be detected and treated properly through early and regular screening. Our main target of women"s cancer prevention education this year is breast cancer, cervical cancer and colorectal cancer."The prevention and control of colorectal cancer will be a new public health project this year with the city government promoting a community-based screening program.
Experts say women over 20 should examine their breasts every month and have annual clinical checks after the age of 35. Women over 50 should have mammograms(乳房X线照片) every two years. For cervical cancer, women over 20 should be checked every three years. Women over 50 years old should have annual medical checks. Zheng said anyone with a family history of the three types of cancer should be aware of the need for more frequent examinations and early screening.
小题1:What is the best title of the passage?
A.the women with cancer in Shanghai
B.lots of women in Shanghai have cancer
C.the five most common cancer forms among women in Shanghai
D.The prevention and control of cancer
小题2:According to the passage, how many Shanghai women have cancer now?
A.about 2800B.about 2600 C.about3000D.about2700
小题3:The five most common cancer forms among women in Shanghai are ________.
A.Breast, colorectal, cervical, gastric and thyroid cancers
B.Breast, cervical, lung, gastric and thyroid cancers
C.Breast, colorectal, lung, gastric and thyroid cancers
D.Breast, colorectal, lung, cervical and thyroid cancers
小题4:The center"s main target of women"s cancer prevention education this year is ________.
A.breast cancer, lung cancer and colorectal cancer
B.breast cancer, cervical cancer and thyroid cancer
C.breast cancer, cervical cancer and lung cancer
D.breast cancer, cervical cancer and colorectal cancer
小题5:What is the last paragraph about?
A.Advice on the frequency of the different physical examinations for women.
B.Anyone should accept more frequent examinations.
C.Women over 20 should examine their breasts every month.
D.Women over 20 should be checked every three years.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
If your child has mobile internet access, it will be more difficult to monitor(监督) and control his or her internet use. Kids are turning to the internet for everything from hanging out with friends to shopping, which makes it harder for parents to keep track of their online activities. Fortunately, there are many choices for controlling what your kids see on their computers, laptops, and mobile devices.
Content blockers and filters are great tools to use for younger kids. They allow you more control over where they go and what they do online. A content blocker can block some unhealthy websites or limit a child’s search to the kind of sites. A content filter can scan sites and pictures and block those sites that contain certain words, key phrases, or content.
Consider tracking software for older teenagers. This software enables you to see which sites your children have visited, tracking their path online. This tool gives young people more freedom to explore the Internet, but it also allows you to check that they are using the internet responsibly. Let your teenagers know that you trust them, but that you will be regularly checking that they are visiting appropriate sites online.
Even if you use content blockers, filters, and trackers, you know that a lot of kids figure out ways to get around these, so it’s important to remain alert(警惕的). Remember that not all adult sites can be identified by blocker, filter, or tracker software. That’s why it’s important to talk to your kids about what to do when something inappropriate or scary comes up. Nothing can replace involvement and supervision(监督) by adults. Keep monitoring how your kids use the internet on a regular basis without getting into the role of internet traffic police.
小题1:What is the passage mainly about?
A.More and more kids have mobile internet access
B.Some choices for monitoring and controlling kid’s internet use
C.It is difficult to monitor and control kid’s internet use
D.Kids are turning to the internet for everything
小题2:How should parents monitor and control younger kids’ internet use?
A.With tracking software
B.With tracking software and content blockers and filters
C.With content blockers and filters
D.With filters and trackers
小题3:The 3th paragraph is about         . to monitor and control older teenagers’ internet use to monitor and control younger kids’ internet use
C.tracking software
D.Content blockers and filters
小题4:Parents should remain alert when they monitor kids’ internet use because      .
A.content blockers, filters, and trackers are useless.
B.lots of kids figure out ways to get around content blockers, filters, and trackers.
C.not all adult sites can be identified by blocker, filter, or tracker software
D.nothing can replace involvement and supervision by adults
小题5:         is the most important for parents to monitor and control kid’s internet use?
A.Tracking softwareB.Content blockers and filters
C.Filters and trackersD.Involvement and supervision by adults

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
In a spelling contest (竞赛), an 11-year-old girl was asked to spell a certain word. But with her     voice the judges were not sure if she spelled the word with the letter A or E. They talked it over and finally decided to     ask her what she had said. By then, the girl knew she had     the word, but instead of lying, she told the truth that she had said the     letter—so she lost the contest.
As the girl walked off the   , the entire audience stood to their feet, clapping to praise her    . Later, dozens of newspaper reporters wrote about this girl’s honesty.     she lost the contest, she     the biggest contest that day: the contest of her     .
Probably the biggest test of our character is what we should do if we knew we would never get   . This young girl could easily have    and nobody would have known it   herself. However, that’s just it: she would know she did wrong. It’s been said, “If you cheat, you make yourself   .” This young girl was strong and smart enough to value her own character more than the    from a spelling contest. Her    for herself was more important than any respect others might give her for winning a contest. She knew she would have to    with herself and the    she made at that moment would have a long-lasting influence.
It’s so true that the choices you make today make     you are tomorrow. Our children will follow our behavior. So if we want them to     to be honest, we must be honest ourselves. Remember, our kids are     what we do even when we don’t know.
A.loudB.sweet C.deepD.soft
A.forgotten B.mispronouncedC.misunderstoodD.misspelled
A.correctB.wrongC.different D.same
A.bravery B.courageC.honestyD.cleverness
A.ThoughB.UnlessC.If D.Since
A.defeatedB.broke C.wonD.achieved
A.characterB.knowledge C.lifeD.ability
A.askedB.liedC.explained D.replied
A.except well as
A.cheapB.expensive C.pricelessD.brave
A.grow upB.bring upC.pick upD.come up

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
My interest in Chinese food started years a90, when l was a young reporter for the Washington Post. Our office wasn’t far from Chinatown, where I found some very good Chinese restaurants.
The first time I ever ate Chinese food I loved it. I noticed the fresh taste of the meat and vegetables. When I learned more about the food, I began to understand why it has this special feature.
Many years ago, China had an energy crisis because it lost much of its wood due to over population and poor management of its forests. This loss was very bad for the country, of course, but it turned out to be very good for the food. Wood became very expensive and hard to get,so the Chinese had to either find a substitute for their valuable wood,or learn how to use it better. There weren’t any substitutes so people found ways to economize.
In order to economize in cookin9, they had to use very little wood. So they started cutting their meat and vegetables into small pieces before they put them in the hot oil.That way,the food cooked faster and they saved their fuel. The food prepared in this way kept its fresh flavor一and it"s this flavor that attracts people from other countries to the art of Chinese cooking.
小题1:This text is mainly about________.
A.what caused Chinese food to taste fresh Chinese food is cooked in the US
C.when the author started to make Chinese food
D.why most foreigners like cooking Chinese food
小题2:The author mentioned the energy crisis to show________. is important to protect the forests is necessary to find substitutes for wood
C.why the Chinese changed their way of cooking
D.what problems a big population is causing China today
小题3:It can be inferred from the text that before the energy crisis Chinese food________.
A.was cooked in rather large pieces
B.was cooked in water but not oil
C.didn’t taste good
D.didn’t look fresh

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