When Peng Liyuan stepped off the plane in Moscow, the whole world wanted to know

When Peng Liyuan stepped off the plane in Moscow, the whole world wanted to know


When Peng Liyuan stepped off the plane in Moscow, the whole world wanted to know who dressed the elegant first lady. The reporter released the secret—Ma Ke.
Peng Liyuan has been wearing Ma Ke"s designs for more than a decade, a fact that was only highlighted recently when she was on her first state visit, accompanying her husband President Xi Jinping. The elegant and attractive Peng, formerly a popular singer, has been compared with the US’ first lady Michelle Obama and France’s Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, since stepping off the airplane in Moscow on March 22. Suddenly, everyone was curious to know more about the first lady’s wardrobe.
Even so, Ma prefers a low-key approach. “If you eat a tasty egg why would you want to see the hen?” she says of all the media attention.
Ma’s relationship with Peng began 10 years ago after a concert in Guangzhou when a reporter told Peng she knew the designer behind the label Exception de Mixmind. Peng asked for an introduction because she was a fan of Ma’s designs and had been wearing them for years.
The two naturally became friends. Ma says: “The painting reflects the painter, and clothes reflect both the designer and the wearer. Someone desires fame and wealth, or love and sympathy; what you have in your heart is reflected in the design. Those who don’t share my philosophy won’t buy my clothes. Peng is a caring person, devoted to charity and environmental protection, which is exactly what I’m doing now.”
However, regardless of the brand, Peng’s support of Chinese labels has surprised millions of Chinese who favor foreign fashion brands.
“Instead she presented a vision of Chinese fashion, desiring to bring Chinese designers to the world stage,” says a western designer.
The first lady’s double-breasted coat and her black leather handbag aren’t available at any of Exception’s shops, though Exception’s physical stores do have seen a rising number of visitors.
小题1:The passage mainly discusses _________.
A.the designer of the first lady Peng Liyuan’s dress, Ma Ke
B.the friendship between Peng Liyuan and her designer
C.Peng Liyuan’s clothes on her first state visit
D.the reactions to Peng Liyuan’s first visit to Moscow
小题2:In the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 Ma Ke mentioned “an egg and the hen” to show _________.
A.it is hard to explain “Which came first, the egg or the hen?”
B.paying such great attention to her was unnecessary
C.the outcome was more important than the process
D.her dissatisfaction with the media attention on her dress
小题3:What can be inferred from the passage?
A.First ladies compete with each other whenever they are together.
B.Peng’s suits can be bought in Ma Ke’s clothes stores.
C.Ma Ke offered to design the first lady’s clothes through her friends.
D.Peng had liked Ma’s designs long before she got to know her in the flesh.
小题4:In the passage, Peng Liyuan _________.
A.often reflects on what she has in her heart before choosing clothes
B.is sympathetic and has a strong environmental consciousness
C.always desires the exceptional charm of the brand
D.is knowledgeable in philosophy
小题5:Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Peng wears the dress designed by a Chinese designer probably to support Chinese brands.
B.Many citizens found Peng Liyuan’s choice quite unexpected.
C.Black leather handbags like Peng’s are widely sold in bag stores in big cities.
D.After Peng Liyuan’s visit to Moscow Ma Ke’s clothes became more popular.



小题1:A主旨大意题。文章首段通过讲述第一夫人***出访时的着装引起人们关注,从而引出服装设计师马可,The reporter released the secret—Ma Ke.然后文章围绕着***和马克的相识、马克的设计风格等等展开叙述,由此可知文章主要讲述了马可,所以答案选A。
小题2:B推理判断题。根据文中Ma prefers a low-key approach.可知,她行事低调她由此判断划线句子“如果你吃到美味的鸡蛋为什么非要看下蛋的母鸡呢?”暗含的意思是媒体没有必要对他关注。故B选项正确。
小题3:D推理判断题。根据文中she was a fan of Ma’s designs and had been wearing them for years可知,***在认识马之前就是她的粉丝并已经穿她设计的服装多年了,所以D选项正确。
小题4:B细节理解题。根据文中Peng is a caring person, devoted to charity and environmental protection,可知,彭是一个关爱别人致力于慈善事业和环境保护的人。所以B选项正确。
小题5:C细节理解题。根据文中最后一段中The first lady’s double-breasted coat and her black leather handbag aren’t available at any of Exception’s shops,可知,C选项内容错误。
Do you know the open-air art gallery in London"s Blackall Street? Probably -not. Not many  Londoners know it either, but Henri does and he is willing to show it to you.
Henri used to sleep in parks until he met a charity(慈善机构) that helps homeless people get  back on their feet by becoming tour guides.
Rather than show traditional London sights, “Unseen Tours" take people off the beaten track. Henri has been teaching tourists about the history and architecture of Shoreditch, where he slept on public benches for three years.
When he felt separated from the society, contact with the volunteer network "The Sock Mob" gave Henri hope. "Not everyone just looked down on me," he said. The tours aren"t the only actions trying to help those who have suffered a misfortune to stand tall again.
An innovative(创新的) college for homeless people in London, the first of its kind in the country, is attracting hundreds of students. The Recovery College, set up by St Mungo"s charity, is providing courses designed to improve technical skills and life skills.
According to Andy Williams, who helps to organize the college, the most popular courses have proved to be about raising self-confidence and developing self-pride.
Steve, now in his 50s, told a reporter how much of a difference it makes to "have a bit of confidence". He had difficulty learning to read and had to leave school when he was 12. Because Steve"s problem was not recognized at the time, he was "seen to be unable to read or write", and suffered with depression and alcohol addiction. He says the status of "student" is itself important for people who are used to being treated as outcasts(被遗弃者)
Some charities aim not only to help the homeless become independent but also to make them popular. The Homeless World Cup started ten years ago. Today the tournament draws teams from 48 countries made up of players-men and women-who are, or have been, living in the streets.  It gives them a chance to become football heroes.
小题1:The underlined part "take people off the beaten track" means "take people to______.”
A.famous galleriesB.traditional sights
C.unusual placesD.public benches
小题2:How does the Recovery College help the homeless people?
A.By training them to be guides
B.By offering them different courses.
C.By keeping in contact with them.
D.By asking more students to help them.
小题3:At the age of 12, Steve _______ .
A.wasn"t treated as a normal student
B.had much confidence in himself
C.didn"t want to study at school
D.left school because of depression
小题4:The purpose of the Homeless World Cup is to help the homeless people _______.
A.become football starsB.improve life skills
C.gain self-confidenceD.find proper jobs
小题5:Which is the best title for the passage?
A.Confidence Back Now.B.London Tour.
C.The Popular Homeless.D.Football Heroes.

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Mother stayed at home cooking and cleaning while Father left for work. Two or more children took the bus to school. In the evening, all the family members got together at home again. This is what a traditional family was like twenty years ago. But now great changes have happened in British families.
As many as 2 out of 3 marriages now end in divorce(离婚), and many children have to live with one parent and only see the other at weekends or during holidays.
There has been a great increase in the number of working women with children. Many women have to work to support themselves and their children. Even in the family where there is no divorce, both parents have to work in order to survive.
Also women are no longer happy to stay at home taking care of children. Many of them have jobs and some of them can even make more money than men, the traditional breadwinners.
What’s more, the increasing number of single-parent families have caused an increase in the crime rate (犯罪率) among children in a way. It is thought that if a child doesn’t have a father, he or she will be harmed.
However the changes may be good for some people. For women it’s now much easier to have well-paid jobs. Although it is difficult to be a working mother, it is no longer seen as a bad thing for children.
As for some children, they learn how to solve problems by themselves at an early age.
小题1:Which of the following statements is TRUE about a traditional family in Britain twenty years ago?
A.Both the mother and the father had to work to support the family.
B.The father stayed at home taking care of the children.
C.The mother didn’t need to work.
D.A family had only one child.
小题2:Which of the following things is NOT mentioned in the passage ? 
A.The increasing number of divorces.
B.The increasing number of fathers who stay at home.
C.The increasing number of working mothers.
D.The increasing crime rate among children.
小题3:According to the passage, a “breadwinner” refers to a person who ________.
A.has got some breadB.is good at making bread
C.stays at home raising childrenD.works to support the family
小题4:From the passage we can learn that ________.
A.In a family where the parents are not divorced in Britain,the mother doesn’t have to work.
B.Children whose parents are divorced have to start working early.
C.The father is very important to a child’s growth.
D.The changes in British families do no good to people.

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Don’t drive your kids to school. Let them ride a bike to school.
In England 8.3 million children travel to school every day. It is reported that only a small number of pupils cycle to school (under 2%), although one in three children would actually like to.
Experts say that to stay healthy, children need at least one hour of moderate (适度的) exercise every day. But only six out of ten boys and four out of ten girls get that. One of the reasons is that parents have developed a habit of driving their children to school when they could just walk or ride a bike to school.
Teachers often say that children who walk or ride a bike to school are more ready to listen to their classes, ask and answer questions in class than those driven by car, and the school journey is a good chance for children to learn about road safety and other life skills. Also, for many children, riding a bike is more fun than going to school by car.
Most parents know the benefits (益处). Then what’s stopping them from letting their kids ride a bike? Safety is the number one worry for them. But actually riding a bike is not as dangerous as parents think it is.
When you decide to buy a bike, you should be aware(意识到) that a bike that is too big or too small is dangerous. Don’t try to get a bike that your child will “grow into”. Get the right size in good working order. Generally, 20-inch wheels are on bikes for 5-8 year olds; 24-inch wheels are for 9-11 year olds; 26-inch wheels are suitable for those over 11, and some older children should even take bikes with 28-inch wheels, but the main thing is that the bike fits your child.
小题1:This passage is mainly written for ________.
A.teachers whose students have asked their parents to drive them to school
B.children who have asked their parents to drive them to school
C.parents who drive their children to school
D.parents who drive to work
小题2:Which of the following benefits of cycling to school is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.It will help children keep healthy
B. It will make children more active in class.
C.It will make children feel freer
D.It will be more fun for children.
小题3:Parents don’t allow their children to ride a bike to school mainly because ________.
A.their children don’t want to.
B.they are worried about their children’s safety.
C.they don’t know what size bike to choose
D.They haven’t enough money to buy a bike.
小题4:Generally, what size bike is suitable for a 10-year-old child?
A.A bike with 20-inch wheelsB.A bike with 24-inch wheels
C.A bike with 26-inch D.A bike with 28-inch wheels

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How do you think of the following example? Many Japanese never take the vacations they should enjoy, but with the coming of “Golden Week”, several holidays following one after another in late April and early May, they pour out of the country in the tens of thousands.
So when traveling, whether on business or for pleasure, the first thing to think about are hotels. The kind of hotel you choose is decided according to how much money you want to spend. There are small hotels with very few services, where the prices are low, or there are large hotels with all the very latest comforts, where you could spend all the money you have in the bank for a very comfortable night.
There are several different kinds of people who go to hotels. Some want to live, rather than just stay, in a hotel; hotels which are designed to meet their needs are called residential hotels. However, most people who stay in hotels are either business people or tourists on holiday.
In most hotels, there are two kinds of rooms: single rooms, for the use of one person, and double rooms, for the use of two people. In addition, in large hotels, there are also suites (套房), which include two or more rooms connected together — perhaps a bedroom and a living room. They are for people who are very rich or very important.
小题1:From the example of many Japanese, we can learn that           .
A.they don’t enjoy taking vacations because it’s too expensive
B.they enjoy touring in “Golden Week” because it consists of several holidays
C.they don’t have vacations unless they go abroad
D.they enjoy staying at home unless they have enough time and money
小题2:A person’s choice of a particular hotel is made mainly according to           .
A.how much he is willing to pay for a night
B.whether he is traveling on business or for pleasure
C.whether the hotel is in the central part of a city
D.how good the services of the hotel are
小题3:If the president of a certain country comes, he will most probably             .
A.live in a new hotelB.stay in a single room of a hotel
C.stay in a double room of a hotelD.stay in a suite of a modern hotel
小题4:If a person stays in a modern hotel with the latest comforts for a night,           .
A.he will become poor
B.he will have to pay a lot of money
C.he will have to spend all the money he has in the bank
D.he will have to draw all of his money out of the bank

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As any parent with an iPhone or an iPod Touch knows, mobile apps (手机软件) can be an engaging and entertaining experience for kids. Now, a new study of PBS Kids suggests that the experience can be an educational one as well.
The study, which was administered by PBS under a grant from the Department of Education, first tested the vocabulary level of a group of 90 Title 1 school children, aged 3 to 7. Then, the children were each given two weeks with an iPod Touch loaded with the Martha Speaks Dog Party app created by PBS Kids.
The study monitored how the children used the iPod, during what hours, and in what context. On average, the study found that kids played with the iPod Touch for a total of 5 hours across the two weeks, with half that time spent playing the Martha Speaks app. At the end of the two week trial, the children were given another vocabulary test, which revealed an increase in vocabulary acquisition by as much as 31 per cent.
The study findings are particularly useful as smart phones and mobile devices have become increasingly popular among families and parents are faced with a proliferation of mobile apps designed for kids. According to a recent Nielsen study, smart phone usage is 12% higher in households with children than other households.
“Mobile apps can be a great learning tool in the hands of children,” said Lesli Rotenberg, SVP, Children’s Media, PBS. “This research is important in helping to better understand and guide the development of new apps that improve the value of children’s screen time with significant educational outcomes.”
So what does it all mean? Well, at the very least it will help parents get over that guilty feeling when they hand over their iPhone or iPod Touch for a little peace and quiet. At best, it provides more evidence that mobile devices and apps do indeed have educational value and could be an important part of the child-learning process for many years to come.
小题1:What Lesli Rotenberg said in the fifth paragraph suggests that      .
A.he has a positive attitude towards mobile apps
B.he thinks children should never use smart phones
C.he is doubtful about mobile apps designed for children
D.he thinks parents should be careful with mobile apps for children
小题2:The underlined sentence in the last paragraph implies that      .
A.parents will feel more comfortable giving kids iPhone or iPod Touch
B.parents will know what kind of mobile phones are suitable for kids
C.parents will know what children do with mobile phones
D.parents can watch over their children now and then
小题3:What would be the best title of the text?
A.The popularity of smart phones among kids
B.The entertaining function of smart phones
C.Smart phones make kids learn more.
D.It’s too early for kids to use smart phones

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