A study by St.. Louis University has found that a lovable dog named Sparky and a

A study by St.. Louis University has found that a lovable dog named Sparky and a

A study by St.. Louis University has found that a lovable dog named Sparky and a robotic dog, AIBO, were about equally effective at reducing the loneliness of nursing home residents. The study confirmed previous findings that dogs have a good effect on nursing home residents.
Dr. Andrew Smith led the Stanford University team that built a home-assistance robot. “If humans can feel an emotional tie with robots, some day they could be not just our assistants, but also our companions,” he said.
To test whether residents responded better to Sparky, a trained dog, or the Sony-made robotic dog, researchers divided 38 nursing home residents into three groups at three long-term care centers in St. Louis.
One group had weekly 30-minute one-on-one visits with Sparky; another group had similar visits with AIBO; a control group had no contact with either dog. The groups’ respective levels of loneliness were tested by having them answer a number of questions at the beginning and near the end of the visits.
After two months, both groups that had contact with the dogs were less lonely and more attached. Most of the elderly regarded Sparky, a 9-year-old dog, as an audience for their life stories, said investigator Marian Banks.
“He listened attentively, wagged his tail, and allowed them to pet him,” said Banks, who adopted and trained Sparky after finding him in a street behind her home seven years ago.
Those who were together with AIBO took a little longer to warm to the robotic creature. Over time, however, they grew comfortable with him, and petted and talked to him. He would respond by wagging his tail, vocalizing, and blinking his lights..
“AIBO is charming once you start to interact with him,” said the study’s author, Dr. William Banks, “He’s an attractive sort of guy. He gives a feeling of being personal, not just a robot.”
小题1:Before the new study, it was known that ____.
A.robots were effective at reducing people’s loneliness
B.robots could build close connection with humans
C.dogs could help get rid of old people’s loneliness
D.dogs and robots were equally effective at reducing loneliness
小题2:Those who had contact with the robotic dog found that ___.
A.they didn’t feel comfortable with it
B.it was hard for them to interact with it
C.they weren’t comfortable with it at first
D.the robot’s vocalizing and blinking confused them
小题3:The findings of the researchers tell us that___.
A.robots are better at caring for old people than nurses
B.robots can to some degree replace dogs as companions for old people
C.it’s easy for people to become close with robots
D.every home will have a robot assistant one day
小题4:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Robots Serve People Better Than Thought
B.No More Lonely Old Age with Emotional Robots
C.Advanced Technology Used to cheer up the Elderly
D.Robots and Dogs Can Equally Cheer up the Elderly



试题分析: 本文主要讲解了研究人员对机器狗和真实的狗是否一样能够排遣孤独进行了实验,表明机器狗和真实的狗都能够给老人带来欢乐,排遣孤独感。
小题1:细节题。从文章The study confirmed previous findings that dogs have a good effect on nursing home residents.可知先前的报道发现狗对于疗养院里的人排遣孤独有益处,故选C
小题2:细节题。从Those who were together with AIBO took a little longer to warm to the robotic creature.可知他们要花费更长的时间来和这些机器狗进行沟通,产生共鸣,故选C
小题3:推断题。从A study by St.. Louis University has found that a lovable dog named Sparky and a robotic dog, AIBO, were about equally effective at reducing the loneliness of nursing home residents.及He’s an attractive sort of guy. He gives a feeling of being personal, not just a robot.可知机器狗在某种程度上可以取代狗而成为老人的伴侣,故选B
There are many stories about people who did not let age stop them in the pursuit of their goals. I’m sure you have heard of recent 70-year-old college graduates, or teenagers who are 1 of many useful things or owners of companies. Actually, it can be done; it just 2 your attitude.
Michael had wanted to run his own business from an early age, but he was 3 a big risk taker. After many years of working for others, he put a business plan together and was about to make the 4 , but his friends told him that at 45 he was too 5 to start his own construction business. They thought it was a young man’s business while Michael needed a steady income to support his family. Michael was discouraged. 6 many of his friends worked in the very field that he was considering starting his business in, he 7 that they knew what was best, so he decided to give up his 8 . But his wife told him that he was foolish to do so. They discussed it and Michael 9 that he’d been using his age as a(n) 10 instead of as an advantage.
Have you put off a goal 11 age or another limiting factor? Does the limiting 12really have as much influence as you think? Age is just a number and each challenge is an opportunity. Your attitude 13 . You’re not too old to try something 14 and never too old to give up on your dreams. They may 15 a bit of adjustment, but if you want something enough, believe in yourself and your desires will have no bounds.
A.ownersB.discoverersC.inventors D.users
A.depends on B.turns downC.makes up D.leads to
A.neverB.hardlyC.nearly D.surely
A.decisionB.leapC.conclusion D.contribution
A.early B.old C.hard D.wise
A.If B.Before C.Even D.Since
A.plan B.job C.belief D.method
A.response B.replyC.answer D.excuse
A.instead ofB.regardless ofC.because of D.in spite of
A.changesB.helps C.beginsD.matters
A.oppositeB.impossibleC.strange D.valuable
A.make B.suggest C.requireD.follow

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
How difficult change is depends a lot on your attitude towards it and your resistance to it. Your attitude to change can make the whole transformation process much easier.
Imagine change as a pair of shoes and this will help you understand change and how it works. I am sure that you have ever had a comfortable pair of shoes in your life. A pair of shoes is so comfortable that you really don’t want to get rid of them.
You know you need a new pair, and may even have them, but you don’t want to wear them because you are comfortable with your current pair. Besides, the new pair may hurt your feet, give you blisters(水疱) or be awkward to wear to start with. So, you resist the new shoes. However, you know that this new pair would be much better for your feet, and after the initial discomfort they would probably be even more comfortable, yet you still resist.
Do you know I’m doing this now? I’m wearing my comfortable shoes and they feel good. They have a hole in each heel, and the sole is starting to fall off, but I’m persisting in wearing them.
This describes change exactly; change of our habits, change of our thought patterns. We stick with the old patterns because they are comfortable. Yet once we get over the initial pain of the transformation, the new pattern will be comfortable and feel good until the time comes when we need another new pair of shoes.
小题1:Why do people prefer old shoes to new ones?
A.They have much emotion in the old ones.
B.They are more comfortable.
C.New shoes always harm the feet.
D.They look better than the new ones.
小题2: According to the passage, we know that people ______.
A.don’t realize the benefit of the new shoes very well
B.are positive and open-minded to accept new things
C.actually know the change will finally be good for them
D.don’t accept new patterns because they are not good
小题3: What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Once we form a habit, it’s difficult to change it.
B.Most people pay more attention to the future life.
C.One’s attitude towards something is usually traditional.
D.The more often we change, the better our life will be.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
It seems hard to watch someone yawn and not to yawn ourselves. Even reading about yawning can make you do it. Now, a new study has found why yawning has such a powerful force.
Yawning when others yawn, the study suggests, is a sign of pity and a form of social connection. Kids don’t develop this deeply rooted behavior until around age four, the study found. Kids with autism (自闭症) are less likely to catch yawns. In the most serious cases, they never do. Yawning might help doctors to see whether the children are developing rightly. The work could also lead to a better understanding of the ways that people communicate and connect.
"Emotional infection seems to be a born thing that connects us together," said Molly Helt, a graduate student in psychology at the University of Connecticut. "Yawning may be part of that." Inspiration for her study came when she tried to get her own autistic son to clear his ears on an airplane. She repeatedly yawned at him, hoping he would yawn back. He never did.
"The fact that autistic kids don’t do it might mean they’re really missing out on that emotional connection with people around them," she said. "The biggest thing people try to figure out after birth is how we become humans and understand that humans have minds that are different from others’," she added. "Autistic people never seem to understand that."
Like infectious laughter and crying, scientists have found that yawning is a shared experience that promotes social connection. Helt said it could fight stress after a period of being nervous and spread a feeling of calm through a group.
小题1:What does the new study suggest, according to the first two paragraphs?
A.It is easy to stop yawning when you see others yawn.
B.Yawning has some mysterious force which is related to God.
C.Children follow others in yawning just after they are born.
D.Yawning is a form of communication.
小题2:According to Molly Helt, _________________.
A.emotions are infectious, but yawning is not
B.yawning helps clear ears on planes
C.humans differ from animals because they communicate with others
D.yawning is a kind of emotional connection among humans
小题3:Which of the following is NOT true about yawning?
A.It is natural to yawn back if people around you yawn.
B.Some kids are too young to yawn after others.
C.Yawning can be used to test children’s development.
D.Kids with autism yawn easily when others yawn.
小题4:The author implies in the last paragraph that ________.
A.it is bad manners to yawn on some social occasions
B.yawning can make people feel relaxed
C.yawning is different from infectious laughter and crying in theory
D.the more you yawn, the happier you will be

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
On a hot summer day in late August, I sought shade and a cool drink at a waterfront café on a Greek island. Over a hundred degrees in    1   air. Crowded. Tempers(脾气)of both the tourists and waiters had    2  to meet the situation, making it a rather quarrelsome environment(环境)
At the table next to mine sat an attractive,    3   couple, waiting for    4 .  They held hands, whispered, kissed, and laughed. Suddenly they stood, picked up their    5   and stepped together    6   the edge of where they were sitting to place the table in the sea water. The man stepped   7  for the two chairs. He politely   8  his lady in the knee-deep water and then sat down himself. All people around laughed and cheered.
  9  appeared. He paused for just a second, walked into the water to   10   the table and take their   11  , and then walked back to the    12   cheers of the rest of his    13 . Minutes later he returned carrying a bottle of wine and two glasses. Without pausing, he went    14   into the water to     15    the wine. The couple toasted(祝酒)each other, the waiter and the crowd. And the crowd   16  by cheering and throwing flowers to them. Three other tables  17  to have lunch in the water. The place was now filled with laughter.
One doesn’t step into water in one’s best summer clothes. Why not?
Customers are not served    18   . Why not?
Sometimes one should consider   19  the line of convention(常规)and enjoy   20  to the fullest.
A.metal tableB.empty bottleC.chairsD.bags
A.The managerB.A friendC.A waiterD.The servant
A.at lastB.in timeC.once moreD.as well
A.preparedB.joined inC.settled upD.continued
A.with pleasureB.in the caféC.in the seaD.with wine

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
I live in north Celebes which is near Philippines. Since early December 2010 most tropical regions have been frequently hit by rain. Just like my hometown, tropical regions only have two seasons, including the dry season that usually starts from April to September and the wet or rainy season which usually happens from October to March. But, it could be indeterminate. Sometimes the rainy season can come a month earlier or later. It can be prolonged even more than 4 months and so can the dry season. Even during the dry season, rain can occur several times in certain areas.
The prolonged dry season in tropical areas usually causes a lot of losses. It will be very harmful to local farmers, because most of the tropical areas sre regions of the developing countries. Sometimes agricultural and plantation crops will be damaged because of so much dry land and the fact that the river used to flow the water for rice fields are also dry. Rain is very important for plants because rain contains many nutrients that plants are in great need of.
What’s more, if the prolonged rainy season arrives and then floods usually occur in certain areas of low lands. Even for the capital city of Jakarta floods have struck several times during the prolonged rainy season. In addition to floods, the rainy season can cause many diseases. During the dry season, diseases are usually caused by mosquitoes such as dengue fever. While in the rainy season, people who have the weak immune will be more easily attacked by some diseases such as flu, fever, diarrhea, and much more.
If you live in the other places and want to travel to the tropical regions, make sure that you have known much about the season and the effect for these months in which you want to travel as tourists. Only in that way, can you at least prepare to deal with tropical weather.
小题1:The underlined word “indeterminate” in paragraph 1 can be replaced by “ _____”
小题2:The second paragraph mainly tells us something about _____.
A.the effects of the dry season.B.the benefits of the rainy season.
C.the growth of dry landD.the diseases in the dry season
小题3:We can learn from the passage that in the wet season, _____
A.the capital of Jakarta is flooded every year
B.more crops will die after being flooded for so long.
C.mosquitoes will spread more diseases among the crowd.
D.people with weak immune might be attacked by some diseases
小题4:The main purpose of this passage is to introduce _____.
A.some interesting facts of tropical regions
B.some knowledge about tropical regions to travelers
C.some knowledge about how to live well in different regions.
D.some differences between dry and wet seasons in tropical regions.

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