Molly was a peasant girl. Her parents did not have much money and Molly did not

Molly was a peasant girl. Her parents did not have much money and Molly did not

Molly was a peasant girl. Her parents did not have much money and Molly did not have many nice clothes.
One day Molly’s father said to her, “Molly, take this pot of milk to market and sell it. You may keep the money.”
Molly was very happy. She put the pot of milk on her head and started her journey to market. While she was walking alone she began to think. “I will get quite a lot of money for this milk,” she thought. “What will I do with the money? I will buy a lot of eggs. I will take the eggs home with me. One of our hens will sit on them. Then there will be lots of little chickens. I will not sell the chickens. They will grow into hens. Then there will be more eggs. And these eggs will give me still more chickens. Soon I will have hundreds of hens. Then I will sell them all. They will bring me a lot of money. I will be rich. I will buy lots of new clothes. I will always wear nice clothes. Then a rich man will marry me. We will have a beautiful house, a big car and nice children...”
Molly was very happy. She jumped into the air. The pot of milk fell from her head onto the road. And that was the end of all her dreams.
In English there is a proverb. It says: Do not count your chickens before they are hatched(孵化).
小题1:Molly was happy to go to market because ________.
A.she liked to go thereB.she wanted to buy nice clothes
C.she could have the money of her ownD.she wanted to buy some eggs
小题2:On her way to market, Molly began to________.
A.count her eggsB.have a happy dream
C.think of her happy family lifeD.think how to sell the milk
小题3:What was the end of all Molly’s dreams?
A.She jumped up and fell onto the ground.B.She was happy about her house.
C.She woke and found the milk on the road.D.She married a rich man.
小题4:The proverb: “Do not count your chicken before they are hatched.” means ____. must count his chicken after they are hatched is foolish to make plans must depend more on what is in real life must make plans before they begin to work



小题1:细节题,由第二段最后一句You may keep the money可以知道她很高兴是因为她自己将有钱了,故选C。
小题2:细节题。由第三段第二行她所想的内容While she was walking alone she began to think. “I will get quite a lot of money for this milk,” she thought. “What will I do with the money? I will buy a lot of eggs. I will take the eggs home with me. One of our hens will sit on them…可以知道她有个幸福的梦,所以选B。
小题3:推理题,由倒数第二段最后一句The pot of milk fell from her head onto the road. And that was the end of all her dreams可以推出最后她醒了发现牛奶洒了一路,所以选C
Bicycles are very popular in China. In our country you can see bicycles almost everywhere. When you walk on the road, you will find a lot of people riding bicycles to schools, shops and anywhere else. Therefore, China is known as “the kingdom of bicycles”. In China, many families have one or two bicycles.
Compared with cars, bicycles have many advantages. First, they are much cheaper than cars. Most Chinese can’t afford cars, but they can afford bicycles. Second, bicycles are small enough to park anywhere, while cars need a larger piece of land to park. What’s more, with lower speed, bicycles are safer than cars.
However, bicycles also bring some problems. Some riders don’t obey the traffic rules and some riders don’t think about others safety. So they ride too fast. During the rush hour, too many bicycles may cause traffic accidents. We still have a long way to solve the problem.
小题1: Where can you see bicycles in China?
A.In the big cityB.In the town
C.Almost everywhereD.In the countryside
小题2:“The kingdom of bicycles” here is saying    .
A.China has plenty of bicyclesB.China makes bicycles
C.Only China has bicyclesD.All the Chinese have bicycles
小题3: Which of the following is NOT an advantage of bicycles
A.Bicycles are much cheaper than cars.B.Bicycles are more beautiful than cars
C.Bicycles are easy to parkD.Bicycles are safer than cars.
小题4: What does the last sentence mean?
A.We should drive cars instead of riding bicycles
B.It’s too far to ride bicycles
C.We still need to do much to solve the problem
D.we should walk farther to solve the problem

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In choosing a friend, one should be very careful. A good friend can help you study. You can have fun together and make each other happy. Sometimes you will meet fair-weather friends, who will be with you as long as you have money or luck, but when you are down, they will run away. How do I know when I have found a good friend? I look for certain qualities (品质) of character, especially understanding, honesty and reliability (可靠).
Above all else, I look for understanding in a friend. A good friend tries to understand how another person is feeling. He is not quick to judge. Instead, he tries to learn from others. He puts himself in the other person’s place, and he tries to think of ways to be helpful. He is also a good listener.
At the same time, however, a good friend is honest. He does not look for faults (过错) in others. He notices their good points. In short, a friend will try to understand me and accept me.
Another quality of a friend is reliability. I can always depend on a good friend. If he tells me he will meet me somewhere at a certain time, I can be sure that he will be there. If I need a favor, he will do his best to help me. If I am in trouble, he will not run away from me.
There is a fourth quality that makes a friend special. A special friend is someone with whom we can have fun. We should enjoy our lives, and we would enjoy our friendship. That is why I especially like friends who are fun to be with. A good friend likes the same things I like. We share experience (经验) and learn from each other. A good friend has a good sense of humor, too. He likes to laugh with me. That is how we share in the joy of being friends. And I know that he is looking for the same quality in me.
When I meet someone who is reliable, honest, and understanding, I know I’ve found a friend!
小题1: If you have fair-weather friends, _____.
A.they will give you all that they have when you need help will be refused when you get into trouble will become rich can be sure that you get real friends
小题2:Good friends need to ______.
A.always point out each other’s mistakes helped with money
C.understand each other’s feelings
D.have money or luck.
小题3: This passage mainly discusses ________.
A.the qualities of a friend
B.where to choose friends to get along with friends
D.the importance of having a friend

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Saturday, March 24th
We have arrived in the hot, wet city of Bangkok. This is our first trip to Thailand(泰国). All the different smells make us want to try the food. We are going to eat something special for dinner tonight. The hotel we are staying in is cheap, and very clean. We plan to stay here for a few days, visit some places in the city, and then travel to Chiang Mai in the North.
Tuesday, March 27th
Bangkok is wonderful and surprising. The places are interesting. We visited the famous market which was on water, and saw a lot of fruits and vegetables. Everything is so colorful, and we have taken hundreds of photos already! Later today we will leave for Chiang Mai. We will take the train north, stay in Chiang Mai for two days, and then catch a bus to Chiang Rai.
Friday, March 30th
Our trip to Chiang Rai was long and boring. We visited a small village in the mountains. The village people here love the quiet life—no computers or phones. They are the kindest people I have ever met. They always smile and say“hello”. Kathy and I can only speak a few words of Thai, so smiling is the best way to show our kindness. I feel good here and hope to be able to come back next year.
小题1:The diaries above show the writer’s __________________ days in Thailand.
小题2:It seems that visitors ______ in Bangkok.
A.often feel hungry
B.can’t take any photos
C.can have a good time
D.feel a little bored
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Chiang Mai is a beautiful city in the south of Thailand.
B.The writer left Chiang Mai for Chiang Rai by bus.
C.The writer is traveling alone in Thailand.
D.The writer will take a bus to Chiang Mai.
小题4:The people in the village _______________________.
A.are friendly to others to speak English
C.hope to live in the cities a very busy life
小题5:What is the best title(标题)for the whole diary?
A.My First Travel
B.The Outside World
C.Traveling in Thailand
D.My Trip to Chiang Mai

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
On their wedding day, a young farmer decided to give his wife a present.The present was a mirror,and it made his wife very   26  because she had never seen herself before    27  in the waters of a pond or stream. When she looked in the mirror and saw her lovely   28 , the young woman laughed with   29 .The farmer was joyful, too. He knew he was lucky to have such a beautiful   30 .
After a few years,the young wife gave birth to a baby girl. But the birth was 31  and the young woman died. The farmer felt   32 sad that he put all his wife’s things   33  in in a box, including her   34  mirror.
The mirror   35  in the box for many years.
The daughter   36 , and with each year she  37 more and more like her mother. One day, her father took her to a quiet garden and   38 her about her mother and the mirror she so loved. The girl was so __39__ what her father said that she could not control (控制) herself. She took out her mother’s old things and __40_the mirror. She  41 the mirror in front of her face and looked   42 into it:“Father,father,come here,”she  43 ,“It’s mother. Her face is in the mirror.”
The face in the mirror is the girl’s face,   44 her father didn’t say a word.
He could not  45 . Tears were streaming down his face.
A.nearB.except C.betweenD.from
A.picture B.faceC.handsD.legs
A.kindnessB.excitement D.sadness
A.decisionB.presentC.mirror D.wife
A.favouriteB.newC.strange D.broken
A.actedB.lookedC.laughed D.sounded
A.toldB.asked C.beggedD.persuaded
A.amazed atB.frightened byC.tired ofD.interested in
A.feltB.found C.cleanedD.watched
A.answeredB.cried C.askedD.smiled
A.sitB.believeC.speak D.stand

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
The First Day at My Senior High School
Today is September1,2012.It is the first day of my senior high school.Everything in the school is new to me.
The school is very modern. The gate of the school is artistic(艺术的). When you go through the main gate,you can see a high stadium (体育场)on the left side of the road, which has a 400-meter runaway and a soccer field with green grass. Buildings are tall and beautiful. The library is the most attractive building on the right side of the main road. There are many green trees and colorful flowers on both sides of the roads. The classrooms are amazing. They are big, clean and bright. In each classroom, there is a computer and a big screen,through which our teachers can show us tests,photos, and so on.
In my class, there are 60 students. We don’t know each other, but we are all friendly.Everyone has a smile on his/her face. When we meet, we always say “Hello”to each other.
Most of our teachers are young. Some students think young teachers cannot teach well, but I do not think so. In my opinion,young teachers are very energetic and easy to make friends with. What’s more, they may have a lot of new teaching methods.
I love my new school very much. I hope, in my new school, I can learn more from my teachers and make progress together with my classmates.
小题1:The writer’s new school is a very _________one.  
小题2:according to the passage,which of the following is NOT true? 
A.Green trees and colorful flowers are planted on either side of the roads.
B.The library is on the right of the main road, while the stadium is on the left. 
C.The soccer field is outside of the school yard.
D.The classrooms are big, clean and bright.
小题3:The writer thinks differently from other students about _________in the school.
A.teaching methodsB.classesC.young teachersD.buildings
小题4:From the passage, we can know that _______.
A.The writer’s new school is the best school.
B.All students in this school like old teachers. 
C.Students say Hello to each other to introduce themselves.
D.The writer loves his new school at first sight.

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