阅读理解     In the U. S. ,the public has tended to believe that all motorcycles are

阅读理解     In the U. S. ,the public has tended to believe that all motorcycles are

阅读理解     In the U. S. ,the public has tended to believe that all motorcycles are ridden by wild,irresponsible
lawless young men.
     There are several things about motorcycling that the average citizen dislikes. A cyclist"s appearance
has something to do with this dislike. Motorcyclists frequently look dirty;in fact,they are dirty. 0n the
road there is little to protect them from mud,crushed insects and bird droppings. For practical reasons
they are often dressed in old clothing which looks much less respectable than the clothing of people who
  ride in cars. For the same reason motorcyclists usually wear dark colors. Perhaps this helps to explain
why they are sometimes suspected of having evil natures. In old plays of long ago,evil characters usually
wore black. In cowboy movies the "bad guys" usually wear black hats while the "good guys" wear lighter
Something else about their appearance makes an unfavorable impression.  In their practical,protective
clothing they look very much like the men on military motorcycles in the movies of World War II-cruel
enemies who roared into peaceful villages filling people"s hearts with fear.
     Probably the machine itself also produces anger and fear.  Motorcycles are noisy,though some big
trucks are even noisier. But trucks are big and carry heavy loads;they are accepted(if not really
welcomed)because they perform a needed service,making America move. Motorcycles,on the other
hand,make all unpleasant noise just to give their riders pleasure. That is what is commonly thought. In the
woods motorcycles,frighten animals. Roaring along quiet streets, they wake sleeping families and make
babies cry.
     Of course the danger of motorcycling,also helps account for many people"s low opinion of the sport.
Its defenders, however,claim that careful cyclists are in less danger than commonly behaved.
     A cyclist must drive as if everybody around him wanted to kill him. He must pay careful attention to
his driving. From that point of view,a man on a motorcycle is safer than,a man in a car.

1. Which of the following about good characters of old American movies is right?

A. had no difference from evil characters      
B. usually wore lighter colors
C. looked gracious                        
D. often rode horses

2. Most Americans believe that_____.

A. motorcyclists are all blue-collar workers
B. motorcycling has become one of America"s most popular sports
C. motorcyclists can"t afford to buy cars
D. only wild,irresponsible,lawless young men enjoy motorcycling

3. We can conclude that______

A. all good guys in cowboy movies weal white
B. there existed different opinions towards motorcycling sport
C. animals in the woods like motorcycles because motorcyclists usually feed crashed insects to them
D. motorcycles will make noise as soon as people go to sleep

4. Why do Some people claim that a man on a motorcycle is safer than a man in a car ?

A. because car race is a sport with several disadvantages
B. because motorcyclists must drive very carefully
C. because most people want to keep a distance from the dirty motorcycles for fear that they
     should lose dignity
D. because motorcycles tend to be accepted by more and more people

5. Which of the statement is right?

A. all motorcycles are wild young men    
B. all motorcycles are irresponsible young men
C. all motorcycles are lawless young men
D. they frequently look dirty,they often make an unpleasant noise,and their appearance
     contributes to people"s terrible imagination
1-5: BDBBD
阅读理解     Taiwan police cannot decide whether to treat it as an extremely eleven act of stealing or an even
cleverer cheat  Either way , it could be the perfect crime, because the criminals are birds-horning pigeons !
     The crime begins with a telephone message to the owner of a stolen car : if you want the car back,
pay up then, the car owner is directed to a park, told where to find a bird cage and how to attach money
to the neck of the pigeon inside . Carrying the money in a tiny bag , the pigeon flies off .
     There have been at least four such pigeon pick-ups in Changwa. What at first seemed like the work
of a clever stay-at-home car thief, however , may in face be the work of an even lazier and more
criminal mind-one that avoid not only colleting money but going out to steal the car in the first
place . Police officer Chen says that the criminal probably has pulled a double trick: he gets money for
things he cannot possibly return . Instead of stealing cars , he lets someone else do it and then waits for
the car-owner to place an ad. in the newspaper asking for help .
     The theory is supported by the fact that , so far , none of the stolen cars have been returned . Also,
the amount of money demanded-under 3,000 Taiwanese dollars -seems too little for a car worth many
times more .
     Demands for pigeon-delivered money stopped as soon as the press reported the story. And even if
they s
tart again, Chen holds little hope of catching the criminal . "We have more important things to do, "
he said .

1. The "lazier and more inventive" criminal refers to          .

A. the car thief who stays at home      
B. one of those who put the ads in the paper
C. the owner of the pigeons        
D. one of the policemen in Changwa  

2. After the car owner received a phone call. He         

A. gave the money to the thief and had his car back in a park
B. sent some money to the thief by mail
C. told the press about it
D. went to a certain pigeon and put some money in the bag it carried

3 . The writer mentions the fact that "none of the stolen cars have been returned" to show      .

A. how easily people get fooled by criminals        
B. the thief is extremely clever                
C. the money paid is too little                    
D. what Chen thinks might be correct

4. We may infer from the text that the criminal knows how to reach the car owners because  __  .

A. he lives in the same neighborhood        
B. he has seen the car owners in the park
C. he reads the ads in the newspaper          
D. he has trained the pigeons to follow them

5. The underlined word "they" in the last paragraph refers to          .

A. criminals            
B. pigeons      
C. the stolen cars    
D. demands for money
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
      I needed his help 1______I had very little education. I began school at six. The school 2______ I
studied for only two years was three kilometres away. I had to leave because my family could not
continue to pay the 3_____ fees and the bus fare. I could not read 4_____ write well. After trying hard,
I got a job in a gold mine.
     However, this was a time 5_____one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg. Sadly I
did not have 6____ because I was not born there, 7______ I worried about whether I would become
8___ of work.
     The day when Nelson Mandela helped me was 9_____ of my happiest. He told me how to get the
correct papers so I could stay in Johannesburg. I became more 10(hope)_______ about my future.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Suppose you are a visitor in the land of Mongolia, some friends ask you to eat with them. What kind
of manners do they want you to have? They want you to give a loud burp after you finish eating. Burping
would show that you like your food. In some countries, if you give a big burp, you are told to say "Excuse me, please".
     In many places people like to eat together. But in some parts of Polynesia it is bad manners to be seen eating at all. People show their good manners by turning their backs on others while they eat.
     What are manners like in an East African town? The people try not to see you. They are being polite.
You may see a friend. He may not see you at all. If you are polite, you will sit down beside him. You will
wait until he finishes what he is doing. Then he will talk to you. Manners are different all over the world.
But it is good to know that all manners begin in the same way. People need ways to show that they want
to be friends.1 . In Mongolia, burping is a way of showing that __________. A . you are impolite            
B . you enjoyed the meal prepared by the host
C . your meal was not enough    
D . you are friendly with your host2 . In Polynesia, to be polite while eating you should __________.A . eat quickly    
B . sit still    
C . turn your back on others  
D . say "Excuse me, please"3 . People in an East African town are being polite by __________.   A . waiting for a long time before visits    
B . sitting down beside others
C . seeing a friend quickly              
D . trying not to see you4 . We have good manners to show that we __________.A . are different from other people    
B . don"t want other people to worry us
C . begin all manners in the same way  
D . want to be friends with other people5. The best title for this passage is __________. A . Good Manners              
B . All manners is the Same Way
C . Different Kinds of Manners    
D . Do Have Manners
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     How many coins do you have in your pocket right now? Three? Two? Or one? With a phone card,
you can make up to 200 calls without any charges at all.
★What do you do with it?
     Go to a telephone box marked "Phone-card".Put in your card to start, make your phone call and
when you have finished, the screen will tell you how much is left on your card.It costs no extra for the
cards, and the calls cost 10 p(便士) per unit, the same as any other pay-phone call.You can buy it in
units of 10, 20, 40, 50, or 100.
★Appear in a shop nearby.
    Near each card-phone place, you will find a shop where you can buy one.They are at bus, train or
metro stations.At universities, hospitals, clubs, restaurants and shopping centers, you can also buy it.
★No more broken pay-phones.
    It is possible that many pay-phones don"t work because they have been damaged. There are no
coins in a card-phone to excite the thieves" interest in it.So you are not probably to find a broken one.
     Get a phone-card yourself and try it out.Or get a bigger wallet.1.The passage is most probably ____.A.a warning                      
B.a notice
C.an advertisement                
D.an announcement2.The underlined word "one" means ____.A.a shop        
B.a coin        
C.a pay-phone    
D.a phone-card3.It is suggested in the passage that you buy a phone-card because ____.A.you have got a bigger wallet than others
B.it"s convenient to make calls with a phone card
C.the phone box might have been damaged
D.there are many different kinds of phone-cards
题型:四川省月考题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Making Our Team Work Best
      Learning in school, we often work in small groups.But why? Is it necessary to work with others?
What if you feel comfortable doing a job by yourself ? In reality, however, after leaving school, you will
find out that almost all work in many fields is done in teams.
     Actually, a team is a group of individual people brought together in order to complete a task which
cannot be efficiently finished by any member of the group alone.The group may be temporary or it
may stay together for a long period.
      A type of team that we are familiar with are sports teams, which are made up of a certain numbers
of players.They work together to win a match.In fact, different numbers have different skills in a team.A team can only work well when all their members cooperate.The atmosphere in a team affects
the performance of the team, so the social relations within the team are important.
      Teams require leaders, and people who create ideas, who develop ideas, and people whose role is
to comment and help improve plans.People who identify problems and suggest solutions are needed
in a team, too.Every team member works in their most efficient way to make the whole team work
      Regulations and rules help teams work well.But be careful.Working in a team, we have to take
into account how each individual member can work best.Some may work best on task alone; others
work best in groups.How the group task is divided depends on the personalities and abilities of the
individual in the group.
      In a dynamic (充满活力的) team, people with quite different personalities work well together.
Actually, their differences are the strength of the team.To make the best of working with our classmates, or to make our team work best, it is important to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of each individual of the group.
     To know someone"s personality type and ability is to know a great deal about that individual person,
or to understand that person.To understand means that we can build strong relationship between
members of a team, and make the best use of each others" talents.
A.Knowing about Team Members
B.Functions of Rules and Regulations
C.Team Members and Their Roles
D.How a Team Works
E.A Sports Team
F.The Definition (定义) of a Team
题型:四川省月考题难度:| 查看答案


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