阅读理解     I have been a student at Bentley College in Waltham for some time now,

阅读理解     I have been a student at Bentley College in Waltham for some time now,

阅读理解     I have been a student at Bentley College in Waltham for some time now, so I have a lot of experience
and know how things work at Bentley. As a freshman(新生)at Bentley College you will be living in the
Tree Dorms, Slade Hall or Miller Hall. I would highly suggest that you choose to live in the Tree Dorms
because this is where most fresh-men are going to be living. There will be a lot of activities going on in the building and you will meet lots of people. Slade Hall is next to the parking lot(停车场)and not far from the Tree Dorms, so that would be your second choice. As Miller Hall is small and far away, it would be my
last choice for freshmen housing. If Bentley offers you the chance to live with second or third year students you"d better refuse their offer and live with freshmen. Living with your classmates will make the transition (过渡) into college life a lot easier.
     As a freshman your classes should be easy. After freshman year your classes will become a lot more
difficult, so I advise that you get down to business early in the first year. There are two very easy things you can do to increase your knowledge as a freshman. The first is to just go to class and the second is to
always do your homework. I also highly advise that you do it on your own and try to stay disciplined
(遵守纪律的). It is too easy to put your homework away and then get really behind and not be able to
learn everything before a mid-term or final exam. 1. The author advises freshmen to live in the Tree Dorms because ___________.A. it is across the parking lot from Slade Hall
B. it is small and quite far away from the playground
C. there are many second and third year students there
D. there are many freshmen and more activities2. Where is Slade Hall?A. Near Miller Hall.
B. Far from Tree Dorms.
C. Beside the car park.
D. Near the classrooms.3. According to the author, how can freshmen improve knowledge?A. Remember to do homework by discussing it with others.
B. Finish homework and go to class every day.
C. Try to spend more time in the library.
D. Be able to learn something before a mid-term or final exam.4. The author writes the passage to ___________.A. tell new students how to get used to college life
B. tell new students about their teachers and dormitory
C. show the differences between college and high school
D. tell readers about some funny things at Bentley College
1-4: DCBA
阅读理解     According to some researchers, you should not praise children for everything that they do. It does not
help them build self-confidence.
     Most parents and teachers agree that praise can help increase children"s self-confidence -the more, the better. However, according to some researchers, only proper praise is good for children. If adults praise
everything children do, it makes children look for praise all the time, not trying to do their best. "Teachers
should not say things like "good job" or "nice work" whenever a child does anything. They should encourage them to continue to improve," some researchers advise.
     Another idea is that children with high self-confidence are happier, and do better at school. About this, Marshall Duke, a researcher in children, says, "High self-confidence brought in by too much praise does
not make children happier, get more, or become able to do more. Finding a child"s advantages (强项) and developing them can help build confidence more than too much praise can." Praise also loses its effect
(影响) if it is given equally to all students.
     "It"s important to tell children the truth about what they"ve done. Honest feedback (反馈) is far better
than empty praise," Duke adds. "People have got into the habit of not telling children when they"re wrong. That makes it hard for them to deal with difficulties when they grow up. That"s just how the world is."1. According to some researchers, if parents praise their children too much, their children will ______.A. always look for praise
B. increase self-confidence
C. become strong
D. do better in their studies2. In order to help children build self-confidence, some researchers advise parents to ______. A. make them live more happily
B. let them do more difficult work
C. help them do better in school
D. encourage them to improve3. Which of the following is TRUE, according to the passage?A. Praise makes children become successful.
B. Children don"t know what they"re really good at.
C. The same praise for all children has no meaning.
D. Duke thinks praise is more important than finding children"s strengths. 4. What is the last paragraph about?A. It"s important to have the habit of praising children.
B. Children should know their mistakes as soon as possible.
C. We should praise children honestly and tell them their mistakes.
D. What children with high self-confidence are like.
题型:期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     Does this situation seem familiar to you? Your English is progressing well, the grammar is now familiar,
the reading comprehension is no problem, and you are speaking quite fluently. _ 1_  
     First of all, remember that you are not alone. Listening is probably the most difficult job for almost all
learners of English as a foreign language. The most important thing is to listen as often as possible.
     __2_  The Internet is really a useful tool for English students. You can download The RealPlayer from RealMedia.com. The RealPlayer allows you to use the Internet like a radio station.
     Once you have begun to listen on a regular basis, you might still be frustrated (受阻)by limited
understanding. __3__
     Here is some of the advice I give my students:
     ●Accept the fact that you are not going to understand everything. 
     ●Stay relaxed when you do not understand, and try listening to the material for more times.
     ● Do not translate everything into your native language.
     ● ___4__ Don"t concentrate on details before you have understood the main ideas.
     ● Listen to something you enjoy.
     I remember the problems I had in understanding spoken German when I first went to Germany. In the
beginning, when I didn"t understand a word, I insisted on translating it in my mind. This method usually
resulted in confusion.   _5_   Firstly, translating creates a barrier between the listener and the speaker.
Secondly, most people repeat themselves constantly. By remaining calm, I noticed that even if I didn"t pay much attention I could usually understand what the speaker had said.

A. But you can"t follow a native English speaker at all!
B. What should you do?
C. But listening is a problem for most of the beginners!
D. However, after several weeks, I got used to the new environment in Germany.
E. So, what you need to do is to find listening resources.
F. Then, after the first six months, I discovered two extremely important facts.
G. Listen for the general idea of the conversation.
题型:期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     Every year Chris Brogan posts his three words for a new year. I and many others have followed his
lead for the past three or four years. They helped me a lot. My words for last year were "passion",
"focus" and "delegate" and I stayed true to them. This year, 2012, my goals are more personal and less
     Focus is making a repeat appearance on my list this year because I"m too much of a multitasker. The
problem is that I have trouble finishing one thing with so many things calling me.  When I was working as
a writer, all my projects were handled via a schedule, which kept me organized. This year I"m going to
have each task scheduled. I"m putting a fitness and housekeeping routine into my schedule.
     I get so busy taking care of everyone else, I forget to take care of myself and this has to change.  My
health suffers and my weight suffers. I have to get my health in check, not only for me-but because I
promised my 9-year-old son. I"ll make sure to take time to exercise every day and make good food and
lifestyle choices. I miss being thin, and it"s time to get it back.
     What good is having it all if I"m not taking time to enjoy it?I have a wonderful job, a happy family, and
so much to be thankful for. So how come I spend all my time working? Last summer my family took our
first vacation in four years, the best thing I"ve done for myself and my family in a long time. This year, I"m
making sure to take time to enjoy life and celebrate its many blessings.
     Do you have any words for 2012?

1. The underlined word "multitasker" probably refers to a person who________.

A. makes a living by writing
B. always fails to finish a task on time
C. has several things to do at the same time
D. pays more attention to fitness and housekeeping

2. Why does the writer have "health" as one of his three words?

A. He wants to take better care of others.  
B. He"s gaining weight and feeling bad.
C. He did not take any exercise in the past.  
D. He got the idea from his son.

3. What can we learn from the passage?

A. The word "celebrate" can remind the writer to enjoy life.
B. The writer has a vacation with his family every four years.
C. The word "focus" can help the writer focus on his family.
D. The writer used to be overweight for lack of exercise.

4. The best title for the passage might be________?

A. Three Words for 2012            
B. Health Should Go First
C. Keep Organized                  
D. Goals for 2012
题型:模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解Speak, speak, speak!
     Practise speaking as often as you can. Speaking to yourself is good practice.
Try recording yourself whenever you can.
     Compare your pronunciation with the master version(原版)to see how you can do better and have
another go
. If you do this several times, you will find that each time is better than last.
Why not learn with someone else?
     It helps if you can learn with someone else. If you can persuade a friend or family member to study
with you, it will make you keep working.
Don"t get stuck by a word you don"t know.
     Practise improving ways of getting your meaning across when speaking spontaneously(本能地),even
if you don"t know the exact words or phrases. Think of things you might want to say whenever you have
spare time. Use facial expressions, hand movements, anything to make yourself understood.
Language learning is also about intuition(直觉).
     Guesswork is an important way to learn a new language. When listening to recorded material, you aren"t expected to understand everything first time round. If you play the same piece several times, you will
most probably understand something new each time.
Build up your vocabulary.
     A wide vocabulary is the key to successful language learning but don"t try to learn too much at once.
It"s best to study frequently, for short periods of time. Take at most six or seven items of vocabulary and
learn them. Put them into sentences to fix them in your mind, and then come back to them later.
And above all, have fun!1. What"s the purpose of this passage?A. To tell us the importance of practicing speaking as often as we can.
B. To tell us a few tips to help us learn a new language well.
C. To tell us that guesswork is an important way to learn a new language.
D. To tell us that a wide vocabulary is the key to successful language learning.2. What"s the meaning of the underlined phrase in the first part?A. Have another try or attempt.        
B. Move away from a place to another.
C. Enter a certain state or condition.    
D. Follow or take a certain course.3. To learn English well, we shouldn"t _______ according to the passage.A. practice speaking as often as possible
B. study frequently, for short periods of time to build up our vocabulary
C. try to understand everything and stop when we meet a new word
D. try to persuade a friend or family member to study with us4. According to the passage, to learn a new language well, the most important thing is ______.A. speaking as much as possible          
B. having fun
C. a wide vocabulary                    
D. guesswork
题型:期中题难度:| 查看答案
     Young people and older people do not always agree with each other. They sometimes have different
ideas about living, working and playing. But in one special program in New York State, adults and
teenagers live together in a friendly way.
     Each summer 200 teenagers and 50 adults live together for eight weeks as members of a special work group. Everyone works several hours each day. They do so not just to keep busy but to find meaning and enjoyment in work. Some teenagers work in the woods or on the farms near the village. Some learn to
make things like tables and chairs and to build houses. The adults teach them these skills.
     There are several free hours each day. Weekends are free, too. During the free hours some of the
teenagers learn photo-taking or painting. Others sit around and talk or sing. Each teenager chooses his
own way to spend his free time.
     When people live together, rules are necessary. In this program, the teenagers and the adults make
the rules together. If someone breaks a rule, the problem goes before the whole group. They talk about it
and ask, "Why did it happen? What should we do about it?"
     One of the teenagers has this to say about the experience, "You stop thinking only about yourself. You
learn how to think about the group."1. In one special program in New York, young and older people ______.A. are friendly to each other.
B. teach each other new ways of building houses
C. live together but do not work together
D. spend eight weeks together, working as farmers2. Living together, ________.A. the teenagers have to obey the rules the adults make
B. the members don"t have to obey the rules
C. the members are not allowed to break the rules they make together
D. the members have no free time except on weekends3.The last paragraph shows that the teenager thinks his experience in the program is _____.A. disappointing    
B. helpful      
C. tiring  
D. unpleasant4. The best title for the passage is _______.A. Rules of Living Together        
B. Different Ideas about Living
C. Teenagers and Adults Together    
D. Life in New York State
题型:期中题难度:| 查看答案


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