阅读理解     The United Nations says more than 900 million people worldwide do not h

阅读理解     The United Nations says more than 900 million people worldwide do not h

阅读理解     The United Nations says more than 900 million people worldwide do not have enough to eat.Officials
say 100 million more could go hungry this year because of the food and financial crises.
      To deal with the situation, the UN World Food Program has started a project to help small farmers.
These farmers are mainly women.Many cannot produce enough food even to feed and support their own
     The new effort is called Purchase for Progress, or P4P.It aims to connect local farmers with
dependable markets.That way, they could get a chance to sell their surplus (剩余) at competitive prices
.P4P will be tested in as many as 21 countries during the next five years.
     The biggest contributor to the project is Bill Gates, through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Another donor (捐款者) is the Howard Buffett Foundation, led by a son of the American investor
Warren Buffett.The government of Belgium is also supporting the project in a former colony (殖民地),
now the Democratic Republic of Congo.
     Together these donors have provided more than 76 million dollars for projects in Africa and Central
      Purchase for Progress will work with United Nations agencies, governments and nongovernmental
organizations to help increase crop production.The World Bank Group and other partners are to help
train farmers in better crop management and marketing skills.
      The World Food Program says it expects to buy 40,000 tons of food in the first year using methods
carried out by the project.That will be enough to feed 250,000 people.
     P4P is expected to develop food cooperatives and longterm agreements for buying corn, wheat and
other food crops.About 350,000 farmers could be assisted.
     Officials say the project will change the way the World Food Program buys food in developing
countries.Executive Director Josette Sheeran says this is the first time her agency will buy a large amount 
 of food from small farmers.The agency has traditionally bought most of its food from developing
countries, but through larger trading organizations.

1. From the passage, we know that________.

A. in all 900 million people worldwide lack food
B. a project has been started to help women farmers
C. there are only two donors to help the project
D. some farmers still cannot support their families

2. According to the passage, ________will work hard to deal with the situation.

A. the United Nations
B. the combined efforts
C. some governments
D. some nongovernmental organizations

3. Which of the following will NOT be done to help small farmers?

A. To donate money.
B. To reform the way of food purchase.
C. To provide them with food.
D. To buy a large amount of food from them.

4. What"s the best title for this passage?

A. Project to Help Small Farmers
B. Contribution to Small Farmers
C. Food Problems
D. P4P Is Being Carried Out
1-4: DBCA
完形填空                                                     The Pecan Thief
     When I was six years old,  I was visiting my grandfather" s farm in Kansas.Grandpa had sent me into
the  1   to gather pecans for us to enjoy later.

     Pecan picking was really  2   work and my little basket was only half full.I wasn" t about to_3_
Grandpa down.Just then something caught my  4  . A large brown squirrel was a few feet away.I
watched as he picked up a pecan,  hurried to a tree and   5   in a large hole in the trunk.A moment
later the squirrel   6   out and climbed down to the ground to pick up another nut.Once again,  he took
the pecan back to his hiding place.
      Not so  7   anymore,  I thought.I dashed over to the tree and looked into the hole.It was  8   with
pecans!Golden pecans were right there for taking.This was my  9  . Handful by handful,  I scooped all
of those pecans into my basket.Now it was full! I was so  10   of myself.I couldn" t wait to show Grandpa
all the pecans.  11  ,  I ran back and shouted,  "Look at all the pecans!" He looked into the basket and
said,  "Well,  well,  how did you find so many?" I told him how I" d  12   the squirrel and taken the pecans
from his hiding place.
      Grandpa congratulated me on how smart I" d been in observing the squirrel and his habits.Then he did
something that  13   me.He handed the basket back to me and put his arm gently 14   my shoulders.
     "That squirrel worked very hard to gather his winter  15   of food,  " he said."Now that all of his pecans
are gone,  don" t you think that little squirrel will  16   the cold winter?"
     "I didn"t think about that,  " I said.
     "I know,  " Grandpa said."But a good man should never take  17   of someone else" s hard work."
     Suddenly I felt a bit  18  .The image of the starving squirrel wouldn"t  19   my mind.There was only one
thing I could do.I carried the basket back to the tree and poured all the nuts into the hole.
      I didn"t eat any pecans that night,  but I had something much more filling-the   20   of knowing I had
done just the right thing.
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(     )1. A. rooms  
(     )2. A. hard  
(     )3. A. let  
(     )4. A. sweater  
(     )5. A. joined  
(     )6. A. jumped  
(     )7. A. strange  
(     )8. A. covered  
(     )9. A. time
(     )10. A. afraid  
(     )11. A. Otherwise  
(     )12. A. driven  
(     )13. A. annoyed  
(     )14. A. off  
(     )15. A. supply  
(     )16. A. escape  
(     )17. A. place
(     )18. A. guilty  
(     )19. A. open  
(     )20. A. inspiration
B. woods        
B. dirty        
B. settle      
B. basket      
B. lived        
B. held        
B. secret      
B. filled      
B. choice      
B. a shamed    
B. However      
B. followed    
B. satisfied    
B. beside      
B. cost        
B. spend        
B. notice      
B. unconfident  
B. leave        
B. expectation  
C. holes  
C. light  
C. have    
C. eye    
C. discovered  
C. stood  
C. anxious  
C. rebuilt  
C. chance  
C. careful  
C. Besides  
C. protected  
C. surprised  
C. over    
C. support  
C. survive  
C. advantage  
C. embarrassed    
C. cross  
C. impression  
D. roads            
D. easy            
D. keep            
D. hand            
D. disappeared      
D. found            
D. patient          
D. decorated        
D. achievement      
D. proud            
D. Therefore        
D. caught          
D. delighted        
D. around          
D. preparation      
D. flee            
D. charge          
D. nervous          
D. occupy          
D. satisfaction    
     Lisa, a 25year old from Beijing, recently places a number of very unpleasant statements on the
Internet regarding the elderly.They include things like "don"t  rely on others", "don"t expect others to
help", "don"t be talkative", and "dont"t be so stubborn". The underlying message was that elderly
people should not take advantage of their old age to demand special favours from others, particularly
from the young.This of course flies_in_the_face_of the Chinese tradition of respecting the elderly.But,
in my opinion, Lisa"s "requests" might not be totally unreasonable.Old people do sometimes behave
like they"re "stubborn"and "talkative". Still, the young woman is rudely insensitive to why the elderly
behave that way.As people get old, they become increasingly weakened physically.So it"s natural for
them to ask for more help from others.As their memories decline, they tend to be talkative because
they easily forget what has just been said.The American psychologists D. R.Atkinson and G. Hackett
said that the brain is characterized by flexibility.It has the ability (most pronounced up to the age of 12)
to change itself as a result of experience.But, as the brain ages, this flexibility decreases.As a result, the
elderly are often inflexible in their ways.
     Therefore, old people need real care and deserve to be taken care of.Many have devoted most of
their lives to the wellbeing of the family or social.Their aging is no reason for showing prejudice (偏见)to
them.  According to Chinese tradition, older people are to be respected.As are Westerners.
     I live in the US for eight years, and in Hong Kong for 13.Never have I seen or heard anyone who
would openly tell old people "to behave themselves".
    We may encourage old people to be more selfreliant.But rudely demanding that they do so is ageism.
That"s where the difference lies.

1. What does Lisa think of the elderly?

A. The elderly hate to rely on the others.
B. The elderly should take advantage of their old age.
C. They are not talkative but stubborn.
D. The elderly always demand special favors from the young.

2. The underlined part in the first paragraph can be replaced by"________".

A. expresses the apparent meaning of
B. shows disagreement with
C. deals with the surface meaning of
D. draws a conclusion from

3. What"s the writer"s attitude towards this problem?

A. The young woman is too sensitive to why the elderly behave that way.
B. The elderly naturally ask for more help from others, because their brain is characterized by flexibility.
C. The elderly are often inflexible in their ways, which makes the young suffer.
D. The elderly deserve to be taken care of and we shouldn"t show our prejudice because of their aging.

4. The last three paragraphs really want to show that________.

A. we should respect the elderly
B. the people in the US or Hong Kong respect the older people
C. old people should be encouraged to be more selfreliant
D. different ideas about the elderly are allowed to exist
     1. ________This was not because the woods and fields were always far away, but because they were too far from the city to permit people to make a day trip between morning and nightfall.
     2. ________He decided to turn his little school into a dormitory (宿舍楼) for the summer holidays.Anyone who brought his sleeping bag and cooking equipment along could stay there for a very small quantity of money.The idea was a success.A few years later, the school house was much too small to hold the many young people who wanted to stay there.3.________.This was the first hostel (青年招待所).
     Today, young students and workers of every country can meet in the hostel and get to know each other.When young people arrive at the hostel, they have only to show their cards of membership in a hostel organization in their own country.4.________
     Often, at the evening meal, a group of boys and girls from various parts of the country or world will happen to meet at the same hostel.They may put their food together and prepare a dinner with many kinds of dishes.Sometimes a program will be organized after the meal with dances, songs, or short talks followed by a question period.5.______For this reason, a few weeks spent "hosteling" can be just as useful a part of one"s education as classes in school.

A. In 1970, a young German school master had an idea which changed this situation.
B. People can stay in the hostel if they brought enough equipment with them.
C. One can learn a lot about other places, just by meeting people from those places
D. As a result, a dormitory was set up in an old castle nearby.
E. For years, children in the industrial areas of Europe seldom left their cities to see the
    beauties of the countryside.
F. More and more young people went to the hostel for summer holidays.
G. This card will permit them to stay in a hostel all over the world for very low prices.
     We are all called upon to make a speech at some point in life, but most of us don"t do a very good
     So, you have to give a speech-and you are terrified.You get nervous, you forget what you want to
say, you stumble (结结巴巴) over words, you talk too long, and you bore your audience.Later you
think, "Thank Goodness, it"s over.I"m just not good at public speaking.I hope I never have to do that
     Cheer up!2.________.Here are some simple steps to take the pain out of speechmaking.Ask yourself
the purpose of your speech.What is the occasion?Why are you speaking?Then, gather as many facts as
you can on your subject.Spend plenty of your time doing your research.Then spend plenty of your time
organizing your material so that your speech is clear and easy to follow.Use as many examples as
possible, and use pictures, charts, and graphs if they help you make your points more clearly.
3.________.Don"t talk over their heads, and don"t talk down to them.Treat your audience with respect.
They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.
     Just remember:Be prepared.Know your subject, your audience, and the occasion.Be brief.
4.________.And be yourself.Let your personality come through so that you make persontoperson
contact with your audience.
     If you follow these simple steps, you will see that you don"t have to be afraid of public speaking.In
fact, you may find the experience so enjoyable that you volunteer to make more speeches!You"re not
convinced yet?5.________.

A. It doesn"t have to be that bad.
B. Take several deep breaths after your speech.
C. This article gives some advice on how to give a good speech.
D. Say what you have to say and then stop.
E. Don"t say what you aren"t familiar with.
F. Never forget your audience.
G. Give it a try and see what happens.

     People always think about "the problem of youth". If there is one-which I take leave to doubt-it is
older people who create it,not the young themselves.Let us get down to fundamentals and agree that the
young are after all human beings-people just like their elders.There is only one difference between an old
man and a young one:the young man has a beautiful future before him while the old man a splendid future
behind him and maybe that is where the rub is.
     When I was a teenager,I felt that I was just young and unknown-that I was a new boy in a huge
school,and I would have been very pleased to be regarded as something so interesting as a problem.For
one thing,being a problem gives you a certain identify,and that is one of the things the young are busily
engaged in seeking.
     I find young people exciting.They have an air of freedom,and they have not a dull promise to mean
ambitions or love of comfort.They are not anxious social climbers,and they have no devotion to important
things.All this seems to me to link them with life,and the origins of things.It"s as if they were in some sense
of cosmic beings in violent and lovely contrast with us suburban (乡村的) creatures.All that is in my mind when I meet a young person.He may be too proud,illmannered,selfconfident or selfsatisfied,but I do not
turn for protection to boring clich?s about respect for elders as if age were a reason for respect.I accept
that we are equals,and I will argue with them,as an equal,if I think he is wrong.

1. "The problem of youth" in Paragraph 1 means the problem________.

A. caused by young people
B. needed to be solved by young people
C. young people meet
D. created by the old for the young

2. The underlined word "rub" is closest in meaning to________.

A. fact  
B. age
C. future  
D. difficulty

3. One of the things the young are engaged in is that they want to________.

A. climb up the social ladder
B. have freedom
C. be known
D. make troubles

4. By saying "anxious social climbers",the writer refers to________.

A. some mean adults  
B. ambitious young people
C. capable political leaders
D. people who pursue comfort