You admire a person from a distance. Popular and known, you find it frighte

     You admire a person from a distance. Popular and known, you find it frighte


     You admire a person from a distance. Popular and known, you find it frightening just to be near that
person.Suddenly, this person is in front of you, smiling.How will you start a conversation?
     Starting a conversation is a fear experienced by many people.Once in a situation where a person
must start a conversation, he feels like hiding or vanishing into the air. Even though how prepared a
person is, words don"t seem coherent(前后一致的)enough. The chance is likely to be lost forever, so
never hesitate to start one.
     When you start a conversation with strangers, think that they may be feeling worried too. Being the
first to start, you are the one breaking the ice. All they need to do is respond so start the conversation
on a positive note. Observe your surroundings-the people around you, food, weather, the place
itself-and find a common topic. Be friendly. Give praise sincerely.Do not be afraid to ask questions.
Start with closeended questions so it will be easier to ask for an answer. If a positive reaction is
received then take it as a hint that the person is willing to converse with you.
     If at first you get a negative response, do not be blunt(真言的)about it. Act as if you did not notice
it. Some people need time to get accustomed to your presence. They become conditioned to themselves
that you are talking with them and not to the other people around. If the answer is too negative, then let
go of the topic but do not respond rudely. Show that you respect their decision.Give them time to think.
     After receiving a positive answer, a few more closeended questions will be fine.Be sensitive.
Observe how the response is being delivered. Show genuine interest in the answers. Listen attentively
and respond accordingly. If you feel that the response is positive, you can start asking openended
questions. Do not start topics about religion or politics. These two subjects are very controversial and
arguments may arise because of conflicting ideas and perceptions.
     Talk about some personal information like your favorites but do not monopolize(垄断)the time.
Talking only about you might bore the other person. You should show that you are also interested in
getting to know him better by asking relevant questions. A light and wholesome joke can lighten the
mood but it must be delivered correctly as it may offend the other party.
     When in a group, involve in the whole group. Do not isolate a single person but when a person is
speaking, look at him and give soliciting response like a nod or a smile.
     Talk with confidence but do not overdo it. You might end up looking boastful(自夸的). Do not
whisper with the people beside you when someone is talking. If you are knowledgeable with the
subject at hand, then speak up. If you have questions, voice them out. These are the chances you
should not pass to start a conversation.
                                                __1__to start a conversation?

The__2__ of starting  a conversationMany people couldn"t express their words even
though they have__4__them because of tension.
__3__for starting a  conversation
                          DosStart with a common topic in a __5__way first, with a positive note.
__6__to pay no attention to a negative response and show respect
to the person"s decision.
Take an interest in the positive answers, listen attentively and ask
some questions according to the__7__.
Show interest in the others"personal information, if necessary, and
you can__8__an appropriate joke.
Look at the speaker, responding with some gestures while he is
                         Don"tsDon"t be afraid to ask questions.
Don"t start with religious or__9__topics.
Don"t monopolize the time when talking.
Don"t talk with too much__10__.
Don"t whisper with the people beside you when someone is talking.
1. How   2. difficulty/trouble   3. Suggestions/Tips    4. prepared      5. friendly
6. Pretend    7. response        8. make/deliver   9. political      10. confidence
    When we visit another country, differences in music and dance are __1__ some of the first things that
we notice.Every culture has __2__ its own types of music and dance, which are very different from those
of other societies.
     Each type of music usually has a distinctive rhythm and a special sound, __3__ on the kinds of
instruments that are used to produce it.The most common type of instruments are __4__ instruments, such
as guitars and violins; wind instruments, including horns and flutes.Many different kinds of musical sounds
__5__ be created by using different combinations of instruments.
     The human voice is a very special kind of instrument, __6__ it can produce a great number of different
sounds with different __7__, ranging from loud to soft.Singing is very popular in most cultures because it
allows us to __8__ words and ideas with music.
     Societies coordinate body movements with musical rhythms to create __9__.Sometimes people dance
for fun and individual expression.Dances can also be used to __10__ ideas to an audience.Hawaiian
dancers, __11__, use arm and hand movements to express the meaning of a song.In the same way, many
societies use dances in religious ceremonies __12__ to tell about important events.
     Music and dance are passed from one __13__to another and thus become a permanent part of the
society and __14__ culture.Of course, as cultures come __15__ contact with each other, the music and
dance of one society may be accepted by other societies, or the different styles may be combined to
__16__ a new kind of music or dance.Some Latin American music, for example, has taken __17__ from
Indian cultures and mixed them with those from European and African cultures.__18__, popular music
from England and the US can be heard in countries __19__ the world, __20__ it has had an influence on
musical tastes, especially among young people.
题型:江苏同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A.unlikely  
(     )2. A.installed  
(     )3. A.focusing  
(     )4. A.thread  
(     )5. A.might    
(     )6. A.when    
(     )7. A.heights    
(     )8. A.explain    
(     )9. A.sounds    
(     )10. A.give  
(     )11. A.such as  
(     )12. A.just  
(     )13.  
(     )14. A.their  
(     )15.    
(     )16. A.join  
(     )17. A.advantages  
(     )18. A.However  
(     )19. A.on    
(     )20. A.when    
B. likely    
B. meant    
B. depending    
B. string    
B. can      
B. after    
B. sizes    
B. express   
B. songs    
B. communicate    
B. for example    
B. as     
B. generation    
B. its    
B. for    
B. show      
B. features        
B. On the contrary
B. through  
B. where    
C. probably
C. developed  
C. playing  
C. cord    
C. must    
C. since  
C. tones  
C. provide  
C. moves  
C. translate
C. that is  
C. only  
C. people  
C. this    
C. into    
C. form    
C. styles
C. Similarly  
C. across  
C. which  
D. surely            
D. established      
D. resting          
D. band              
D. should            
D. although          
D. volumes          
D. compose          
D. dances            
D. perform          
D. on the contrary  
D. or                
D. time              
D. the              
D. with              
D. become            
D. origins          
D. Besides          
D. along            
D. what             
     Understanding the process of making career choices and managing your career is a basic life skill that
everyone should understand.
     Your career decisions have such a profound effect on all aspects of your life.It"s important to have the
knowledge and resources needed to make smart, informed decisions.
     Many people mistakenly believe that choosing a career is a onetime event that happens some time in
early adulthood.However, career management is actually a lifelong process, and we continue to make
consequential career choices over the years.
     Whether you are looking for a new job, aiming to take the next step at your current job, completely
changing your career or planning your retirement options, you are making career decisions.Using good
resources and the guidance of a career counselor can help you to make those decisions well.
     So many people jump right to creating a new resume when they want to take action in their career.
However, career management and job search is about so much more than writing a good resume.If you
take the time to learn about, think through and act on the four main areas of career management, you"ll be
rewarded throughout your career.
     Your interests, abilities, values and personal needs and realities should all be taken into account in any
career decision making process.You spend countless hours at work, and it impacts your life in so many
ways;it makes sense that you should be fully informed before making such profound decisions.
     Do you know how many different career choices are available to you?Both The Dictionary of
Occupational Titles(American)and The National Occupational Classification(Canadian) list well over
20,000 different job titles.So unless you"ve actively explored a variety of career options, there"s a very
good chance that there are great possibilities available to you, and you don"t even realize they exist.
     Match your understanding of yourself with your understanding of possible career options.Once you
have developed a good understanding of yourself, you will be able to combine that selfknowledge with
your career and labor market research to determine potential careers that are a great fit for you.
     When you"ve made a well informed decision, then you"re ready to make it happen.Making use of good
career guidance and resources will help you to acquire the education, skills and experience needed to get
the job.
     Avoid the"ready, fire, aim"approach to making career choices and job searching.Time spent
understanding your needs, researching your career options and developing outstanding job search skills,
guided by great career resources, is a powerful investment in your future.
题型:江苏同步题难度:| 查看答案
ThemeEverybody should have a good__1__of a basic life skill:understand the process of making career choices and managing your career.

Career  decisions ●Having a great__2__on your life.
●__3__by many people.
●Happening over the years in your life.
●Made well by using good resources and with the __4__of a career counselor.

   5    If you__6__some time on the four main areas of career management, you"ll be rewarded throughout your career.

   7    to manage your career
Understand  yourself   8    some important factors into account when you make decisions.
Understand your options Remember there are many   9    available to you.
Connect your inform­ ation Match your selfknowledge with your understanding of possible career options.

Make it  happen After  10    a decision,, you should make it happen.
     Blind from birth,I have never had the opportunity to see myself and have been completely dependent
on the image I create in the eyes of others.
     There are those who __1__ that since I can"t see,I obviously also cannot __2__.Very often people
will talk with me at the top of their lungs.Conversely to this,people will also often __3__ ,assuming that
since my eyes don"t work,my ears don"t either.For example,when I go to the airport and ask the ticket
agent for __4__to the plane,he or she will always pick up the phone and call a ground hostess in a very
low voice."Hi,Jane,we"ve got a 76 here." I have concluded that the word " __5__ " is not used because
they are unwilling to inform me of my condition of which I may not have been previously __6__.
     On the other hand,others know that of course I can hear,but believe that I can"t talk.Once I became
ill and was hospitalized.Immediately after I was __7__ ,I was wheeled down to the X-ray room.Just
at the door sat an elderly woman(judging from her voice) asking the orderly(护工) who had been
wheeling me:" What is your name?" "What"s your name?" The orderly __8__ to me."Harold Krents",I
replied."Harold Krents",he repeated."When was he born?" "When were you born?"…This continued for
about five minutes before I finally interrupted,"Look,this is absolutely __9__.OK,I can"t see,but it"s
become pretty__10__ to both of you that I don"t need an interpreter(翻译). " "He says he doesn"t  need
an interpreter," the orderly reported to the woman.
     The __11__ misconception of all is the view that because I can"t see,I can"t __12__.I was turned
down by over forty law firms, __13__ my qualifications included a cum laude degree from Harvard
Law School.The  __14__to find jobs,the continuous __15__of being told that it was impossible for a
blind person to__16__law,the rejection letter,not based on my lack of __17__but rather on my disability,
will always remain one of the most upsetting experiences of my life.
     __18__,the Department of Labor issued laws that demand equal __19__ opportunities for the disabled.The business community"s response has been __20__.The attitude towards the disabled is beginning to
题型:江苏同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. assume        
(     )2. A. hear        
(     )3. A. shout      
(     )4. A. welcome      
(     )5. A. passenger      
(     )6. A. afraid     
(     )7. A. invited      
(     )8. A. asked       
(     )9. A. cheerful        
(     )10. A. clear        
(     )11. A. earliest      
(     )12. A. think        
(     )13. A. as if     
(     )14. A. attempt        
(     )15. A. disappointment  
(     )16. A. disobey      
(     )17. A. confidence  
(     )18. A. Regretfully  
(     )19. A. medication  
(     )20. A. enthusiastic  
B. observe        
B. talk        
B. laugh      
B. permission      
B. blind      
B. aware        
B. released       
B. responded        
B. ridiculous      
B. easy         
B. slightest      
B. study            
B. even though      
B. opportunity  
B. relief          
B. challenge    
B. luck            
B. Deliberately    
B. employment      
B. passive          
C. approve
C. feel    
C. whisper
C. advice  
C. trouble  
C. curious  
C. included  
C. repeated  
C. charming  
C. confusing  
C. latest  
C. work  
C. now that  
C. mistake  
C. envy    
C. practice  
C. ability  
C. Exactly
C. learning  
C. negative  
D. propose        
D. care          
D. cry            
D. assistance    
D. situation      
D. desperate      
D. admitted      
D. exchanged      
D. disgusting    
D. doubtful      
D. toughest      
D. understand    
D. in case        
D. success        
D. effort        
D. make          
D. ambition      
D. Fortunately    
D. traveling      
D. uncertain      
     With the fast development of society,seeking a job is becoming more and more competitive,thus
making it important for people to have career education.And it is suggested that career education should
be carried out through one"s whole life.
     Career education is the instruction that is intended to help young people to identify,choose and prepare for a career.Such instruction may focus on a person"s role in work,leisure,or family life.Career education
differs from vocational education,which is designed to teach specific occupational skills.
     Career education includes the formal and informal learning that occurs in the family,in the community,
and in schools.In schools,career education consists of instructive activities included in many courses.
These activities are designed to improve the attitudes,knowledge,and skills that are important for work
roles.Career education helps students to develop selfunderstanding and then use it to plan their education
and working life.
      A complete career education program in school begins in kindergarten and continues at least through
high school.In kindergartens and elementary schools,youngsters learn about different types of work.In
junior middle schools,children begin to explore the occupations and leisure activities that interest them
most.In high schools,students get more specific information about occupations and life styles.They may
learn how to make career decisions in classrooms,small groups or individual sessions.They also should
obtain the skills they need for further study or for a job after graduation.Many colleges and universities
also offer career education through their counseling programs.Counselors provide information on such
matters as how to locate and apply for jobs and how to be successful in interviews.
     Teachers and counselors use a variety of methods to provide career education,including films about
occupations or industries.Children may invite parents or other adults to come to school and describe
their jobs.A student may accompany a worker on his or her job for some time.
     Both teachers and parents are responsible for youngsters" career education.It really works that
students are taught to combine classroom study with practical work experience.
                                Title:Career education-lifelong education
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Reason for career educationJobseeking is becoming more and more competitive.
__1__between career education and vocational educationCareer education is the instruction with the __2__of helping young people to identify,choose and prepare for a career.It focuses on a person"s role in work,leisure,or family life.Vocational education is designed to teach __3__occupational skills.
Basic information about career  education The formal and informal learning__4__in the family,in the community and in schools is __5__in career education.
Career education helps students to develop selfunderstanding and then use it to make __6__for their education and working life.
Process of  career education In kindergartens and elementary schools,youngsters learn about different types of work.In junior middle schools,children begin to__7__the occupations and leisure activities.In high schools,students get more specific information about occupations and life styles.Many colleges and universities offer career education by providing counseling programs.Teachers and counselors use__8__ways to provide career education.
   9    Not only teachers but also parents are responsible for youngsters" career education.The __10__of classroom study with practical work experience really works.
     Many people find it difficult to do any activity for pure pleasure.I"m here to tell you about one of my
favorite pleasures.It doesn"t cost a thing and takes very little time.Best of all, you can do it for pure
enjoyment.It"s walking.
     There"s something about walking that"s different from jogging.When I"m jogging, I"m constantly
challenging myself to go farther or faster, sweat more, and breathe harder.But when I"m walking, I"m
taking time to go outside and put one foot in front of the other while I look around, breathe, and feel the
sun and the wind.When I walk, I"m submerging(浸没) myself in life.
     On walks, I make friends with myself.That little voice in my head asks, "How are you going to finish
three major projects this week?" I answer, "Now, calm down.This is your time.No deadlines, no projects, no havetodos."
      Walks alone and walks with companions each have their own pleasures.On walks with companions
, acquaintances become friends and friendships deepen.There are always memories and thoughts to share on walks.
     I also enjoy walking anywhere with my children, who constantly open my eyes to new
discoveries-rolling down a hill, or finding a strange rock.Walking expands their minds and teaches them
about nature.
      Years ago, when I read "Pride and Prejudice", I noticed Elizabeth Bennet walked three miles to visit
her sister.Then I learned that the Romantic poets-William Wordsworth, John Keats, and Percy Bysshe
Shelley-frequently walked for hours for creative inspiration.I might not have been able to write like these poets but I could take walks as they did, I thought.Then I became interested in the activity.
     Because I walk so often, I now have a list of my favorite walking spots.One of my favorite spots is a
park near my house.The park lets me experience the cycle of the seasons at my convenience.
     Where else can you appreciate the beauty in the world except on a walk? Why not take a walk and
do it for pleasure?

1. Compared with jogging, walking ________.
A. is more boring  
B. is more relaxing
C. needs more energy  
D. takes less time

2. The author seems to believe that ________.
A. walks may help promote friendship
B. walks help build children"s independence
C. one had better walk without companions
D. one can solve hard problems during walks

3. From Paragraph 6 we learn ________.
A. the benefits of reading
B. why the author loves poems
C. how the author started walking
D. the importance of creative inspiration

4. Why does the author write the passage?
A. To stress the importance of literature.
B. To give advice about daily exercise.
C. To show the benefits of doing sports.
D. To recommend walking to the readers.