阅读理解     My dad, Greg Newman, had wanted to be a race  car driver, but things di

阅读理解     My dad, Greg Newman, had wanted to be a race  car driver, but things di

阅读理解     My dad, Greg Newman, had wanted to be a race  car driver, but things didn"t work out for him.So
I guess having a son who could become a race car driver was the next best thing.Don"t get me
wrong-Dad didn"t push me into racing.In fact, when I was about 10 years old, my dad was afraid that
driving a car wasn"t my dream.So he took the racing away from me.I wasn"t very happy with that decision.It wasn"t long before Dad realized that racing was what I loved.
     At four, Dad bought me my first Quarter Midget (袖珍赛车)  and that"s really where it started for us.
Back then, Dad coached me.He would stick out (伸出) his footin the path of the race car, and then tell
me to exactly hit his foot.By repeating this again and again, Dad believed that I would be faster and
sharper on the race track.
     Dad worked really long hours at his car repair business to make money so that I could race each
weekend.I can remember that every night before he turned off the lights in the garage, Dad would tell
me:"Don"t forget to kiss your race car good night." He was trying to teach me that if I show respect, it"s
returned.He wanted me to show thankfulness and respect for my race car and for all the hard work that
we and many others had put into the dream.
     My dad, my mom and my sister gave up a lot of things to help me race.For us, there was no better
moment than winning the 50th running of the Daytona 500 in 2008.That evening in February 2008, I
knew I had gotten a good push.I could hear the excitement.My father couldn"t speak a word, and when
he got to  Victory Lane (车道), he nearly knocked me over and  gave me such a big hug.1. Why did Greg Newman stop his son to race when his son was 10 years old?A. Because he thought racing was dangerous.
B. Because he worried that his son didn"t like racing.
C. Because he didn"t want his son to fail like he did.
D. Because he couldn"t afford the money.2. Greg Newman did all the following things to support his son"s dream EXCEPT________.A. training his son to race
B. working hard to make money
C. buying his son a mini racing car
D. changing his job as a race car driver3. Why did Greg Newman let his son hit his foot?A. To improve his son"s skill.  
B. To help his son to be braver.
C. To have fun with his son.      
D. To make his son more careful.4. Greg Newman asked his son to kiss his race car good night to________.A. get help from his family
B. treat the race car as a person
C. feel grateful that he could follow his dream
D. develop a close relationship with his race car5. In the 50th running of the Daytona 500, Greg Newman couldn"t say anything because he was______.A. disappointed  
B. surprised  
C. sad    
D. excited
1-5: BDACD
阅读理解      To see the world is one thing;to have someone to share it with is another.Indeed, travel becomes
more interesting when you have a travel partner.A travel partner can be a close friend, a family member,
a pal you"ve met online, or a business friend.
    You can have someone to talk to
     Traveling alone is fun, but wouldn"t you feel lonely?Having a travel partner can remove the feeling of
loneliness.This is especially true if you can get a travel companion who is very familiar with the place
you"re traveling to.You don"t have to ask any information from the locals, and you can increase the time
you spend in the country.
     One of the major headaches in traveling is the costs involved.You can"t simply ignore the rising price
of hotels or plane tickets.You should also think about your daily needs, such as your food.Of course, you
can"t simply go back without bringing any souvenirs (纪念品) to your friends and family.All these can ruin your budget.However, when you have a travel friend, you can have someone to share the expenses with.
     You can meet a good friend
     Having a travel mate is a good way of meeting a new friend or even a lifelong partner.You can never
count the number of couples who actually found their way into each other"s heart while traveling together
in another country.
     You can have someone to watch out for you  
     When you"re in a foreign land, you"ll never be really safe.You don"t know the rules as well as the
culture of the people.A travel mate will be perfect to remind you of your duties in the country and to
watch your back just in case you get lost.So why don"t you find a travel companion now?
     Let"s find out how ...1. What"s the author"s purpose in writing this passage?A. To introduce a travel company.
B. To encourage us to have a travel partner.
C. To explain how to be a perfect travel partner.
D. To tell an interesting experience with a travel partner.2. What"s the best title for the 3rd paragraph?A. You can have someone to share the expenses with.
B. You can know the local culture well.
C. You can enjoy food with your partner.
D. You can save money by bargaining together.3. Which of the following statements agrees with the author"s opinion?A. Traveling alone is not fun.
B. Buying souvenirs isn"t necessary.
C. Many people fall in love when traveling.
D. It"s better to choose a stranger as a travel partner.4. Which of the following things is NOT mentioned?A. A travel partner can help you take care of your child.
B. A travel partner can help get rid of loneliness.
C. A travel partner can help you save money.
D. A travel partner can make you safer.5. The following paragraph will probably talk about________.A. how to get along with a travel partner
B. how travel can benefit people
C. what we can learn from travel
D. how to find a travel partner
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     People who like travelling have their reasons.They believe that travelling can help them expand their
field of view, especially in the geographical and historical sense.They also think that touring will give them
more chances to enjoy different kinds of food and experience new things  that would never be  brought
by other activities.But those who dislike travelling also have some reasons.
     Travelling, in my opinion, does more good than  harm.Most importantly, it broadens (使扩大) our
mind.We can get in touch with other civilizations (文明), cultures, customs and ideas.
     Through history, most people travelled because of necessity (必要性)-not for pleasure.People
travelled just in order to remain alive.They searched for food to eat or places to live in.They sometimes
ran away from enemies.This is not to say that no one ever travelled just for the fun of it.In ancient times,
for  example, rich Romans travelled all the way to Greece to take part in the Olympic Games, and
festivals.Of course, some people decided to travel just out of curiosity (好奇心). They wanted to find
out what it looked like beyond the horizon  (地平线). Also business travel has been going on for
centuries.Traders could not only make money but also learn to speak several languages and be
introduced to different cultures.
     So, travelling does enrich our mind and draw new ideas to us.There is no doubt that we can get much
from it.1. The underlined word "expand" in Paragraph 1 can be replaced by "________". A. widen  
B. protect  
C. lose  
D. decide2. According to the passage, in the past most people travelled________.A. for fun  
B. for knowledge
C. to get experiences  
D. to make a living3. How many reasons for travelling are mentioned in Paragraph 3?A. Three.  
B. Four.  
C. Five.  
D. Six.4. In the writer"s opinion, travelling can be________.A. expensive
B. funny      
C. helpful    
D. tiring5. What"s the main idea of this passage?A. Different kinds of travelling.
B. Travelling enriches our mind.
C. Ways to enjoy yourself while travelling.
D. The advantages and disadvantages of travelling.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读表达     Sometimes in our lives, we find ourselves in a place where we know no one.Those places are usually
lonely and cold.If you try to make some new friends there, your life will be more enjoyable.Don"t worry if
you are a shy person as the steps below will help you do this.
     In every place that you visit, try to introduce yourself to  people.If you are on a bus, try to talk to the
other passengers.If you are in a school, introduce yourself to your classmates, and even if you are in a
bookstore and you happen to meet someone, introduce yourself.The_more_people_you_introduce
_yourself_to, the_more_chances_you_have_of_gaining_new_friends.
     It"s good to hear your own name called by others.That"s  the greatest sound a person could ever hear.
If you can call out their names when you meet them the second time, this will leave them a deep
impression.If you think you have a problem remembering names, here is a tip.When they have said their
names, use them immediately in a conversation.Say their names at least three times in your conversations.
You will remember their names that way.
     It"s important that what you are talking about interest both of you.Talking about them will surely be a
great topic for your conversation.Everyone wants to be the subject of a conversation.
     Making eye contact with them will show that you are serious about them.If your eyes are drifting
throughout your conversation, they"ll feel you are not interested in them.So____________with them from
time to time during the conversation.
     These steps are just the basic things that you can do.You can think of many other ways to gain new
friends and remember to have fun while doing it.
1. What"s this passage mainly about?(Please answer within 10 words.)
2. List three things mentioned in the passage that you can do to gain new friends.(Please answer within 12 words.)
3. Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one?
They will be impressed if you remember their names the next time you meet them.
4. Fill in the blank in paragraph 5 with proper words.(Please answer within 5 words.)
5. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 into Chinese.

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阅读理解     It amazed me-every time I saw Joe he was smiling.It didn"t matter whether he had to stop at a stop
light,or if he was the seventh person in line at the bank,and the teller (出纳员) ended her job just before
he got there.Joe always smiled.It made me wonder why he always seemed so happy.
     Having observed Joe with other people,I noticed something else too.Joe asked people how they were doing,and really seemed to listen to their answers.He showed pity tosomeone who was hurting,and had
kind words,and offered to help in any way he could.
     It made me think.What if I tried to smile more?An experiment began when I went to the supermarket.
I smiled as I went up and down the supermarket and people I didn"t even know smiled back at me.Some
even spoke!The little kid in the cart who was giving his mother a hard time saw me smile;he stopped
talking and then made a shy attempt at a smile.The man in the cart for the disabled needed help to reach
for something,and I got it for him.The smile even transferred (转移) over to him,and he thanked me.
     As I drove home,I was smiling.Now I know a smile is a small thing,but what if we all tried to smile a
few more times each day?I couldn"t believe how great I felt.Nothing in my life had changed,but maybe it
had.What I had learned was that such a small thing could lift not only my spirits,but also the spirits of those around me.So smile!1. What did the writer wonder?A. Why bad things never happened to Joe.
B. What kind of person Joe was.
C. Why Joe always seemed so happy.
D. How to be as happy as Joe.2. What do we know about Joe from Paragraph 2?A. He has nothing to worry about.
B. He lives a very hard life.
C. He is kind and ready to help others.
D. He often asks others to smile.3. What experiment did the writer do?A. He smiled at others in the supermarket.
B. He bought people things in the supermarket.
C. He helped anyone who needed help.
D. He said kind words to others.4. According to the passage,how was the writer"s experiment?A. It was a failure.  
B. It proved nothing.
C. It was unacceptable.  
D. It was quite satisfying.5. The writer wrote this passage most probably to________.A. explain why people smile
B. tell us something about Joe
C. tell us the true meaning of life
D. suggest people smile more to others
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     Technology helps people do everything from planning to meet for a movie to keeping in touch with
a friend who lives in a different country.
     When planning to get together with friends,Julian said,"If I want to go and see a movie with a few
friends,I usually send them text messages.By telephone,you have to call every single friend one by one.
But text messaging allows you to send the same message to as many people as you"d like,which saves
a lot of time."
    Email,IM,and other lowcost methods of communication also help people keep longdistance friendships
in ways they couldn"t have even a few years ago.
    Mike told us,"I had this friend when I was 8 or 9,and then she moved away to the country.We
promised to stay friends and to send letters,and at the start we did.Then the letters got fewer and fewer
and we at last stopped writing to each other.I think if we had had email,we would still be in touch."
     James found out about cost the hard way.He said,"I called my friend in New Zealand,which is
halfway around the world,and it cost me over $200!So now I just stay up  late to see if I can catch him
on MSN or I write an email."
     Email,IM,and other lowcost ways of keeping in touch also allow people to develop brief
acquaintances (与人相识) into longlasting friendships.Andrea told us,"I met this really cool girl.We
sometimes email each other.We"ve been in touch over half a year and it"s nice to talk to her."1.What is this passage mainly about?A. Technology has improved greatly.
B. Technology can help our social lives.
C. Technology keeps faraway friends close.
D. Text messages bring advantages to our life.2. How does Julian usually get in touch with a group of friends?A. By emailing them.
B. By chatting with them on MSN.
C. By sending them text messages.
D. By giving them a phone call.3. In Mike"s opinion,he lost touch with his friend mainly because________.A. they lost interest in keeping in touch
B. their friendship was not strong enough
C. they were too busy to write to each other
D. they couldn"t use email to keep in touch then4. What does James most probably think of calling his friend in New Zealand?A. Convenient. 
B. Costly.  
C. Difficult.  
D. Necessary.5. The writer uses Andrea"s story to show that________.A. everyone can make good use of technology
B. longlasting friendships can be gained anywhere
C. there are many kinds of ways of keeping in touch
D. it is easier to make new friends than before due to technology  
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