阅读理解。     Most people feel lonely sometimes,but it usually only lasts between a

阅读理解。     Most people feel lonely sometimes,but it usually only lasts between a

阅读理解。     Most people feel lonely sometimes,but it usually only lasts between a few minutes and a few hours.
This kind of loneliness is not serious. In fact,it is quite normal. For some people,though, loneliness can last
for years. Now researchers say there are three different types of loneliness.
     The first kind of loneliness is temporary (暂时的). This is the most common type. It usually disappears quickly and does not require any special attention. The second kind is situation,for example,family problem,the death of a loved one,or moving to a new place. Although this kind of loneliness can cause physical
problems,such as headaches and sleeplessness, it usually does not last for more than a year.
The third kind of loneliness is the most serious. Unlike the second type,chronic (长期的) usually lasts
more than two years and has no specific cause. People who experience habitual loneliness have problems
socializing and becoming close to others. Unfortunately,many chronically lonely people think there is little
or nothing they can do to improve their condition.
     Psychologists (心理学家) agree that one important factor in loneliness is a person"s social contacts,
for example,friends,family members,coworkers,etc. We depend on various people for different reasons.
For instance,our families give us emotional support,our parents and teachers give us guidance,and our
friends share similar interests and activities. However,psychologists have found that,though lonely people
may have many social contacts,they sometimes feel they should have more. They question their popularity (名气).
     Psychologists are trying to find ways to help habitually lonely people for two reasons:they are unhappy and unable to socialize and there is a connection between chronic loneliness and serious illness such as
heart disease,while temporary and situational loneliness can be a sad,and sometimes dangerous condition.1. How would you treat temporary loneliness according to the passage?A. Talk to friends.            
B. Just ignore it.
C. Go to see a doctor.        
D. Ask your teachers for guidance.2."It" in the last sentence of the second paragraph refers to ______.A. temporary loneliness        
B. situational loneliness
C. a new place                
D. sleeplessness3. Why do psychologists want to help chronically lonely people?A. Chronic loneliness can cause family problems.
B. Chronic loneliness can cause serious illness.
C. Chronic loneliness can not be overcome.
D. Chronic loneliness is incurable.4. Loneliness is divided according to______.A. the time it lasts                
B. the places where it appears
C. different people it happens to    
D. different seasons when it appears
1-4: BBBA
阅读理解。                                   Winners Club—You choose to be a winner!
     The Winners Club is a bank account specially designed for teenagers. It has been made to help you better manage your money. The Winners Club is a transaction account (交易账户) where you receive a key – card so you can get to your money 24/7 – that"s 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! It"s a club with impressive features for teenagers:
     ●No account keeping fees! You"re no millionaire so we don"t expect you to pay large fees. In fact, there are no account keeping or transaction fees!
     ●Excellent interest (利息) rates! You want your money to grow. The Winners Club has a good rate of interest which gets even better if you make at least two deposits (储蓄) without taking them out in a month.  ●Convenient  Teenagers are busy – we get that. You may never need to come to a bank at all. With the Winners Club you can choose to use handy tellers and to bank from home using the phone and the Internet … You can have money directly deposited into your Winners Club account. This could be your pocket money or your pay from your part – time job!
     ●Mega magazine included  Along with your regular report, you will receive a FREE magazine full of good ideas to make even more of your money. There are also fantastic offers and competitions only for Winners Club members. 
     The Winners Club is a great choice for teenagers. And it is so easy to join. Simply fill in an application form. You will have to get permission from your parent or guardian (so we can organize that cool key – card) but it is easy. We can"t wait to hear from you. It"s the best way to choose to be a winner! 1.The Winners Club is a bank account intended for  ____ . A .parents
B. teenagers
C. winners
D. adults 2. Which of the following is TRUE about the Winners Club?A. Special gifts are ready for parents.
B. The bank opens only on work days.
C. Services are convenient for its members.
D. Fees are necessary for the account keeping. 3. The Winners Club provides magazines which  _____ .   A. encourage spending
B. are free to all teenagers
C. are full of adventure stories
D. help to make more of your money 4. If you want to be a member of the Club, you must ____    . A. be an Internet user
B. be permitted by your parent
C. have a big sum of money
D. be in your twenties   5. What is the purpose of this text?A. To set up a club.
B. To provided part – time jobs.
C. To organize key – cards. 
D. To introduce a new banking service.
题型:浙江省期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Below is adapted from an English dictionary.
     Use the dictionary to answer the following questions.
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figure / f?g? / noun, verb                            
● noun  
1. a number representing a particular amount, especially one given in official information: the trade / sales figures 
 2. a symbol rather than a word representing one of the numbers between 0 and 9: a six- figure salary 
 3. (informal) the area of mathematics that deals with adding, multiplying, etc. numbers  
4. a person of the type mentioned: Gandhi was both a political and a religious figure in Indian history.  
5. the shape of a person seen from a distance or not clearly  
6. a person or an animal as shown in art or a story: a wall with five carved figures in it  
7. the human shape, considered from the point of view of being attractively thin: doing exercise to improve one’s figure   
 8. a pattern or series of movements performed on ice: figure-skating be / become a figure of fun: be / become sb. that others laugh at  cut a…
put a figure on sth:  to say the exact price or number of sth.  a fine figure of man / woman: a tall, strong-looking and well-shaped person  figure of speech: a word or phrase used in a different way from its usual meanings in order to create a particular mental image or effect  figurehead: someone who is the head or chief in name only (with no real power or authority) 
 ● verb  
1. to think or decide that sth. will happen or is true: I figured that if I took the night train, I could be in Scotland by morning.  
2. to be part of a process, situation, etc. especially an important part: My opinion of the matter didn’t seem to figure at all.  
3. to calculate an amount or the cost of sth: We figured that attendance at 150,000.  
* figure in: to include (in a sum): Have you figured in the cost of hotel?    
* figure on: to plan on; to expect sth. to happen: I haven’t figured on his getting home so late.    
* figure out: to work out; understand by thinking: Have you figured out how much the trip will cost?  
* It / That figures!:  That seems reasonable.  
     Most shoplifters (商店扒手) agree that the January sales offer wonderful opportunities for the hard-working thieves. With the shops so crowded and the staff so busy, it does not require any extraordinary talent to help you to take one or two little things and escape unnoticed. It is known, in the business, as "hoisting".
     But now the hoisting game is not what it used to be. Even at the height of the sales, shoplifters today never know if they are being watched by one of those evil little balls that hang from the ceilings of so many department stores above the most desirable goods.
     As if that was not trouble enough for them, they can now be filmed at work and obliged to attend a showing of their performance in court.
     Selfridges was the first big London store to install (安装) closed-circuit videotape equipment to watch its sales floors. In October, last year, the store won its first court case for shoplifting using an evidence - a videotape clearly showing a couple stealing dresses. It was an important test case which encouraged other stores to install similar equipment.
     When the balls, called sputniks, first make an appearance in shops, it was widely believed that their only function was to frighten shoplifters. Their somewhat ridiculous (古怪的) appearances, the curious holes and red lights going on and off, certainly make the theory believable.
It did not take long, however, for serious shoplifters to start showing suitable respect. Soon after the equipment was in operation at Selfridges, store detective Brian Chadwick was sitting in the control room watching a woman secretly putting bottles of perfume into her bag.
"As she turned to go," Chadwick recalled, "she suddenly looked up at the sputnik and stopped. She could not possibly have seen that the camera was trained on (对准) her because it is completely hidden, but she must have had a feeling that someone was looking at her."
     "For a moment she paused, but then she returned to counter and started putting everything back. When she had finished, she opened her bag towards the camera to show it was empty and hurried out of the store."
1. January is a good month for shoplifters because ______.
A. thieves have much previous experience then
B. they don"t need to wait for staff to serve them
C. there are always so many people in the stores
D. January sales offer them wonderful chances
2. The sputniks hanging from the ceiling are intended ______.
A. to watch the most desirable goods  
B. to make films that can be used as evidence
C. to frighten shoplifters by their appearance  
D. to be used as evidence against shoplifters
3. The case last October was important because ______.
A. the evidence supplied was accepted by court
B. the equipment could frighten shoplifters
C. the other shops began to copy the method
D. the store got all the stolen dresses back  
4. The woman stealing perfume ______.
A. was frightened by the shape of the sputnik  
B. guessed the sputnik was aiming at her
C. saw the detective sitting in the control room  
D. found the camera was busy filming her    
5. The woman"s action before leaving the store shows that she ______.
A. decided she didn"t want anything stolen
B. was sorry for what she had done  
C. would never do any stealing in this store
D. was afraid she would be arrested
[1]If you are worried about things and are under a lot of stress at work or school,then you are
prob-ably not sleeping well. Worry can keep you awake,tossing and turning in bed until the early hours
of the morning when you eventually fall asleep. When you wake up,you don"t feel refreshed,but tired and
worn out and unable to face a new day.
[2] Dr. Henry Winkle,i n a recent newspaper article entitled Stress and Sleep,indicates that       .Dr.
Winkle says,"The more we worry,the less we sleep,the more we are unable to deal with stress. If  we
can find a way to get a good night"s sleep,"he adds,"we can often find the energy to deal with what"s
worrying us."
[3]So,what is a good night"s sleep? Research shows that the amount of sleep which people need in
order to keep healthy varies a lot. Seven hours is about the average amount,though strangely enough,
sleeping longer often gives you a headache instead of making you feel more refreshed.
[4]Dr. Winkle believes that preparing for sleeping is important. People who work late should try to
give themselves a short break and do something restful before going to bed. This could be watching TV
or listening to music. Doing some exercise earlier in the day should help you to feel physically as well as
mentally tired. A bedtime drink can also help,but coffee or tea should be avoided as they contain caffeine
and will keep you awake.
[5] "When you put the light out," Dr. Winkle says,"concentrate on relaxing your muscles,working
slowly up from your feet,and you "ll be asleep before you know it."
1. What is the main idea of the text? (no more than 5 words)
2. Complete the following statement with words from Paragraph 2. ( no more than 3 words)
People shouldn"t go to sleep immediately but should           after working late in the night.
3. Point out the disadvantage of drinking coffee and tea before going to bed. (no more than 6 words)
4. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words. (no more than 10 words)
5.What does the word "it" (Line2,Paragraph5) probably refer to? (no more than 3 words)
     Authorities will continue to take a hard line on Internet-based rumors and punish those creating fake
information, a senior official said on Thursday.
     Authorities have removed more than 210,000 online posts and shut down 42 websites since
mid-March in their latest crackdown on online rumors, said Liu Zhengrong, a senior official with the State
Internet Information Office.
     Fake information or rumors spread through the Internet, especially on micro blogs, have harmed
social order and residents" daily lives, he said at a news briefing in Beijing.
     Before the crackdown, six people who allegedly fabricated (伪造) rumors about "military vehicles
entering Beijing" had been detained and 16 websites closed for disseminating fake online information,
according to police authorities.
     "What we"ve done and will do is to make sure residents can know what they want to know, say what
they think and supervise our management in a reliable and useful network environment," Liu said.
     Liu disagreed that the Internet can police itself against rumors, and told China Daily that some netizens
can"t distinguish truth from fiction, "requiring government departments and website companies to take
     On Monday, the Internet Society of China posted a proposal calling on Internet companies and
websites to strengthen self-discipline and prevent the spread of online rumors.
     In response, three main Internet companies in the country - Sina, Baidu and Tencent - said they will
target fake information with advanced technology and invest in manpower to supervise online information.
     Zhao Zhiguo, deputy director of the Telecommunications Administration under the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said stricter self-management of websites will help banish online rumors.
     "Internet companies should take legal responsibility when operating their websites. They should not
become a hotbed for rumors and provide opportunities for fake information," Zhao said, adding they will
launch similar crackdowns to close illegal website companies and punish those responsible.
     Currently, people who make or spread rumors related to terrorism and securities trading, or
information affecting State security and companies" commercial reputations, will face criminal punishment.
     Liu Honghui, a Beijing lawyer specializing in online cases, said he welcomed the government"s action
to curb online rumors.
     "Residents used online banks to shop or book flights, which needs a safe platform without fake
information," he said.
     Yu Guofu, another lawyer from Sheng Feng Law Firm, said the key to reducing rumors is netizens
     "If micro-bloggers think twice before forwarding information, rumors will decrease."
1. How many websites were shut down before mid-March in the latest crackdown on online rumors?
A. 42
B. 58    
C. 16    
D. 18
2. What does the underlined word mean in fourth paragraph? 
A. creating    
B. spreading    
C. providing    
D. operating
3. According to the passage, which of the following is true? 
A. Not all netizens can distinguish truth from fiction on the Internet.      
B. People who have harmed social order will face criminal punishment.
C. The Internet Society of China called on micro-bloggers to prevent the spread of online rumors.
D. Three main Internet companies in the country promised to launch more crackdowns to close
      illegal websites.
4. Who plays an important role in reducing Internet-based rumors? 
A. Authorities    
B. Internet companies  
C. Micro-bloggers    
D. Police