阅读理解。     All over my garden I"ve planted nothing but roses, sweet and - if look

阅读理解。     All over my garden I"ve planted nothing but roses, sweet and - if look

阅读理解。     All over my garden I"ve planted nothing but roses, sweet and - if looked at far away-bright with color
like sunset clouds, I"d be very happy if anyone of my visiting friends should desire to pick and take some
for their homes. I trust that any friend of mine carrying the rose would disappear into the distance feeling
that his emotions had been rekindled (重燃).
     A close friend came for a visit the other day. I know her to be a lover of flowers and plants. And for that
reason I told her at her departure that she should pick a bunch of roses to grace her bedroom. I promised
that the smell of the roses would be wafted far, far away.
     That girl friend of mine, tiptoeing into the garden in high spirits, smelt here and there, but in the end she
didn"t pick a single rose. I said there were so many of them that she would pick as many as she"d like to; I
told her that I was not a flower farmer and didn"t make a living out of them. Saying so I raised the scissors
for the sacrifice of the flowers, but she stopped me, crying no, no, no!
     To cut such beautiful roses would hurt one, she said. With her hands seizing at my sleeves, she told me
that by no means should they be cut. Roses are the smiling face of the earth, and who could be so
iron-hearted as to destroy a smile so charming?
     My mind was thoroughly shocked: the ugly earth, the rough earth, the plain earth-it is for the reason
of that smile that it wins the care and pity of people.1. The underlined word"wafted" in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to "______".A. moved
B. lost
C. destroyed
D. felt 2. The writer plants nothing but roses in her garden probably because ______.A. she can make money out of them
B. her friends like them
C. she enjoys the roses very much
D. the roses can rekindle her friends" emotions 3. Why did the writer"s close friend refuse to pick a single rose?A. Because the roses were not beautiful.
B. Because she did not like this kind of roses.
C. Because the writer did not want to give her any.
D. Because she loved the roses very much.4. What would be the best title for the passage?A. A lovely rose garden.
B. The smiling face of the earth.
C. The pity of people to the roses.
D. A lover of flowers.
1-4: ACDB
阅读理解。     Some people worry about being the target of laughter. These people are frightened. They suffer from
an emotional disorder called gelotophobia. That long name comes from the Greek language. The word
Gelos means laugh, while phobos means fear.
     Victor Rubio is an expert on human behavior at the Autonomous University of Madrid. He says people
laugh at others for many different reasons. He says being laughed at causes a fear response in the victim.
That fear leads the victim to avoid social situations. Sadly, gelotophobia limits the way they lead their lives.
     Victor Rubio was among researchers in a huge international study about laughter. The researchers
wanted to understand the difference between normal shyness and true gelotophobia. Another goal was to
measure the fear of being laughed at within different cultures.
     A team from the University of Zurich led ninety-three researchers from many countries in search of
The researchers surveyed more than twenty-two thousand people. They used questions provided in forty-two
languages. Their findings were reported in the scientific publication Humor.
     Some of the people questioned said they felt unsure of themselves in social situations. But they hid their
feelings. Others said they avoided social situations where they had been laughed at before. People also
admitted to differing levels of fear that they themselves were the targets of other people"s laughter. The
researchers measured and compared all these reactions.
     Fear of being laughed at, being made fun of, is a common emotion. But the researchers learned that
these feelings differed from nation to nation.
     For example, the study found that people in Turkmenistan and Cambodia are likely to hide insecure
(不安) feelings when they are around others" laughter. But people in Iraq, Egypt and Jordan who feel they
have been victims before may avoid such situations. 
     People in Finland were the least likely to believe that people laughing in their presence were making fun
of them. Only eight and a half percent of Finns said they would - compared to eighty percent of those
questioned in Thailand. 1. The passage is mainly about _______. A. a common emotion
B. laughter
C. shyness
D. gelotophobia2. In which country are people most likely to avoid social situations where they have been laughed at before? A. Turkmenistan
B. Iraq
C. Finland
D. Thailand 3. According to the text the following is true EXCEPT that ______.A. people suffer from gelotophobia because they are shy
B. not all the people questioned hid their feelings in social situations
C. perhaps Humor is a magazine
D. people in Finland are the least likely to suffer from gelotophobia 4. A person who suffers from gelotophobia will probably ______. A. be active in social activities
B. be easily laughed at
C. like to laugh at others
D. like to stay alone
题型:广西自治区模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     British potato farmers were taking to the streets to call for the expression "couch potato" to be taken
away from the dictionary on the grounds that it harms the vegetable"s image.
     The British Potato Council wants the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) to replace the expression with
the term "couch slouch", with protests planned outside parliament in London and the offices of Oxford
University Press. Kathryn Race, head of marketing at the Council, which represents some 4,000 growers
and processors, said the group had complained in writing to the OED but had yet to receive a response.
     "We are trying to get rid of the image that potatoes are bad to you," she said Monday.
     "The potato has had its knocks in the past. Of course it is not the Oxford English Dictionary"s fault
but we want to use another term than couch potato because potatoes are naturally healthy."
     The OED says "couch potato" originated as American slang, meaning"a person who spends leisure
time passively or idly sitting around, especially watching television or video tapes."
     John Simpson, chief editor of the Oxford English Dictionary, said the dictionary first included the term
"couch potato" in 1993 and said"dictionaries just reflect the words that society uses."
     Simpson said words were never taken out of the full-length dictionary, which includes some 650,000
words contained in 20 volumes. But little-used words can be removed from the smaller dictionaries to make
way for newer ones.
      "If society stops using words, then they are taken out of the smaller dictionaries", he added. "The first
known recorded use of the expression "couch potato" was in a 1979 Log Angeles Times article," Simpson
     Nigel Evans, a member of parliament for the Ribble Valley in Lancashire, has made a motion in support
of the campaign, highlighting the nutritional value of the British potato. 1. British potato farmers were taking to the streets ____. A. to advertise their production
B. to call for a higher price for t heir potatoes
C. to remove the expression "couch potato" from the dictionary
D. to let people know how important the potato is in people"s lives 2.The farmers think that ____. A. potatoes have had a bad imagine
B. potatoes are good for people by nature
C. potatoes sometimes do harm to people
D. it"s the dictionary"s fault to use the expression "couch potato"3. John Simpson thinks that ____. A. he expression can be taken out of every kind of dictionary
B. dictionaries do not necessarily reflect the words the society uses
C. little used words can remain in the smaller dictionaries
D. it is impossible to take the word out of the dictionary 4. What is wrong with the expression "couch potato"? A. It is connected with unfavorable meaning.
B. Potato should be used in the expression.
C. It is borrowed from American English.
D. It refers to a kind of person.
题型:0104 模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     This is the place for you to come to share stories with other real kids who are trying hard to improve their
bodies and minds! Did you score a goal in your soccer game? Have you got rid of a bad habit? Are you working
to reduce your stress in life? Tell the world what makes your body and mind healthy!
     Posted by Dp, Ohio
     I have been working on a fitness equipment to exercise for over four months. I have completed my goal of
losing weight and I am very proud of myself. That is so cool!
     Posted by MK, Missouri
     I was always tired at school, because I used to stay up late watching TV. I even fell asleep one day in my
history class, and when I woke up, the teacher was looking at me and laughing! I decided that minute to start
going to bed on time. It"s kind of a drag missing the shows I like, but I can tell my body loves it-I feel so much
     Posted by SP, Georgia
     Last year, I didn"t make the soccer team at school. I didn"t want to try out again this year, but a few weeks before tryouts (选拔赛), I started kicking the ball around and practicing. When tryout day came, I decided to give it another shot. Guess what? I made the team!
     Posted by JS, New York
     I"m deaf, so I"ve had more trouble playing sports than other people. But who wants to sit at home all the
time? I like to play basketball with guys in my neighborhood. I can"t hear the ball bounce (弹起) or listen to the
guys call players, but I"ve taught them to use some sign language, and so far, we"ve been unstoppable! 1. The kids mentioned in the text came here _____. A. to make new friends
B. to learn to tell stories
C. to talk about their efforts to keep fit
D. to share weight-losing experiences 2. The achievement that SP, Georgia has made is that _____. A. he was admitted to the school soccer team
B. he scored a goal in an important soccer match
C. his soccer skills have improved a lot this year
D. he helped the school soccer team win an important match 3. Who taught other kids sign language? A. DP, Ohio
B. JS, New York
C. SP, Georgia
D. MK, Missouri 4. The underlined part "a drag" in the text probably refers to something that is _____. A. satisfying
B. rewarding
C. puzzling
D. annoying
题型:0128 模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。                                     Tired? Bored? Hungry? And more miles left to go?
                                         Help pass the time on your trip: play a game!
     Everyone knows that a long bus ride can make even the most exciting field trip seem boring. When the
bus is traveling a long distance to reach the cool field trip destination,it can seem like forever. What about
when you are in the backseat waiting to reach Grandma" s house? The road stretches like a rubber band for
miles and miles. Here"s a way to beat the road at its own game. Use what you have around you to play games
with your family and friends. You can have fun while you travel!
题型:0128 模拟题难度:| 查看答案
题型:0128 模拟题难度:| 查看答案


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                                           Materials=nothing but time & imagination
     If you don"t want people to know too much about you, then you had better keep your fridge contents
secret according to a British market research document released last week.
     Researchers peered (凝视) into the fridges of 400 people in Britain and compared the contents with the
owners" lifestyles. They claim to be able to classify the nation"s people by fridge contents.
     They say those people can be divided into five categories: "nutrition nerds", "food faddies", "martyr
mums", "fast food fanatics" and "restaurant regulars".
     "Nutrition nerds" care much about what they put into their bodies. Their fridges are stocked with fruit,
vegetables and healthy meat. People in this category tend to be highly organized and usually work in law or
accountancy. The vast majority are single, but if they have a partner, that person will be similar.
     A fridge full of vitamins-enriched juices implies its owner works in media or fashion. They tend not to
eat the foods they buy. Known as the "food faddies", they just want to be seen as buying the latest important
     A fridge filled with everything from steak to frozen fish suggests the "martyr mum". Her fridge tends to
be stocked with every kind of product, except what she herself would want. This fridge hints at difficulty
balancing family and work life.
     "Fast food fanatics" always buy mineral water for soda pop (汽水); the nearest they will get to fresh
fruit is tomato sauce. Their fridges hint at someone who works hard and plays hard, also, someone who is
not into long term planning.
     Finally, a fridge filled with nothing more than a bottle of white wine and some sparkling mineral water
implies an owner who is single, lives in a big city and enjoys the finer things in life. The fridge is empty
because this person regularly eats in restaurants.
1. We can know from the first two paragraphs that _____.
A. some researchers are fond of staring at other people"s fridges
B. people don"t want others to know about their secrets
C. the food you put in the fridge has something to do with your personality
D. there are mainly five kinds of lifestyles among British people
2. According to the passage, people who belong to "food faddies" _____.
A. don"t care much about money when buying things
B. will try their best to stay healthy
C. often stay up late to finish their job
D. prefer to ask others about what to do next
3. What will those who often dine out put in the fridge?
A. All kinds of food they like.
B. Food rich in vitamins.
C. Fruit, vegetables and meat.
D. Only something to drink.
4. What might be the most suitable title for the text?
A. Keep your fridge a secret.
B. You are what"s in your fridge.
C. What to put in the fridge?
D. Be careful about your fridge