阅读理解。     America hopes to start building a base that can continue to exist all

阅读理解。     America hopes to start building a base that can continue to exist all

阅读理解。     America hopes to start building a base that can continue to exist all the time on the moon within 20 years.
By the mid-2020s, astronauts will be staying there for six months a time. So what do scientists think food
and water will be like for those first moon residents?
     In the short term, food would have to be brought from Earth. The dream, however, is to grow things in
greenhouses on the moon. "You"d grow things in the liquid-there"s no reason why that wouldn"t work," says
Pillinger, a professor. This would mean floating plants in a nutrient-rich solution of water. "Soil is not a
necessary thing for plants; it"s only to keep them standing upright," Pillinger adds.
     It would take at least a decade of experiments after the base was built before such a plan would work,
however. The main problem is working out how to get nutrients from the lunar soil. "Getting all that to work
requires a minimum level of infrastructure (基础设施) present before you can start experimenting with
greenhouses," says Pillinger.
     Finding strong plants to grow in space will also be hard, though scientists are already working on it:
scientist Amy Grunden of North Carolina State University has been working on genetically engineering food
crops that can be grown in harsh, off-planet environments.
     Water is a somewhat easier prospect (前景). One of the reasons that America wants to put its base at
the moon"s south pole is that it thinks that, in the permanently shaded craters, there are large pools of frozen
water. If that"s true, it could easily be mined and used to drink and to create oxygen for the habitants. 1. The passage is mainly about _____. A. life on the moon by 2020
B. America"s first moon base that exists forever
C. food and water on the future moon base
D. housing for settlers on the future moon base 2. How do people plant on the moon in the future? A. By burying plants in the lunar soil.
B. By growing plants in water.
C. By keeping plants standing straight.
D. By making use of the moonlight. 3. What difficulty will scientists meet in solving the food problem? A. How to find water to irrigate plants.
B. Where to experiment with plants.
C. How to grow plants in the moon soil.
D. What plants are suitable to grow on the moon. 4. Scientists want to build the base on the moon"s south pole because _____. A. there is oxygen for people to breathe
B. people have found the frozen water that can be drunk there
C. it is a place where water will possibly be found and supplied
D. there are large pools that can let people have a swim
1-4: CBDC
阅读理解。     Dave needed to prepare for Saturday"s fishing trip. He went into his hall closet, where he had more than
20 rods and reels. Nowadays he went fishing twice a year at Big Bear, a huge lake in southern California
about 7,000 feet up in the mountains.
     California tries to improve the fishing industry by sponsoring (发起) a Free Fishing Day twice a year,
once in June and once in September. That"s enough for Dave. He went mostly because it was a social event
with a few friends, not so much to catch fish. Even driving up a twisty (弯弯曲曲的) two-lane road was
worth the trip. Let alone the big, beautiful houses and trees that lined the shore of the lake.
     Preparing was a project in itself. Dace had even created a computer file named Fishing Trip. It was a
checklist of 45 things to take to Big Bear. He took two rods, because on Free Fishing Day you were allowed
to fish with two rods instead of the usual one rod. He took a sweatshirt, jeans, two pairs of socks, a heavy
hooded jacket, winter gloves, and a scarf. He also took flip-flops, shorts, a T-shirt, sunglasses, a big hat,
and lightweight raincoat. If you go to Big Bear in June, you"d better be prepared for hot or cold, rain or shine.
     He prepared a couple of magazines to read just in case the fish weren"t biting. He and his friends joked
that the fish were always biting-in the spot you just left or the spot you were headed for.
     After about an hour and a half; Dave had gathered all the items on his list into a neat pile next to his door.
He went to bed knowing that tomorrow"s weather and fishing were unpredictable, but the good time with
his friends was a given. 1. Dave went go Big Bear twice a year mainly to _____. A. fish
B. meet his friends
C. prepare for his fishing
D. develop a project 2. Why had Dave created a computer file named Fishing Trip?A. Because he was afraid he would forget the things needed.
B. Because he would have so much fish to catch.
C. Because the good time with his friends was uncertain.
D. Because he wanted to buy some magazines on fishing. 3. On Free Fishing Day, people going fishing could use _____. A. one fishing rod
B. two fishing rods
C. three fishing rods
D. twenty fishing rods 4. Which of the following would be the best title for the text? A. Saturday"s Fishing Trip
B. A Happy Fishing Day
C. An Unforgettable Fishing Day
D. Preparing For a Fishing Trip
题型:贵州省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     While small may be beautiful, tall is just plain uncomfortable it seems, particularly when it comes to staying
in hotels and eating in restaurants.
     The Tall Persons Club Great Britain (TPCGB), which was formed six months ago to campaign (发起运动)
for the needs of the tall, has turned its attention to hotels and restaurants. Beds that are too small, shower heads
that are too low, and restaurant tables with hardly any leg-room all make life difficult for those of above average
height, it says.
     But it is not just the extra-tall whose needs are not being met. The average height of the population has been
increasing yet the standard size of beds, doorways, and chairs has remained unchanged.
     "The bedding industry says a bed should be six inches larger than the person using it, so even a king-size
bed at 6"6"(6 feet and 6 inches) is falling short for 25% of men, while the standard 6"3"bed caters for (满足需
要) less than half of the male(男性) population,"said TPCGB president Phil Heinricy,"Seven-foot beds would
work fine."
     Similarly, restaurant tables can cause no end of problems. Small tables, which mean the long-legged have
to sit a foot or so away from them, are enough to make tall customers go elsewhere.
     Some have already taken note, however. At Queens Moat Houses" Caledonian Hotel in Edinburgh, 6"6" beds
are now put in as standard after requests for longer beds from taller visitors, particularly Americans. 1. What is the purpose of the TPCGB campaign?  A. To provide better services.
B. To rebuild hotels and restaurants.
C. To draw public attention to the needs of the tall.
D. To attract more people to become its members.2. Which of the following might be a bed of proper length according to Phil Heinricy? A. 7"2"
B. 7"
C. 6"6"
D. 6"3" 3. What may happen to restaurants with small tables? A They may lose some customers.
B. They may start businesses elsewhere.
C. They have to find easy chairs to match the tables.
D. They have to provide enough space for the long-legged. 4. What change has already been made in a hotel in Edinburgh? A. Tall people pay more for larger beds.
B. 6"6" beds have taken the place of 6"3" beds.
C. Special rooms are kept for Americans.
D. Guest rooms are standardized.
题型:高考真题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     It is impossible not to make a mistake at some point of your life. We may as well accept that something
will go wrong and we will be to blame. It is therefore sensible to work out some plans for apologizing, and
the best way to apologize is by letter. This way you can take care over every word you write-which you
can"t do if you say sorry to someone in person.
     We all say or do something that we wish we hadn"t said or done. You may say something that accidentally
hurts someone, or you may provide a service which doesn"t come up to the standards that a cheat or customer
     You may feel that it was a mistake which couldn"t be avoided. Rather than dwell on the mistake, you should
quickly try to remedy (补救) the problem. An effective letter of apology is an important part of that process.
     For the content of the letter, just remember TABS-Timing, Action, Brevity, Sincerity.
     The timing of a letter of apology is crucial-it must be sent as soon as possible. Any delay in sending the
letter will only compound the problem. In this case, "better late than never" is not the best motto! The longer
you wait before writing a letter of apology, the more it will seem that you have been forced into writing it.
     Although it is important to recognize what has gone before, it is also necessary to detail the action you plan
to take to rectify whatever it was you did wrong. Research has shown that some indication that you have
thought about what future action you plan to take is always well received.
     A letter of apology should be brief and the word "sorry" should appear no more than twice. Indicate that
you are aware you are using it a second time "once again, I"m so sorry for" or "as I said early, I"m so sorry
about." Finally, the tone of the letter has to be sincere. In fact, all the above factors will help in this respect.
     And don"t think that letters are out of date in the Email-oriented 21st century. An apology email can be
worse than no apology at all! 1. What kind of advice does the text suggest about apologizing? A. It"s a good idea to write a letter of apology as soon as something goes wrong.
B. It"s a good idea to sends several emails to apologize and show that you mean it.
C. Write a long letter apologizing several times to make your point.
D. Wait to see how they react to your letter before planning to do anything 2. What kind of things do you NOT apologize for?A. Services that are not as good as they should be.
B. Genuine mistakes.
C. Car accidents.
D. Causing anger or hurt. 3. According to the writer,you should not _____ after you have made a mistake. A. waste time worrying about what happened
B. write an effective letter of apology
C. avoid what happened
D. recognize what has gone before 4. The underlined word "rectify" means _____.A. to put right
B. to improve
C. to put aside
D. to apologize
题型:贵州省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解诶。     Good evening, ladies and gentlemen and welcome to this of the Box Bill Tennis Club. It"s good to see so
many of you here this evening. I"m sure you"re all enjoyed the fine food, and that you are ready to hear our
guest speaker.
     Ladies and gentlemen, we"re pleased to welcome our most famous club champion, Billy Rogers, to our
     Billy needs no introduction because he is one of the most well-known tennis players in our country.
However, I must mention a few things about him. Billy has won the US Open three times,and Wimbledon
twice. He has won more tennis tournaments (锦标赛) than any player from this country. He has been ranked
number one in the world in both singles and doubles. He has played in the Davis Cup and the Hopman Cup
for his country. His Wimbledon victory two years ago has been called one of the bravest in the modern time.
Had he not been injured, he would undoubtedly have won a third Wimbledon Championship. Billy is regarded
by many as perhaps the finest player ever in international tennis.
     But of course Billy is much more than a tennis champion.
     He is like an ambassador for the sport and for his country. He has done great work to help children around
the world,and his generosity to children"s charity funds is well known.
     And of course, Billy is the most successful graduate of our club. He won the club championships when
he was twelve-yes, at only twelve. And Billy has not forgotten where it all started. That"s why he accepted
our invitation to speak to us tonight. We"re proud to have played a small part in Billy"s success.
     Won"t you please give a big hand to our own Billy Rogers? 1. Why did Billy Rogers not win the third Wimbledon? A. Because he had no chance to take part in it.
B. Because he was too old to beat his opposite.
C. Because he got himself hurt.
D. Because he was too busy to well prepare it. 2. How many kinds of famous tournaments did Billy Rogers takes part in according to the text? A. Two.
B. Four.
C. Three.
D. Six. 3. Which of the following can"t be inferred from the text? A. Billy Rogers likes children very much.
B. Billy Rogers played tennis in America.
C. Billy Rogers is the most important guest of the party.
D. Billy Rogers began to play tennis in college. 4. The tone of this text can best be described as _____.A. scientific
B. admiring
C. cold
D. confident
题型:0125 模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Each year, millions of people go abroad to work, study, or travel. It"s a great way to find out what life is
like in another part of the world! You"re probably hoping to make new friends and learn about the culture in
your host country everything from attitudes and beliefs to social customs and popular foods. But constantly
having to deal with new situations can be frustrating (挫折), even stressful.
     Homesickness, stress, fear, and confusion are all symptoms of "culture shock". At first, you may feel like
getting on the plane and heading home. It"s OK to have those feelings,but the following are some tips to help
you handle the challenges that you will face.
     Don"t expect to be perfect. You may feel frustrated that you have culture shock, especially since you
probably spent so much time preparing for your trip. No matter how much information you read, or how
well you speak the host language, it is natural to feel over-whelmed sometimes. If you give yourself some
time, things will gradually get easier.
     Have an open mind. While it"s certainly OK to feel frustration or confusion in your new surroundings,
try not to form an opinion about the new culture too soon. Don"t think of the host as better or worse, just
different-you"ll be more willing to try new things.
     Participate. This is obvious, but everybody needs to be reminded. Just watching life go on around you
isn"t good enough. You really need to try things for yourself. Don"t worry about making a mistake; people
in your host country will generally be very understanding and willing to help if you have question. Your
study abroad experience is fl unique and special time in your life,one that you"ll never forget. If you follow
our suggestions, you"ll be able to handle it well, and have a wonderful time. Good luck! 1. What is culture shock? A. Something you feel surprised at.
B. The problems you have when you go to another country.
C. The frightening feelings you have.
D. Something different from your own culture. 2. What should you do when you feel depressed? A. Go back to your own homeland.
B. Talk to someone about your problem.
C. Give yourself some time to get used to it.
D. Stop thinking of it. 3. Which of the following statements is WRONG?A. It is natural to feel overwhelmed sometimes.
B. Not everything is perfect.
C. Try to form the opinion about the new culture as soon as possible.
D. Tell others about your problems. 4. What is the main idea of this article?  A. How to overcome culture shock.
B. Why do people have culture shock.
C. Who might have culture shock.
D. When will you have culture shock.
题型:0125 模拟题难度:| 查看答案


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