阅读理解。阅读下面的短文,并根据文章后的题目要求回答1-5小题。      (1)While adults need to eat breakfast each

阅读理解。阅读下面的短文,并根据文章后的题目要求回答1-5小题。      (1)While adults need to eat breakfast each

题型:0115 月考题难度:来源:
阅读下面的短文,并根据文章后的题目要求回答1-5小题。      (1)While adults need to eat breakfast each day to perform their best, kids need it even more. Their
growing bodies and developing brain rely heavily on the regular intake of food. When kids skip breakfast,
they can end up going for as long as eighteen hours without food. This period of semi-starvation can create
a lot of physical, intellectual, and behavioral problems for them.
     (2)If you and your kids regularly skip breakfast to save time or to get a few more minutes of sleep,
remember that eating a healthy morning meal will probably save your time in the long run. By recharging
your brain and your body, you"ll be more efficient in just about everything you do.
     (3)Interestingly, studies show that kids who skip breakfast are late for and absent from school more
often than children who eat breakfast on a regular basis. Time invested in breakfast is much more valuable
than the few extra minutes of sleep you might get by skipping the morning meal. If you and your kids seem
unable to make time for breakfast, consider enrolling your children in a school breakfast program. If possible,
pack a breakfast brown-bag the night before so that you and your kids can eat on the way to school and
     (4)Some people skip breakfast in an effort to lose weight, but actually it is more likely to cause weight
gain rather than weight loss. Skipping breakfast is strongly linked to the development of obesity. According
to research, skipping meals, especially breakfast, can actually make weight control ________. Breakfast
skippers tend to eat more food than usual at the next meal or eat high-calorie snacks to get rid of hunger.
      (5)To teens, especially teenage girls, skipping breakfast may seem like a perfect way to lose weight.
It"s important for moms to educate their kids about the importance of the morning meal and role it plays
in maintaining good health and preventing obesity. 1. What is mainly discussed in the passage? (no more than 6 words)
2. Complete the following statement with proper words. (no more than 3 words)
Sparing some time__________ is more beneficial to you than skipping it for more sleep.
3. List three reasons why many kids and adults skip breakfast. (no more than 10 words)
4.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words. (no more than 4 words)
5. What does the underlined word"it" in the last paragraph probably refer to? (no more than 3 words)
1. The importance of having breakfast
2. for breakfast
3.To save time; get more sleep and lose weight
4. more difficult
5. The morning meal
阅读理解。     Environmentally friendly gifts are perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, and other holidays. The quality
of environmentally friendly gifts is usually comparable to or even better than the quality of gifts that are
not as environmentally friendly. Because there are such a wide variety of environmentally friendly gifts
available on the market, you have many great ideas to choose from. You"ll be able to buy gifts for
everyone on your list and do your part to ______.
     You can actually give many gifts that have been made from recycled paper. The quality of recycled
paper is just as good as the paper made from raw materials, so you can give a quality gift and still do
your part to protect the environment. This recycled paper is turned into gifts like journals, diaries, note
cards, and similar items. With the wide variety of gifts available, you"re sure to find something that your
friends and family members will love.
     Clothing featuring plants, animals, and flowers is popular among nature lovers. If you are able to visit
a store offering nature clothing, you"ll have a wide selection to choose from. Jackets, shirts, and other
clothing items can have nature scenes printed on them for your favorite nature lover. If you want to
personalize these items, you can even have the receiver"s name printed on each item to make an
extra-special gift. Many of these items can be made with natural fibers for an environmentally friendly
gift that your loved one will enjoy for years.
     Giving environmentally friendly gifts is a great way to show friends and family members with a love
of nature that you care about their interests. Even the simplest gift will be appreciated if it shows that you
thought about what your loved one enjoys and gave them something that fits in with their environmentally
friendly lifestyle. Not only will you be giving a wonderful gift that your loved ones can enjoy for a long
time, you"ll also be doing your part to protect the environment.
1. What is the main idea of the passage? (Please answer within 8 words.)
2. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?
     There are so many gifts of this kind that you can surely find something perfect for your family 
     or your friends.
3. Please fill in the blank (in the first paragraph) with the proper words or phrases to complete the 
   sentence. (Please answer within 8 words.)
4. What environmentally friendly gifts are mentioned in the text?(Please answer within 0 words)
5. Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.
题型:0115 月考题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     As the population of the planet increases, so does the number of homes, businesses, parking lots, schools,
airports and roadways. All these structures use electricity and need to be lighted. Humans demand these lights.
They want their homes more comfortable and they want their streets sage. The problem is that researchers are
finding that all the light is having a negative effect on humans and wildlife as well.
     Less than 10 years ago I drove to a thinly populated section of my town, lay down in the middle of the road
and watched an attracted meteor shower (流星雨). The area was short of homes, street lights and traffic. If I
did that today, I wouldn"t be able to see the meteor shower as well, and I would surely be run over by a car.
     Nowadays scientists are finding light pollution can be almost as bad as carbon dioxide pollution. If you"ve
ever taken a flight at night, the view is beautiful, but you must remember that all the light you see is wasted
electricity. The crew of the space shuttles see an even bigger picture of how extensive the wasted electricity
is worldwide.
      Additionally, electricity needs to be generated, and the generation of electricity creates pollution by giving
off greenhouse gases. This affects the air we breathe and our quality of life.
     Scientists are also studying the effects of light pollution on wildlife. Thousands of birds die each year when
they crash into highly lighted buildings, as they become puzzled by the light. It has been long known that tiny
sea turtle hatchlings become lost and follow lights on the shore instead of heading towards the sea.
     Fortunately, light pollution is one of the easiest sources of pollution that can be corrected without a negative
effect. Following some guidelines and a little searching on Google can give you many ideas on how to reduce
your contribution to light pollution.1. The author tells the story in the second paragraph mainly to _____. A. remember the past beauty of the town.
B. stress the advantages of less pollution
C. show the great changes of the town
D. prove the bad effects of light pollution 2. In the passage the author advises people ______. A. to try to reduce unnecessary light.
B. not to ignore the beauty around.
C. to set proper light for animals
D. not to destroy the animal"s living conditions. 3. What can be inferred from the passage? A. Light pollution is difficult to deal with.
B. Light pollution is a threat to some animals.
C. Light pollution has nothing to do with global warming
D. Astronauts can"t see clearly in space due to light pollution. 4. What is most likely to be discussed in the paragraph which follows the last paragraph? A. The author"s contribution to light pollution
B. Other sources of light pollution
C. Ways of reducing light pollution
D. More bad effects of light pollution
题型:0125 月考题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Celia was shocked. She had always been in good shape during high school, but now, in her first year
of college, she was suddenly ten pounds heavier. "My friends and I often had pizza or ice cream when
we studied late at night," she said, "and I was always drinking Coke to stay awake."
     Celia"s experience is common. Many students enter college and find it so different that they cannot
deal with changes properly. They"re away from their parents and in a new stressful (压力的) environment.
Pressures (压力) together with freedom to sleep and eat however they please cause many students to
experience the "Freshman 15": gaining weight suddenly in their freshman year of college.
     Most students do not realize that the "Freshman 15" can cause some serious health problems. Of
course, college-age adults are still developing bone mass,so gaining some weight is normal. Sudden weight
gain, however, puts too much strain (负担) on the heart and lungs,resulting in little energy and some
difficult thinking and remembering. In later life, it can lead to heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and possibly
     The solution to the"Freshman 15" is simple-pay attention to developing good habits! In general:
     ● Eat normal-sized meals at regular times. Eat slowly and enjoy it,so you don"t need to go back for more. 
     ● Keep only healthy snacks in your room-and don"t snack too often!
     ● Control drinking and smoking. Alcohol has a lot of calories, and smoking too much makes exercise
     ● Exercise regularly! Even just 30 minutes a day-such as walking quickly to class from your dorm-will
        make a big difference! 1. What happened to Celia in her first year of college? A. She had sleep problems
B. She put on weight suddenly
C. She always studied late
D. She went on diet so as to keep in good shape 2. What do many students think of their freshman year of college? A. They find it quite different
B. They find it not quite difficult
C. They find it very free
D. They find it simple 3. What do most college students fail to realize? A. Gaining some weight is normal
B. They have grown up
C. They have gained a lot of weight
D. Sudden weight gain may result in serious health problems 4. What are students advised to do? A. Eat slowly and exercise regularly
B. Eat all foods slowly and regularly
C. Keep enough healthy snacks in the room
D. Eat healthy snacks as much as possible
题型:福建省月考题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Have you ever been frustrated (沮丧的) when left talking to yourself after your mobile phone battery
runs out in the middle of a call?
     If yes, then here comes some good news. Scientists are now perfecting a way to recharge (充电)
electrical equipment while on the move.
     Researchers from the Netherlands, France and Portugal announced last week that they have developed
very thin solar panels (太阳能板) that can be put on clothes. They can also be added to furniture and
rooftops. They change light from the sun into electricity.
     In about three years, you"ll be able to wear a jacket that will recharge your phone as you walk. For
camping fans, the development could lead to a tent which charges batteries all day so you can have light
or music at night.
     The basic technology of wearable solar panels is the same as that used for conventional (传统的) solar
panels. Pairs of sheets of semi-conducting silicon (半导体硅) are linked together to form the panel.
      But scientists made them much thinner by using different silicon. At one micro-metre, they are the
same thickness as photographic film.
     "This technology will make it easier for people to use clean energy sources," said Gerrit Kroesen, a
physicist in the Netherlands who led the team of scientists.
     But the thin panels are not as efficient as the thicker ones. While some solar panels now operate at an
efficiency of about 20 per cent, the new flexible (柔韧的) panels are only 7 per cent efficient. But the
scientists believe that this is worth accepting for a stronger and more useful panel.
    But the thinner panel is cheaper. An A4 sized panel put onto the back of a jacket costs less than US$13.
It could charge a cellphone during a summer walk in the countryside. As long as you stay within range of
the transmitting masts (发射天线) that relay a call to the networks, phones will never again run out of power.1. What is the meaning of the phrase "on the move" in paragraph 2?A. Taking a course of action.
B. Going from one place to another.
C. Changing clothes before moving.
D. Changing the mobile phone battery.2.What is the passage mainly about?A. A way to recharge electrical equipment.
B. A new kind of chargeable battery.
C. A new type of mobile phone.
D. A use of mobile phones. 3.What is the most important in the development of the technology? A. Photographic film.
B. Warmer clothes.
C. Furniture and rooftops.
D. Thin flexible solar panels.4.What is NOT likely to happen in the future? A. You can listen to music in a campsite using the electricity from sunshine.
B. Your mobile phone battery runs out in the middle of a call.
C. You wear a jacket that will recharge your phone.
D. You can change light from the sun into electricity.
题型:0113 期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Restaurant owners should not use disposable chopsticks for the good of their health and the
environment, an official of the China Cuisine Association (中国烹饪协会) said.
     Bian Jiang, its secretary general, recently called on restaurant owners to say no to one-off tableware
(餐具), especially wooden chopsticks. "The country produces and throws away over 45 billion pairs of
wooden chopsticks every year, at a cost to the environment of about 25 million tree." Bian said.
      "That"s a heavy blow to the county"s shrinking forests," he said, "We should not turn a deaf ear to the
call for environmental protection. We should stop using disposable tableware from now on."
      In order to discourage the use of wooden chopsticks and to protect wooden resources, the government
put a 5% tax on them in April.
     The use of disposable chopsticks has been discussed for years. Their supporters say that both restaurant
owners and consumers prefer them, and that an industry has grown up around their production.1. The secretary general suggests that wooden chopsticks be stopped from being used because _____. A. they cause a lot of pollution of the environment
B. the environment is no longer green
C. the government is not happy with that
D. too many trees are cut 2. From the text we know that the idea of no disposable tableware will be _____. A. hard to put into practice
B. welcomed by a lot of people
C. receiving indifferent attitudes
D. rejected by some people 3. What does the underlined word "disposable" in the first paragraph mean? A. Waste
B. Expensive
C. Man
D. One-use 4. What"s the main idea of the text?A. Many people support the idea of saying no to using wooden chopsticks.
B. The government calls on people to stop using wooden chopsticks.
C. Disposable tableware wastes a lot of forests and does damage to the environment.
D. People are aware of the cost of using disposable tableware.
题型:0103 期末题难度:| 查看答案


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