Mrs. White lived in a town of England. Her husband died three years ago and one

Mrs. White lived in a town of England. Her husband died three years ago and one


Mrs. White lived in a town of England. Her husband died three years ago and one of her children worked in the capital and the other three lived in another town. Her husband didn’t leave her much money and she had to live a simple (简朴) life. Sometimes her children went to see her during their holidays, but they stayed with her for only two or three days.
One winter morning the old woman got up early. She was going to buy some food in a shop. And when she came out, she found there was much snow in the street. She had to sweep it away. And suddenly she found a dying dog at the corner of the house. She picked it up and took it into the house quickly. She put it near the fire and gave it some milk and bread. At first the poor dog ate nothing and that afternoon it drank some milk and three days later it was all right. Now the old woman found it was a beautiful dog. And she liked it very much and took it everywhere she went. A week later she went shopping with her dog. At a bus stop a young man was eating fish and chips. The little dog became very excited (兴奋) at the smell of the man’s lunch and began jumping up at him.
“Do you mind if I throw it a bit (一点)?” asked the young man.
“Not at all,” answered Mrs. White.
Having heard this, he picked up the dog and threw it over the wall.
50. One of the old woman’s children worked in ______.
A. Moscow        B. Paris         C. London         D. New York
51. Mrs. White lived a simple life because ______.
A. she wasn’t rich enough          B. she hoped to save money for her children
C. she had four children            D. her children hated her
52. It was _______ that morning when Mrs. White went to buy something.
A. rainy          B. snowy        C. windy          D. cloudy
53. The old woman liked the dog very much because _______.
A. it was beautiful                B. it was little
C. she spent money on it           D. she felt lonely
54. The dog hoped ______, so it became excited.
A. to be given some food           B. to leave the bus stop soon
C. to bite (咬) the young man        D. to go as soon as possible
55. The meaning of the word “smell” in the story means ______.
A. 闻          B. 口味         C. 气味          D. 嗅觉


A peer is a person who is about the same age as you. Peers affect your life, whether you know it or not, just by spending time with you. 
Peers can have a good effect on one another. Maybe another student in your science class taught you an easy way to remember the planets in solar system. Maybe you got others excited about your new favorite book and now everyone’s reading it. 
However, sometimes peers affect one another in another way. For example, one kid in school might try to get another to cut class with him, your soccer friend might try to persuade you to be mean to another player and never pass her the ball, or a kid in the neighborhood might want you to shoplift with him. Some kids give in to peer pressure because they want to be liked, to fit in, or because they worry that other kids may make fun of them if they don’t go along with the group. Others may go along because they are curious to try something new that others are doing. The idea that “everyone’s doing it” may influence some kids to leave their better judgments or their common senses behind. 
Peer pressure can be extremely strong and hard to get rid of. Experiments have shown how peer pressure can influence someone to change her/ his mind from what she/ he knows for sure is a correct answer to the incorrect answer-just because everyone else gives the incorrect answer! That holds true for people of any age in peer pressure situations. 
It can be hard to walk away from peer pressure, but it can be done. Paying attention to your own feelings and beliefs about what is right and wrong can help you know the right thing to do. Inner strength and self-confidence can help you stand firm, walk away and resist doing something when you know better.
68. What is the best title for this passage? 
A. Peers have a good effect   B. Children give in to peer pressure
C. Peer pressure is hard to resist    D. Peer pressure
69. The underlined word “shoplift” in Paragraph 3 probably means “________”.
A. do some shopping     B. carry goods for shops 
C. steal in shops            D. take the lift upstairs in shops
70. The writer will NOT agree that ________.
A. only children change their correct answers to incorrect ones because of peer pressure
B. peers have an effect on one another
C. peer pressure can be got rid of
D. peers will believe in themselves if there are other peers who agree with them
71. By writing the passage the writer intends to ________.
A. tell people to follow other’s opinions
B. warn people to stay away from their peers
C. tell it is hard to walk away from pressure
D. persuade people to do the right thing regardless of peer pressure
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

www.bigisland. ong
One of the best Hawaiian travel sites – easy to use, and packed with a full – service menu: accommodations, activities (including description of individual beaches and golf courses), tours, and a section on the island’s volcanic personality – all with links for further information. Developed by the island’s visitors organization, it’s the best overall website on the Big island.
A must – read for anyone planning to do some volcano visiting. At first glance, this Naticnal Park Service website for Hawaii Volcanoes National Park is little more than a quick overview (总览), but click on the blue “In - depth” button for the full story. It is packed with both useful travel tips and advice that could even save your life; Read the well – illustrated section, “Viewing Lava(熔岩):Common Sense is Not Enough.” On a lighter note, the pages detail hiking trails throughout the park, with fine government maps and background on the wildlife. See the links page for three other, lesser – known NPS parks on the island. A superb site.
Everything from a visitors’ guide to tips if you are planning a move to the islands, with numerous links. The overview of the island (and especially the beach scenery)
is worth a stop.
First stop for mountain bikers. Produced by the island’s mountain bike association, it includes descriptions and maps for 10 public off – road trails and contacts for local bike shops.
Brief illustrated guide to the island’s state parks, from the Hawaiian Department of Land and Natural Resources.
If you can resist the Kona coffee pages for a moment, check out the “Alternative Guide to the Big Island” at the bottom of the page. Also some interesting Big Island Links.
56.This passage is a(n)               .
A.collection of travel links  B.introduction of mountain travel
C.suggestion of travel outside     D.collection of traveling pictures
57.If you want to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the islands, you can land the following website EXCEPT         .
58.If a tourise wants to visit a dead volcano, he can           .
A.go to the Hawaiian Department of Land
B.have a dip into the links of the Big Island
C.go to Hawaiian Volcanoes National Park
D.follow the off – road trails of mountain bikers
59.From the passage, we can infer that         . is very dangerous to visit the Big Island
B.all the links belong to the same website
C.Coffeetimes has accesses to the Big Island website
D.the writer encourages travelers in mountain biking
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

My teeth screamed. I couldn’t  21   them any longer. I finally   22   my fear of dentists and decided to get them fixed. But   23  ? I was a college student and barely   24   myself with part-time jobs.
Maybe I could  25   the worst one. I opened the Yellow Pages and called the first   26   within walking distance. The receptionist told me to come right over.   27   I hurried across the campus, I forgot the   28   in worrying about how I would pay the   29  .
In a few minutes I was in a chair being examined by a dentist who said, “Hmm!” as he examined my teeth. “Your teeth are in bad  30  .”
“I already knew that,” I  31   him and answered quickly to hide my   32  .
“But don’t worry. I’m going to fix them.”
“No, you’re not. I can’t  33   to pay you.” I started climbing out of the chair.
“You’re a student at the university, aren’t you?”
What  34   did that make? “Yes...”
“You’re going to graduate in a few years, aren’t you?”
“I hope so.”
“And then you expect to get a job, don’t you?”
“That’s my  35  .”
“Well, then you’ll pay me.  36   you concentrate on your classes and    37    the dentistry to me.”
I stared at him. He really  38   it. He calmly picked up his tools and fixed my aching teeth.
From that day on, I saw him every week until I had good teeth again. After graduation, I got a job and  39   his bill in a few months.
In the 40 years following, I’ve learned to call this man a “woodwork angel.” They are strangers who appear out of nowhere when I need help. They’ve lent and given me money, materials or equipment; they’ve taught me skills and helped me organize groups; sometimes they’ve rescued me  40   danger or making a big mistake.
21.   A. bear                        B. take                         C. treat                         D. forget
22.   A. identified                 B. admitted                   C. ignored                    D. expressed
23.   A. where               B. who                         C. why                         D. how
24.   A. changed                   B. provided                  C. supported                 D. enjoyed
25.   A. visit                         B. fix                           C. call                          D. cover
26.   A. teacher                     B. dentist               C. driver               D. operator
27.   A. As                          B. After                        C. Since                       D. Though
28.   A. class                        B. time                         C. address                     D. pain
29.   A. bill                          B. debt                         C. tax                           D. visit
30.   A. shape                       B. order                       C. size                          D. situation
31.   A. directed                   B. comforted         C. stopped                    D. advised
32.   A. anger                       B. fear                         C. hope                        D. trick
33.   A. agree                       B. wait                         C. afford               D. remember
34.   A. effort                       B. use                          C. difference                 D. offer
35.   A. plan                         B. picture                     C. purpose                    D. procedure
36.   A. As a result         B. In the meantime C. After that                 D. Ever since
37.   A. present                     B. show                        C. bring                       D. leave
38.   A. appreciated        B. meant               C. approved                  D. made
39.   A. passed               B. had                          C. settled               D. filled
40.   A. to                           B. in                            C. against                     D. from
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

One of today’s hottest topics among women (and to an extent among men too now) is anti aging and how to reverse the signs of age. The beauty industry has responded to this by offering a wide collection of anti aging creams and other anti aging products aimed at all pocketbooks, ranging from economical to highly priced.
And the question is “do any of these often much-vaunted(被过度吹嘘的) anti aging creams actually work?” And if they do, how precisely do they perform their miracles?
Well, the appropriate response to that is that they do work—after a fashion. There certainly are anti aging creams available for a relatively modest price that will reduce the appearance of wrinkles in a comparatively short period of regular application. But this really is the limit of their powers: they won’t actually undo skin damage or eradicate(根除) all signs of age; they will simply modify them, some more effectively than others.
The way they work is like so: they remove upper layers of dead skin cells and make deeper layers absorb water, serving to plump them up and make them look fuller and healthier. But since such anti aging creams only go skin deep, as it were, skin damage will reappear once you stop using the anti aging wrinkle(皱纹) cream.
This means fairly heavy regular use, which might be costly depending on your choice of product. However, if you can afford it or think it’s worth the cost, it won’t be such an issue. After all, what woman wants to look older than her years when looking good is so tied up with many women"s self-esteem(自尊) and sense of identity.
A compromise(折中) solution for those on a tighter budget is to use the cheaper creams. In addition, it’s always wise to be a little experimental to make sure you end up with the one that suits your skin best.
So, to sum up: an anti wrinkle face cream will work within limits, depending on your objective.
41.   This passage mainly tells us something about _____.
A. anti aging creams                         B. anti aging foods
C. anti wrinkle face                          D. anti wrinkle skin
42.   According to the author, we can infer _____.
A. anti aging creams must reverse the signs of age
B. skin damage must not reappear after using creams
C. anti aging creams should be properly used
D. skin damage will disappear forever after using creams
43.   The benefits from anti aging creams are the following except that _____.
A. they remove upper layers of dead skin cells
B. they make deeper layers absorb water
C. they make layers look fuller and healthier
D. they make wrinkle faces rough
44.   The meaning of the underlined phrase “on a tighter budget” is _____.
A. having a larger amount of money
B. having a smaller amount of money
C. having no money at all
D. having a lot of money
45.   Fairly heavy regular use will make you _____.
A. spend much money on your choice of product
B. easily afford your choice of product
C. think your choice of product wrong
D. believe your choice of product right
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Though your parents probably meant to have your name last a lifetime, remember that when they picked it they’d hardly met you, and the hopes and dreams they cared for when they chose it may not match yours. If your name no longer seems to fit you, don’t lose heart. Film stars change their names, and with some determination, you can, too.
If you wish to pick up a new name, you don’t need to make the change official. Under common law, all that is necessary is to start using the name of your choice. Remember, though, that you must use it everywhere—even with your mother—for it to become your legal name.
Getting friends and fellow workers to call you Leach instead of Lola may be harder than any paperwork involved, but you’ll probably meet official resistance, too. Be sure that no law prevents you from using the name you have chosen, unless you use it for the purpose of cheating. If the gas company tells you that you cannot get your bill under a new name, they are wrong. You don’t have to show them any sort of court document. You have a right to be called by whatever name you choose.
By this time, you’ve probably realized that changing your name is more difficult than replacing your furniture or changing your hair color, though the effect can be unusually encouraging. Don’t care too much if you have to keep reminding others of your change of a new name—keep on, and your friends and lover will accept your new name. Good luck!
51.   You may wish to change your name because _____.
you are required to do so
you don’t mean to have your name last a lifetime
you like to follow what film stars often do
you may not like your parents’ choice
52.   If you wish to start using the name of your own choice, you _____.
must get friends to call your new name
don’t have to get permission from anybody
must use it with your mother first
need to be approved by the court
53.   No law keeps you from using whatever name you have chosen, if only ____.
you pick up a new name not for the purpose of wrong-doing
you can get your fellow workers to call you the new name
the gas company agrees to get your bill under your new name
some sort of court document is given to you
54.   You may realize that changing your name ____.
usually has good effect
is actually asking for trouble
is not as easy as rearranging your room
means you have to go through some trouble
55.   The purpose of the writer in writing this passage is to _____.
show you the need of changing your name
encourage you if you want to change your name
tell you how easy it is to change one’s name
list all the difficulties in changing one’s name
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