If you" re feeling stressed, rather than wallow (沉迷) in watching television, try

If you" re feeling stressed, rather than wallow (沉迷) in watching television, try


If you" re feeling stressed, rather than wallow (沉迷) in watching television, try looking out of the window, with a US study finding scenes of nature can ease off minor stress levels.
Researchers at the Human Interaction with Nature and Technological Systems Lab at the University of Washington set out to look at whether nature, either the real thing or the one depicted (描述) technologically, can impact on minor stress levels.The study involved measuring people" s heart recovery rates from minor stress when they were exposed to a natural scene through a window and when exposed to the same scene shown on a high-definition plasma (等离子) screen, or a blank wall.
"The heart rates of people who looked at the scene through the window dropped more quickly than the others.In fact, the high-definition plasma screen had no more effect than the blank wall," the researchers said in a statement.They also found that when people spent more time looking at the natural scene their heart rates tended to decrease more.That was not the case with the plasma screen.
The study, involving 90 college students, is published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology."Technology is good and it can help our lives, but let" s not be fooled into thinking we can live without nature," Peter Kahn, who led the research team, said in a statement.He said people were losing direct experiences with nature and instead experiencing nature represented technologically through television and other media with children growing up watching Discovery Channel and Animal
Planet."But as a species we need interaction with actual nature for our physical and psychological well-being," he said.
59.According to the passage, watching an actual natural scene on a high-definition plasma screen __        
A.is actually harmful to one" s health
B.is as good to one" s health as watching an actual natural scene
C.doesn"t do any good to one" s health at all
D.may have some impact on minor stress levels
60.Peter Kahn believes that watching Discovery Channel and Animal Planet
A.is quite necessary for the growth of children
B.doesn"t help in the growing process of children
C.does more harm than good to children
D.can"t take the place of children" interaction with the real nature
61.The study shows that people" s heart rates decrease the most when they____
A.fix their eyes on a blank wall
B.watch a beautiful scene on a high-definition plasma screen
C.watch the natural scene out of a window
D.fix their eyes on a natural scene depicted technologically
62.Who would be most interested in the study mentioned in the passage?
A.People with minor stress levels.
B.People with high stress levels.
C.People with medium stress levels.
D.People with psychological problems.


When I was a small child, during the war, we were very poor and we lived in a faraway village. One day, on the road, I found the   51   pieces of a mirror. There was a Garman motorcycle accident.
I tried to find all the pieces and put them   52  , but it was not possible, so I kept only the  53    piece and I made it round. I could   54  with it as a toy and became greatly attracted by the   55  that I could reflect(反射)light to dark places where the sun would never shine—in  56 holes and some other dark places. It became a   57   for me to get light into the darkest places I could find.
I   58  the little mirror, and, as I   59  up, I would take it out when I had nothing to  do and  60  the game, As I became a   61  , I grew to understand that this was not    62  a child’s game but a metaphor(象征)for what I might do with my life. I came to    63  that I am not the light or the source of light. But light—truth, understanding, knowledge—is  64  , and it will shine in many dark places only if I reflect it.
I am just a single piece of a mirror whose   65   design and shape I do not know.    66  , with what I have I can reflect light into the dark places of this   67  —into the black places in the    68    of men—and change some things   69    some people. Perhaps others may see and do the same. This is what I am about. This is the    70  of my life.
51. A. broken                  B. dropped                   C. pointed                    D. sharpened
52. A. back                   B. down                       C. together                   D. up
53. A. best                   B. longest                        C. smallest                    D. largest
54. A. talk                    B. play                         C. flash                        D. share
55. A. idea                    B. fact                          C. decision                   D. reason
56. A. deep                   B. big                          C. pretty                       D. empty
57. A. job                       B. task                         C. game                       D. trouble
58. A. kept                   B. hid                          C. forgot                     D. lost
59. A. came                  B. stood                       C. grew                        D. went
60. A. watch                 B. continue                   C. remember                 D. change
61. A. man                   B. boy                          C. father                       D. grandfather
62. A. always             B. completely               C. really                       D. just
63. A. announce            B. doubt                       C. understand                  D. expect
64. A. absent                 B. home                      C. far                           D. there
65. A. whole                 B. most                        C. half                         D. other
66. A. So                     B. However                  C. Besides                    D. Certainly
67. A. country              B. village                     C. world                         D. city
68. A. hands                 B. brains                      C. eyes                         D. hearts
69. A. on                     B. in                         C. with                        D. like
70. A. way                    B. standard                   C. quality                       D. meaning
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You have been badly injured in a car accident. It is necessary to give you a blood transfusion because you lost a great deal of blood in the accident. However, special care must be taken in selecting new blood for you. If the blood is too different from your own, the transfusion could kill you.
There are four basic types of blood; A, B, AB, and O. A simple test can make sure of a person"s blood type. Everybody is born with one of these four types of blood. Blood type, like hair color and height, is received from parents.
The four groups must be transfused carefully. A and B cannot be mixed. A and B cannot receive AB, but AB may receive A or B. O can give to any other group; therefore, it is often called the universal donor (万能捐赠者). For the opposite reason, AB is sometimes called the universal recipient(接受者). However, because so many reactions (反应) can happen in transfusions(输血), patients usually receive only salt of plasma (liquid part of blood) until their blood can be matched as exactly as possible in the blood bank of a hospital. In this way, it is possible to prevent the transfusion from any bad reactions.
86. People with type A blood can receive type     .
A. AB           B. B       C. O                    D. all of the three
87. If you need a blood transfusion, the best and safest blood for you is    .
A. a mixture of type A and type B
B. a mixture of salt, plasma and type O
C. type AB
D. exactly the same type as your own
88. The phrase "universal recipient" means a person who    .
A. can receive blood of type A or B
B. can receive blood of any other type
C. can give blood to anybody
D. cannot give blood to others
89. A good title for this article is    .
A. Getting Enough Blood
B. Differences Between Blood Types
C. Man"s Four Types of Blood
D. How to Give Blood Transfusion
90. Which of the following statement is NOT true?
A. Carelessness in a blood transfusion may lead to death. 
B. AB is the mixture of A and B
C. AB is called the universal recipient because it can receive any other group.
D. In transfusions, patients usually receive only salt of plasma at first.
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第四节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
September 4 was my first day at Phillips Academy, my new school. It was also my 18th birthday.
I received a warm   26    from my host family--- the Steins. Gena was my host mum, and her daughter Lily would also be a new  27   at Phillips. They took me to the school and      28   me around the campus.
On our way to my dorm (学生宿舍), we saw a truck delivering a student’s  29  to her room. Many students at the school were very rich, and they would fill their dorms with decorations(装饰物). But I was  30   not to because I thought it was a   31   of time and money.
I had a single room, which was about the   32   of a Chinese college dorm --- the ones which usually hold six people.  33  she helped carry my bags, Lily asked me, “What’s your favorite  34  ,Teresa?” I thought for a moment before answering, “Orange.” I didn’t know why she had asked the question.
We   35  an introduction meeting after dinner.  36   of the students were native English speakers, so I felt a little   37  .  I returned to my room after the   38  , tired and wanted to go to bed after a (n)   39  day.
When I opened my door, I found a big    40  .The bed was perfectly made with blankets and an orange sunflower pillow. On the    41   was a sunflower-pattern mat(地垫,垫子)while a colorful lamp    42  beside the bed.
I opened my mouth,   43   .  How beautiful!
There was also a  44   card. I touched the little pillow on the bed as I read the card. A warm current (暖流) rushed through my   45   .
26. A. heart           B. card                  C. service                     D. welcome
27. A. student       B. teacher                    C. citizen               D. visitor
28. A. walked               B. introduced         C. showed             D. invited
29. A. bag             B. newspaper         C. letters               D. money
30. A. warned       B. forced                     C. determined        D. supposed
31. A. matter         B. waste                C. show                 D. use
32. A. design         B. size                   C. pattern                     D. example
33. A. As               B. Though             C. Because             D. While
34. A. fruit            B. weather             C. food                 D. color
35. A. organized     B. planned             C. attended            D. opened
36. A. All              B. Most                 C. Some                D. Few
37. A. pleased       B. nervous            C. angry                D. afraid
38. A. dinner         B. class                C. meeting             D. party
39. A. exciting       B. surprising         C. tired             D. interested
40. A. secret          B. joke                  C. warmth          D. surprise
41. A. wall            B. desk                  C. floor            D. ground
42. A. stood           B. lay                C. appeared        D. hanged
43. A. frightened    B. moved                     C. satisfied         D. understood
44. A. post             B. birthday            C. name            D. festival
45. A. mind         B. head                C. face               D. body
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三. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共40分)
The horsepower was first used two hundred years ago. James Watt had made the world’s first widely used steam engine. He had no way of telling people exactly how powerful it was, for at that time there were no units for measuring power.
Watt decided to find out how much work one strong horse could do in one minute. He called that unit one horsepower. With this unit he could measure the work his steam engine could do.
He discovered that a horse could lift a 3,300-pound weight 10 feet into the air in one minute. His engine could lift a 3,300 pound weight 100 feet in one minute.
Because his engine did ten times as much work as the horse, Watt called it a ten-horsepower engine.
36. Watt made the world’s first ______.
A. train        B. engine       C. steam engine        D. bus
37. Watt wanted to find a way ______.
A. to lift a 3,300-pound weight      
B. to show how useful his steam engine was
C. to tell people exactly how powerful his steam engine was
D. to measure the weight of his steam engine
38. What does one horsepower mean? It means ______.
A. one horse’s power            
B. what one strong horse can do in one minute
C. what one horse can do in a day  
D. what work one horse can do as much as possible
39. Which is not true? ______.
A. Watt decided to find out how much work one strong horse could do in one minute
B. Watt decided to make the world’s first widely used horse engine
C. He wanted to find a way to tell people exactly how powerful his engine was
D. He wanted to measure the work his engine could do
40. The best headline for the article is ______.
A. Horsepower                 B. Watt’s steam engine
C. A ten-horsepower engine       D. The beginning of horsepower
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Mrs. White lived in a town of England. Her husband died three years ago and one of her children worked in the capital and the other three lived in another town. Her husband didn’t leave her much money and she had to live a simple (简朴) life. Sometimes her children went to see her during their holidays, but they stayed with her for only two or three days.
One winter morning the old woman got up early. She was going to buy some food in a shop. And when she came out, she found there was much snow in the street. She had to sweep it away. And suddenly she found a dying dog at the corner of the house. She picked it up and took it into the house quickly. She put it near the fire and gave it some milk and bread. At first the poor dog ate nothing and that afternoon it drank some milk and three days later it was all right. Now the old woman found it was a beautiful dog. And she liked it very much and took it everywhere she went. A week later she went shopping with her dog. At a bus stop a young man was eating fish and chips. The little dog became very excited (兴奋) at the smell of the man’s lunch and began jumping up at him.
“Do you mind if I throw it a bit (一点)?” asked the young man.
“Not at all,” answered Mrs. White.
Having heard this, he picked up the dog and threw it over the wall.
50. One of the old woman’s children worked in ______.
A. Moscow        B. Paris         C. London         D. New York
51. Mrs. White lived a simple life because ______.
A. she wasn’t rich enough          B. she hoped to save money for her children
C. she had four children            D. her children hated her
52. It was _______ that morning when Mrs. White went to buy something.
A. rainy          B. snowy        C. windy          D. cloudy
53. The old woman liked the dog very much because _______.
A. it was beautiful                B. it was little
C. she spent money on it           D. she felt lonely
54. The dog hoped ______, so it became excited.
A. to be given some food           B. to leave the bus stop soon
C. to bite (咬) the young man        D. to go as soon as possible
55. The meaning of the word “smell” in the story means ______.
A. 闻          B. 口味         C. 气味          D. 嗅觉
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