


Everyone has their friends, but I knew one girl who didn"t. I guess you could call her a geek, because all she did was reading, studying, and doing homework. I don"t think she even played a sport. She was one of those quiet people who no one really paid attention to, and
those who did only made fun of her. I had heard all kinds of rumors (谣言) that she had problems, but I didn"t really believe them. I felt bad for her.
My friends and I were nice to her. We let her sit at our lunch table and we often said "Hi" to her, but she wasn"t our best friend. Throughout the year, she started talking to us more and more. We continued being kind to her. She was normal as far as I was concerned (就我而言). She was just really quiet.
That summer I got a letter. When I opened it, I realized it was from her. “I just wanted to thank you so much for being so extremely kind and friendly to me this year. Before you
became my friend, I had no one to talk to or sit with at lunch. I even wanted to kill myself. But you and your friends changed that. You made me feel wanted and included. It meant so much to me. I am going to be moving and switching to another school next year. I"ll never forget you and what you did."
By the time I finished the letter, I was in shock. I could not believe what I had just read. I learned that the simplest things and the smallest acts of kindness can mean the world to someone else.
56. What kind of person does the underlined word "geek" in Para1 probably refer to?
A. A confident and hardworking student.
B. A dishonest and badly behaved person.
C. Someone is not popular and does strange things
D. Someone is naughty and always makes fun of others.
57. How did the girl feel before the author became her friend?
A. Happy and comfortable.                 B. Pleased and confident.
C. Worried and surprised.                   D. Sad and lonely.
58. From the passage, we learn that the author and her friends ______.
A. helped get the girl out of trouble           B. got the girl to go to another school
C. changed the girl’s the habit of working hard  D. didn"t want to help the girl at all
59. What"s the best title for the passage?
A. A Strange Girl                          B. A Quiet Heart
C. A Girl without Any Problems              D. Just the littlest Things

56-58   CDAD


This morning, I received a phone call from one of my close friends, Nikko, which immediately changed this bright sunny day into a dark terrible pit of endless sorrow. He told me that Diane’s dad had just  36  , at 12:00 on January 3,2008.
Nikko told me that Diane had  37  everything about her dad on her blog, so I  38  right up from bed and got to her blog instantly. Her blog, always so  39  and nice, is suddenly filled with sorrow and grief.
She must have been writing with  40  streaming down her cheeks, with eyes so  41  from the sleepless night, and with a heart so  42  and regretful and yet, she wrote the post, full of determination and will,  43  strength and love. She showed no  44  of weakness and retreat. She  45  that she didn’t notice how her father was feeling before the sudden stroke (中风)   46 him on his sleep. I feel so sorry for her , as her close friend, that I am not able to give her my support and a shoulder to  47  because I live so far away. But I know she will be  48  . She had determined to become the pillar(支柱) of  49  for her mom and her brother.
Although Diane’s father is no longer  50  , his memories would always be with his family. I gave Diane my deepest condolence(吊唁)for her  51  of her most beloved one.
I have known Diane and her family ever since we were in primary school.  52  can be really cruel sometimes,  53  someone or something you have learned to love and rely on. A(n)  54  death like Diane’s father is the most sorrowful. Destiny didn’t even give his family the  55  to say their last goodbyes.
Diane wanted everyone to cherish their loved ones and do not wait until it’s already too late. Tell them you love them and let them know how you feel before it’s too late.
36.A. passed away            B. left over                     C. sent off                     D. filled up
37.A. spoke                     B. found                         C. written                      D. uncovered
38.A. jumped                   B. run                            C. shouted                     D. cleaned
39.A. interesting               B. colorful                      C. good                         D. mind
40.A. water                      B. tears                           C. blood                        D. sweat
41.A. sleepy                     B. big                             C. infected                     D. red
42.A. bleeding                 B. heavy                         C. painful                      D. sympathetic
43.A. from                      B. of                              C. on                            D. without
44.A. sign                        B. explanation                 C. expression                 D. impression
45.A. argued          B. noticed                       C. blamed                      D. regretted
46.A. broke                     B. attacked                      C. affected                     D. made
47.A. depend on               B. keep up                      C. cry on                       D. carry out
48.A. strong                     B. weak                          C. sorrowful                  D. lonely
49.A. mind                      B. center                         C. power                       D. support
50.A. lively                     B. present                       C. painful                      D. alive
51.A. loss                        B. love                           C. regret                        D. thanks
52.A. Future                    B. Lives                          C. Destiny                     D. experience
53.A. giving up                B. taking away                C. suffering from           D. mourning for
54.A. regretful                 B. heart-broken               C. unforgettable             D. instant
55.A. chance                    B. reward                       C. treat                          D. attention
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

While watching the games the other night, I came across an unbelievable sight. It was not a gold medal, or a world record broken, but a show of courage.
The event was swimming and started with only three men on the blocks. For one reason or another, two of them false started, so they were disqualified. That left only one to complete. It would have been difficult enough, not having anyone to race against, even though the time on the clock is important.
I watched the man dive off the bock and knew right away that something was wrong. I’m not an expert swimmer, but I can tell a good dive from a poor one, and this was not exactly medal quality. When he resurfaced, it was evident that the man was not out for gold — his arms were waving in an attempt at freestyle. The crowd started to laugh. Clearly this man was not a medal competitor.
I listened to the crowd begin to laugh at this poor man who was clearly having a hard time. Finally he made his turn to start back. It was pitiful. He made a few desperate strokes and you could tell he was worn out.
But in those few awful strokes, the crowd had changed.
No longer were they laughing, but beginning to cheer. Some even began to stand and shout “Come on, you can do it!” and he did.
A clear minute past the average swimmer, this young man finally finished his race. The crowd went wild. You would have thought that he had won the gold, and should have. Even though he recorded one of the slowest times in Olympic history, this man gave more heart than any of the other competitors.
Just a short year ago, he had never even swum, let alone race. His country had been invited to Sydney.
In a competition where athletes remove their silver medals feeling they have somehow been cheated out of gold, or when they act so proudly in front of their competitors, it is nice to watch an underdog.
68.From the passage we can learn that the young man _______.
A. made his turn to start back pitifully    
B. was skillful in freestyle in the game
C. swam faster than the average swimmer   
D. was not capable enough to win the medal
69.   The crowd changed their attitudes because _______.
A. they felt sorry for the young man                 
B. they wanted to show their sympathy
C. they were moved by the young man              
D. they meant to please the young man
70.   According to the passage, “it is nice to watch an underdog” probably means _______.
A. it’s amusing to watch a man with awful swimming skills
B. it’s amazing to watch an ordinary man challenging himself
C. it’s cheerful for athletes to act proudly before their competitors
D. it’s brave enough for some athletes to remove the silver medals
71.   What’s the best title for the passage?
A. Go for it!                                      B. Try again!
C. Compete for Gold!                         D. Break a Record!
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Everyone makes mistakes in life, but for whales and dolphins, the “mistake” of landing on the shore costs the highest price---their lives.
People living along the coast of Australia and New Zealand have been shocked and saddened by the number of whales and dolphins that they have found on their beaches recently. Since November 28th, 96 whales and dolphins have died in Australia and 53 whales died in New Zealand. Although 20 whales were saved, some of these were not expected to live, as they were too weak to swim with the others back to sea.
Bob Brown, leader of Australia’s Green party, said the mass beaching was caused by the recent “sound bombing” of the ocean floor between the two countries. This is a method of testing for oil and gas reserves (储藏量).
But mass beaching of whales has long puzzled scientists. Typically most members of the stranded (搁浅) group will appear to be perfectly healthy. “Some researchers believe that close relationship within the group causes the problem, if one gets into trouble, the others will not leave” said Shery Gibney, a leading biologist in New Zealand. “Some will come in and try and assist it; if they get trapped on the beach, then more will come.”
Another common theory is that the whales’ navigation (导航) system are thought to break down in some way. It has been said that whales follow electromagnetic (电磁的) patterns in the sea-bed. The whales can get confused because these patterns sometimes change. That would be a bit like a new roundabout (环状交叉路) being built on a road you were used to driving on. You might be confused for a minute when you come to it for the first time, and you might even take a wrong turning before getting back on your route.
A different idea is that when whales chase fish for food they end up in shallow waters because they are not paying attention to where they are going.
And yet, from time to time a group will swim on purpose into shallow waters and end up on the beach, where they die. If returned to the sea, some whales often show great determination in restraining themselves.
小题1:________ whales and dolphins would probably die in this mass beaching along the coast of Australia and New Zealand.
A.Less than 100B.Less than 150C.More than 150D.149
小题2:Which of the following can be used to explain the term “sound bombing”?
A.The terrible sound that is caused in the war between two countries.
B.Human activities that aim to explore the ocean floor.
C.The loud sound that whales and dolphins make.
D.The earthquakes that happen on the ocean floor.
小题3:Which of the following couldn’t probably lead to the mass beaching of whales?
A.A change in the electromagnetic patterns that whales follow.
B.New roundabout being built on a road.
C.Their full attention to the search for food.
D.Exploiting natural resources in oceans.
小题4:The passage is mainly about _______.
A.that whales and dolphins may make mistakes as well as human beings
B.how scientists have found the reasons for the mass beaching of whales
C.how human beings make use of the ocean resources
D.why the mass beaching of whales happens

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

I am a team leader in an insurance company. We are going through a lot of changes right now, which is  36  much stress for all of us.
A few weeks ago I was having a day so  37  that I even doubted if I had the ability to do this challenging work, and was about ready to change to a less stressful job  38  . Something happened that day to change my way of  39  and I am so appreciative of this young lady. I want to let her know that the small act  40  .
On the top of my cubicle (工作隔间) I have a small collection of lighthouses (灯塔) to let people know where I am sitting  41  my team members have to find me for emergencies.
That day I came into the office and was about to get the day  42  when Crystal came over. l asked if she needed anything. She said, "I  43  you something. " I looked at her with a  44  look and said, "Well, thank you, but why  45  you buy me anything?" I had never spoke to this young lady   _46  . She said, "Every day I stand up and look across the  47  and see your lighthouses. Then I feel I am not alone and I encourage myself that there are always  48  things in life. I saw this on the way to work and thought  49  would like it. I wish it would have the same  50  as your Lighthouses do. " In her hand she had a small globe with a Lighthouse and a ship on it. I gave her a hug and  51  her. I don"t think she knows how much that small act of  52   changed my day: 1 remained  53  the rest of the day.
For anyone that reads this, I hope you remember, no matter what the  54   is, you could change
someone"s day,  55  even his views on life.
36. A. preventing              B. reducing            C. causing            D. suffering
37. A. funny              B. nice               C. bad             D. dull
38. A. everywhere          B. elsewhere            C. anywhere          D. nowhere
39. A. working             B. behaving          C. speaking            D. thinking
40. A. broke my heart       B. touched my heart  C. lost my heart       D. tore my heart
41. A. in case                B. so that              C. as if              D. even though
42. A. ended                  B. started             C. changed            D. avoided
43. A. borrowed         B. lent               C. sold               D. bought
44. A. delighted               B. puzzled            C. thankful            D. worried
45. A. might              B. dare                C. could                      D. would
46. A. before              B. then                    C. since              D. after
47. A. dorm              B. office             C. ship               D. tower
48. A. bright            B. challenging        C. bad               D. stressful
49. A. colleagues          B. leaders            C. you                D. I
50. A. opinion            B. cause              C. expectation         D. effect
51. A. praised             B. thanked             C. scolded             D. refund
62. A. justice               B. courage             C. kindness             D. tolerance
53. A. careful             B. encouraged         C. tired                       D. alone
54. A. present               B. work               C. gesture             D. intention
55. A. so                 B. for                 C. or                  D. nor
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
People often talk as if shyness is a disease or mental condition that can be cured. I prefer to think of it as an emotional disability. It’s something we are born with and something we carry with us in our entire lives. There are many people, however, who seem to be determined to find some way of doing away with their shyness. In my opinion, it’s a waste of time. I don’t mean that we should do nothing about it; quite the contrary, I think we need to separate the basic fact of our shyness from our ability to take part in a social environment.
Look at one of the most famous shy people, Johnny Carson. This man is painfully shy, yet for decades he made a living talking and associating(交往) with different people every night, in front of a national audience. Carson has never done away with his shyness, but he has successfully found a way to deal with it to the extent that he could be, not just a talk show host, but a legend(传奇) among talk show hosts. Look also at Sally Fields, who has recently admitted her problem with shyness. This is a woman who has appeared in many films, TV shows and interviews, yet in her early years she was so shy that she turned down a lunch invitation from Jane Fonda because she was terribly afraid of meeting her.
I guess that our shyness is there because each of us is born with some insecurity and this insecurity prevents us from reaching out to others the way people with a more open personality do. As we grow up, we allow our social skills to grow and develop. But we are still stuck in kindergarten or elementary school or wherever it was when our shyness took root in our soul.
67. In the author’s view, shyness can be explained as ________.
A. a disease that can be easily cured       B. a not very normal mental condition
C. an emotional disability               D. something we pick up after birth
68. The author believes it’s a waste of time to _________.
A. develop a healthy personality         B. talk with people as much as possible
C. study where shyness comes from      D. look for ways to do away with one’s shyness
69. Which of the following is TRUE of Johnny Carson?
A. He dared to speak in front of a national audience.
B. He did away with his shyness carefully.
C. He was described as a hero in some legend books.
D. He failed to become a good talk show host.
70. The underlined word “insecurity” in the third paragraph probably means “________”.
A. feeling safe     B. feeling supported    C. feeling afraid     D. feeling comfortable
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