IV.阅读理解(共11小题,每题2分,满分22分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A It all

IV.阅读理解(共11小题,每题2分,满分22分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A It all


It all began as we were standing in front of the bathroom mirror, while I fixed Amanda"s blonde hair. I said, “I love you, AmandA.” “And, I love you,” she replieD.“Well, I love you more.” Her eyes lit up as she recognized the cue (暗示) for the start of another “I love you more” match. “Nuh-uh,” she laugheD.“I love you the most.” “I love you bigger than a volcano!” I countered---a favorite family phrase in these battles of love. “But, Mom, I love you from here to ChinA.” A country she’s learning about from our new neighbors up the street.
We volleyed back and forth a few favorite lines. “I love you more than peanut butter.” “Well, I love you more than television.” “I even love you more than bubble gum.” It was my turn again, and I made the move that usually brought victory. “I love you bigger than the universe!” On this day, however, Amanda was not going to give up. I could see she was thinking. “Mom,” she said in a quiet voice, “I love you more than myself.”
I stopped, surprised by her sincerity. Here I thought I knew more than she diD.I thought I knew at least everything that she knew. But I didn’t know this. My four-year-old daughter knows more about love than her 28-year-old mom.
61.From the passage, we can know the two people _____________.
A.often quarreled with each other     B.felt bored about the real life
C. were fixing each other’s hair     D. loved each other deeply
62.Which is the best title for this passage?
A. I Love You More         B. My Daughter Grows Up
C. Parents’ Love               D.Children’s Love

61---62  DA      


In the UK, most children have their midday meal at school, but in many schools, parents can choose what their children eat. The children can have a school lunch—a hot, cooked meal; or they can take a packed lunch with them, which usually includes cold food like sandwiches.
Often parents prepare lunches on the basis of what their children want. Cathy, a mother of three children, told us, “My children have packed lunches, because they say they hate school dinners. I make 3 packed lunches every morning, so we’re like a sandwich bar in our kitchen in the morning.”
However, another mother, Susan, made her choice based on the nutritious value of the food. She said, “My daughter always has school dinners. I think she probably gets healthier food by having a cooked lunch at school than she would if I made sandwiches.”
But how healthy are school dinners? Kaz, a father, wasn’t impressed with them. “Fizzy (有泡沫的) drinks were offered and I think there were a lot of chips.”
The question of how healthy school food is was brought to Jamie Oliver, who launched a campaign to improve children’s nutrition, after spending a year working in a school kitchen. The TV series about the campaign won an award this week.
He was horrified (惊恐的) at the junk food he saw being served, which included burgers, pizza and chips.  He decided to ban the junk, and started cooking good stews (炖菜) and curries for the children instead.
Jamie improved the school dinners in that particular school, and trained the dinner ladies to cook healthy food. Then he put pressure on the government to improve the standards of school food across the country. And it looks as if the changes have begun.
57 What would be the best title for the passage?
A. School Dinners           B. Healthy Food
C. Dinners in the UK         D. Research on Dinners
58. The underlined phrase “on the basis of” in the second paragraph probably means “______”.
A. by comparison           B. according to
C. in spite of               D. for the good of
59 We can learn from the passage that ______.
A. in Britain, all children have their lunch at school  
B. Cathy’s children like school dinners
C. stews and curries are healthy food
D. Jamie Oliver works in a school kitchen
60. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. There are many schools in Britain.
B. Susan chooses food for her daughter according to its nutrition.
C. In the past, the food provided by British schools was not healthy enough.
D. None of the parents in Britain like school food.
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When someone says, "well, 1 guess I will have to face the music. It does not mean he is planning to go to a concert. It is something far less pleasant like being called in by your boss to explain why you did this and did that, and why you did not do this or that. Terrible music indeed, but it has to be faced. At some time or another, every one of us had to "face the music", especially as children. We can all remember father"s angry voice, "I want to talk to you!" and only because we did not obey him. What an unpleasant business it was!
The phrase "to face the music" is familiar to every American, young or old. It is at least 100 years old. Where did the expression come from?
The first explanation comes from the American novelist James Penimore Cooper. He said in 1851 that the expression was first used by actors while waiting in the wings to go on stage . When they got their signal to go on, they often said, "Well, it"s time to go to face the music." And that is exactly what they did face the orchestra  which was just below the stage.
46. The passage mainly tells us______.
A. how the phrase “to face the music” developed in its own way   
B. what the phrase “ to face the music ” means   
C. when the phrase "to face the music" came into being
D. all the above
47. A person has to face the music especially as he is______.
A. a child      B. a young man     C. a grown-up      D. a player
48.______used the phrase "to face the music" for the first time.
A. Actors     B. The boss        C. The director       D. Cooper     
49. Which of the following statements is wrong?
A. The actor stayed on the stage to enjoy the music.
B. To face the music is usually an unpleasant thing.
C. The original meaning of the phrase “to face the music ” is to face the orchestra.
D. The phrase “to face the music” has been used for more than one century.
50. According to the passage the connotation of the phrase “to face the music” is____
A. to listen to the music               B. to go through something unpleasant    
C. to stand in front of the stage        D. to go to the concert 
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It seemed to be an ordinary Saturday at the restaurant I worked in. Then, all of a sudden, all the staff started turning the kitch upside down, going through the garbage and looking for something. As it  36 , a fellow server had lost her wallet, which was full of  37 . It was really  38  to see so many people digging through the  39  and taking the time to help the girl. She was beside herself in  40 .
Then, the story took a turn for the  41 . They found her wallet in the staff bathroom,  42 . There is no  43  that another employee stole her money and left the empty wallet in the restroom  44  everyone else was busy trying to find it. Jaws dropped to the  45 , hearts sank, people were hurt and  46  and everyone was shocked that someone we worked with everyday could do such a thing. It  47  so dark and depressing — Where had goodness and love gone?
Then, the story took yet another surprising  48 — for the better! Next thing I knew was that another server was handing this girl $175.00 — a group of employees had pooled their money together to   49  the stolen money.
Customers that got wind of what had happened gave her money  50  . All kinds of people ,  51  some who didn’t know her, reached out their hands to help.  52  the end of evening her tears of pain had turned into tears of  53 . Overwhelmed by the love and kindness of others, the  54  was written all over her face as she thanked everyone as much as she could.
It’s things like this that  55  me that there is so much more love in every person in this world than there could ever be darkness.
36.  A. worked out      B. came out           C. ran out            D. turned out
37.  A. checks           B. earnings             C.bills             D. money
38.  A. frightening        B. relaxing            C. annoying          D. moving
39.  A.garbage           B. mud               C. crowds            D. streets
40.  A. excitement        B. happiness          C. tears              D. fear
41.  A.better             B. worse             C.best                D. worst
42.  A. full              B. broken            C. empty             D. dirty
43.  A. evidence          B. doubt             C. reason             D. question
44.  A. before          B. after              C. until               D. while
45.  A. floor             B. ceiling            C. roof                D. river
46.  A. anxious         B. suspect            C. upset               D. bored
47.  A. proved          B. seemed           C. caused               D. stated
48.  A. end              B. excuse            C. turn               D. chance
49.  A. replace           B. find               C. return               D. repair
50.  A. as for            B. as follows          C. as well             D. as above
51.  A. even             B. though             C. also               D. ever
52.  A. On              B. In                 C. At                D. By
53.  A. angry            B. joy                C. disappointment      D. shame
54.  A. satisfaction       B. surprise              C. gratitude           D. courage
55.  A. remind           B. warn              C. predict             D. illustrate
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Mike Maietta was eating lunch when he got a text message from his mom.
“Notre Dame,” it said. “Big envelope!”
Mike, a senior at a Californian high school, shouted with joy. The big envelope meant that the excellent university in Indiana had offered him a place in its Class of 2013. But the $51,300 annual fee is a big obstacle. So Mike and his parents are considering offers from several other colleges and are calculating the costs of tuition, housing and holiday trips home.
This year, money is the driving factor for a growing number of high school seniors, who have to decide what colleges to attend this fall. Less jobs and plunging house prices have changed family spending.
“We’re excited that Mike got into eight great schools,” said Mike’s father, an engineer at Microsoft. “But if you consider going to school out of state, you’ve got to think about all of the other costs: moving, flying back and forth for the holidays. You’re looking at about $3,000 a year, just for travel.”
As families weigh their choices, some are going back to financial aid offices hoping help packages can be increased.
Rachel Brown was happy to get a thick envelope from New York University (NYU). Although she has always wanted to live in Manhattan, she is seriously considering the University of California San Diego (UCSD), because of the high cost in New York.
“The tuition for NYU is twice as much as UCSD,” said Rachel, 17. “My mom doesn’t want me to have a big debt when I graduate, and I don’t want that either. I’d have to take out a loan of $15,000. I’ll check and see if there’s any way that NYU can offer me any financial aid.”
More than 7.6 million American students have filled out the Free Application for Students Aid, a 19.9 percent increase over last year.
This month the Federal Department of Education urged college financial aid officers to give more help to certain families. A record 30,428 students applied for 2,300 places at Stanford, partly because the university increased financial aid for families earning below $10,000.
68. Mike may give up Notre Dame because of ______.
A. travel fees                                                           B. financial concerns
C. poor exam results                                             D. worries about living far away from home
69. The phrase “Big envelope” in paragraph 2 probably refers to “______”.
A. A text message                                                  B. A large gift package
C. An admission letter                                          D. A scholarship letter
70. What can we learn from the passage?
A. The number of American senior students applying for financial aid is increasing.
B. Rachel Brown has given up NYU because of its high tuition and big debts.
C. It is inevitably hard for college students to borrow money to cover costs.
D. An interest-free loan for students helps more students apply for Stanford.              
71. The passage mainly focuses on ______.
A. the calculation of different costs including tuition
B. the extremely hard financial situation in America
C. the excitement of students’ being able to enter ideal colleges
D. the financial crisis of families over college entrance
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Recently I paid a visit to Harvard University, where there are top class scientists and professors and the best academic system in the world.
I was pretty shocked when I first stepped onto the campus. Well, it"s not even really a campus. It"s more like a district in a small town.
Harvard"s main buildings are from the 18th century. They look very old and simple. You might even say they"re a little shabby. They don"t fit the modern idea of university at all. The buildings are surrounded by grass and trees, so I felt as if I had walked into a medieval castle. But when I looked across the street, busy shops and in-fashion students made me feel like I was in the 21st century again. It creates a strong contrast and brings a special atmosphere to the school.
Our tour guide Gary took us around and told us: "You see this grass field in the center of the school? Here is where they host their graduation ceremony. They just set up tents and benches and have a very simple ceremony. Unbelievable! Who would think the most talented students just graduate on the lawn?
I saw some students put a blanket on the grass and lie down to read a book. When I listened to the soft sound of pages turning, along with chirping of the birds, I felt very calm. There was no competitive feeling at all.
Harvard has the world"s first computer in its science center and there are hundreds of high-end computers too. Its religion and the literature departments are also among the best. It is the perfect mix of tradition and new technology. It makes Harvard a very attractive place to study in.
I hope one day I"ll attend my dream school—Harvard.
45.The article is mainly about        
A.the author"s campus life in Harvard     B.the author"s impression of Harvard
C.Harvard"s old buildings                              D.the academic system at Harvard
46.The author was most impressed by        , according to the article. 
A.Harvard"s mix of tradition and new technology
B.the classes held on beautiful lawns at Harvard
C.Harvard students not taking their graduation ceremony seriously
D.the feeling of not living in modern society on the campus
47.What can we conclude from the article? 
A.Harvard campus is actually a district of a big city.
B.There are no competitions at Harvard University.
C.Graduation ceremonies are not complex at Harvard.
D.All Harvard buildings date back to the 18th century.
48.According to the article, in which fields is Harvard top in the world? 
A.Literature, arts, and law.              B.Religion, law and arts.
C.Literature, arts and computer science.   D.Religion, computer science and literature.
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