DIn the 1960s, people asked about your astrological sign(星相). In the 1990s, they

DIn the 1960s, people asked about your astrological sign(星相). In the 1990s, they


In the 1960s, people asked about your astrological sign(星相). In the 1990s, they wanted to know your website (网址). These days, having a web address is almost as important as a street address. Your website is an electronic meeting place for your family, friends and potentially, millions of people around the world. Best of all, you may not have to spend a cent. The Web is filled with all kinds of free services and all it takes is some time and creativity.
Think of your home page as the starting point of your website. Like the table of contents of a book or a magazine, the home page is the front door. Your site can have one or more pages, depending on how you design it.
While web pages vary greatly in their design and content, most use a traditional magazine layout (版面设计). At the top of the page is a banner(大标题) GRAPHIC. Next comes a greeting and a short description of the site. Pictures, texts, and links to other websites follow.
Before you start building your site, do some planning. Think about whom the site is for and what you want to say. Next, gather up the material that you want to put on the site. Draw a rough layout on a sheet of paper.
While there are no rules you have to follow, there are a few things to keep in mind:
Start simply If you are too ambitious (雄心勃勃的) at the beginning, you may never get the site off the ground. You can always add to your site.
Less is better Most people don"t like to read a lot of text online. Break it into small pieces.
Smaller is better Most people connect to the Internet with a modem (调制解调器). Since it can take a long time to download large image files, keep the file sizes small.
Have the rights Don"t put any material on your site unless you are sure you can do it legally (合法地). Learn the Net"s Copyright Article for more about this.
Now it"s time to roll up your sleeves and start building. Learning the Net Communities provides tools to help you build your site.
68. The main purpose of the passage is to tell you _____.
A. what a website is like
B. how to build your own website
C. how to meet people online
D. what a website is made up of
69. According to the writer, your website is a place _____.
A. where you can meet people all around the world
B. where you can buy what you want
C. where you can get free services
D. where you can meet people on the Internet
70. The purpose of the home page of your website is _____.
A. to give a list of all the contents of your website
B. to make it look like a front door
C. to direct people to more of your pages
D. to design the cover of a book or magazine
71. The writer thinks that if you are too ambitious at the beginning, _____.
A. your website may leave no space for adding new things
B. you may never have your wetside working
C. you may have no idea how to build your website
D. you may tire yourself out

68. B。主旨大意题。短文的最后一段是本文的中心。
69. D。细节理解题。本题的关键在于要注意第一段第四句中place前的修饰语an electronic meeting,D项准确地表达了此意。
70. C 由本文主旨可知。
71. B 同上

Elderly people respond (反应) best to a calm and unhurried environment. This is not always easy to 36 as their behavior can sometimes be irritating (令人恼怒的). If they get 37 or upset, then they may become more confused(糊涂的) and more difficult to look after. 38 sometimes it can be extremely difficult, it is best to be 39 and not to get upset yourself. You should always 40 old people to do as much as possible for themselves but be ready to 41 a helping hand when necessary.
Failing memory makes it 42 for the elderly to recall all the basic kinds of information we 43 for granted. The obvious way to help in this 44 is to supply the information that is missing and help them make 45 of what is going on. You must use every opportunity to provide information, 46 remember to keep it simple and easy to understand.
When the elderly person makes 47 statements e.g. about going out to his or her old 48 or visiting a dead relative, 49 in a calm matter-of-fact fashion: "You are retired now. Will you come and help me with the dishes?"
We depend 50 on the information provided by signposts, clocks, calendars and newspapers. These assist us to 51 and direct our behavior. Confused old people need these 52 all the time to compensate(弥补) for their memory.
Encourage them to use 53 boards or diaries for important 54 events and label(标注) the contents of different cupboards and drawers. Many other aids such as information cards, 55 photos, notes, addresses or shopping lists could help in individual case.
36. A. provide B. protect C. discover D. examine
37. A. happy B. easy C. excited D. comfortable
38. A. As a result B. Even though C. For D. Although
39. A. patient B. protective C. ready D. helpful
40. A. tell B. encourage C. warn D. permit
41. A. carry B. make C. lend D. offer
42. A. necessary B. difficult C. terrible D. impossible
43. A. make B. give C. think D. take
44. A. condition B. situation C. action D. position
45. A. sense B. use C. light D. fun
46. A. and B. or C. however D. but
47. A. obvious B. strange C. confused D. fixed
48. A. factory B. hospital C. school D. employment
49. A. correct B. repeat C. check D. care
50. A. hardly B. heavily C. totally D. simply
51. A. collect B. form C. keep D. organize
52. A. information B. advice C. aids D. materials
53. A. reminder B. flat C. recovery D. wood
54. A. improving B. coming C. moving D. exciting
55. A. beautiful B. unforgettable C. nice D. old
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Bob and Annie had not known each other long before they became eager to get married:Bob because he wanted Annie and she because she could at least lead a life away from her1_____. When Mrs.Thompson 2_____ that they marry and live with her until they could get a 3 _____ of their own, Annie hesitated. Her idea of 4_____ had been something which 5 _____her a husband and an orderly, well-furnished home all at once. 6_____ she soon saw the 7_____  of this arrangement. She would, first of all, 8_____ from her present life into a house which was quiet and well run, not 9_____ her own; and she would be able to go on walking so that she and Bob could 10____ up all the more quickly for their own house. She would also get Bob, a good enough husband for any working-class 11_____:good-natured and 12_____ to be bent her way whenever it was 13 _____for her ends.
Things went well until her mother-in-law’s 14_____, when Annie had to give up her 15_____ and was at home all day. Her father-in-law became just a 16_____ figure in the house and 17____Bob became used to him, Annie began to find the old man’s constant 18_____in the house a source of growing annoyance(烦恼).
“He gets on my nerves, Bob,” she said. “And he hardly says a word all day.”
“Well, I suppose he has a 19_____ to do as he likes,” Bob said mildly. “It’s his house not ours.” But to Annie, now looking after the house 20_____ it were her own, it was beginning to seem the other way about.
A.home B.characterC.customD.girl
A.untilB.although C.beforeD.when
A.becauseB.ifC.even thoughD.as if

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I ran across an old photo of him the other day, thinking of some old things. He’s been dead for 25 years. His name was Rex.
1_____ was his favorite recreation(娱乐). He had so much 2_____ in the water as any person I have known. You didn’t have to throw a stick in the water to 3_____ him to go in. Of course, he would bring back a stick to you if you 4 _____ throw one in.
That 5 ____ me of that night, 6_____ he brought back a small box that he found somewhere--- how 7_____ nobody ever knew. Since it was Rex, it 8_____ easily have been half  a race. The box wasn’t a god one. It was just a 9______ old piece that somebody 10______. Still it was something he wanted, probably 11_____ there was some difficulty in transportation(运输). And that he thought could test his courage. We first knew about his achievement when, deep in the night, we 12 _____ him trying to get the box up onto the porch(门厅). It sounded 13_____ two or three people were trying to tear the house 14 _____. We came downstairs and turned on the 15_____ light. Rex was on the top step trying to pull the thing up, but it had 16_____somehow. And he was just holding his own(坚持着). I suppose he would have held his own 17_____ dawn if we hadn’t helped him. The next day we carried the box miles away and threw it out. If we had thrown it out in a 18____ place, he would have brought it home again, as a small token(象征)of his strength in such matters. 19____, he had been taught to carry heavy wooden objects about and he was 20_____ of his skill.
A.whichB.whileC.as D.when
A.becauseB.only ifC.even ifD.in case
A.likeB.thatC.as ifD.at least
A.In allB.As a resultC.At lastD.After all

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  Like most people, I’ve long understood that I’ll be judged by my occupation, that my profession is used by people to see how talented I am. Recently, however, I was disappointed to see that it also decides how I’m treated as a person.
  Last year I left a professional position as a small-town reporter and took a job waiting tables. As someone paid to serve food to people, I had customers say and do things to me I suppose they’d never say or do to the people they know. One night a man talking on his cell phone waved me away, then called me back with his finger a minute later, saying angrily that he was ready to order and asking where I’d been.
  I had waited tables during summers in college and was treated like a peon(勤杂工) by plenty of people. But at 19 years old, I believed I deserved inferior(低等的)treatment from professional adults. Besides, people responded to me differently after I told them I was in college. Customers would joke that one day I’d be sitting at their table, waiting to be served.
  Once I graduated I took a job at a community newspaper. From my first day, I heard a respectful tone from everyone who called me. I assumed this was the way the professional world worked--- politely and formally.
  I soon found out differently. I sat several feet away from a person in advertising department with a similar name. Our calls would often get mixed up and someone asking for Kristen would be transferred to Christie. The mistake was immediately clear. Perhaps it was because of money, but people used a tone with Kristen that they never used with me.
  It’s no secret that there’s a lot to put up with when waiting tables, and fortunately, much of it can be easily forgotten when you pocket the tips. The service industry exists to meet others’ needs. Still, it seemed that many of my customers didn’t get the difference between server and servant.
  I’m now applying to graduate school, which means someday I’ll return to a profession where people need to be nice to me in order to get what they want. I think I’ll take them to dinner first, and see how they treat someone whose job is to serve them.
  68. What makes the author disappointed?
  A. Professionals tend to look down upon workers.
  B. Talented people have to do the job waiting tables.
  C. One’s position is used to measure one’s intelligence.
  D. Occupation affects the way one is treated as a person.
  69. What does the author intend to say by the example in Paragraph 2?
  A. Waiting tables is a hard job.
  B. Some customers are difficult to deal with.
  C. The man making a phone call is absent-minded.
  D. Some customers show no respect to those who serve them.
  70. How did the author feel when waiting tables at the age of 19?
  A. She felt it unfair to be treated as a servant.
  B. She found it natural for professionals to treat her as inferior.
  C. She was embarrassed each time her customers joked with her.
  D. She felt badly hurt when her customers regarded her as a peon.
  71. The author says one day she’ll take her customers to dinner in order to _______.
  A. see what kind of person they are
  B. experience the feeling of being served
  C. share her working experience with her customers
  D. help them realize the difference between server and servant
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A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he bad 36 a beautiful sports car in a dealer’s showroom, and 37 his father could well 38 it, he told him that was all he wanted.  
On the morning of his graduation day his father called him into his own study and told him how 39 he was to have such a fine son. He handed his son a beautiful gift box. 40 but slightly disappointed, the young man 41 the box and found a lovely book.  42, he raised his voice at his father and said. ” 43 all your money you give me a book?” And rushed out of the house 44  the book in the study 
He did not contact(联系)his father for a whole year  45  one day he saw in the street an old man who looked like his father. He 46  he bad to go back home and see his father.  
When he arrived at his father’s house, he was told that his father had been in hospital for a week. The moment he was about to 47  the hospital. he  saw on the desk the  48  new book , just as he had left it one  49  ago. He opened it and began to  50  the pages. Suddenly, a car key  51  from an envelope taped behind the book. It had a lag(标签)with dealer’s name, the 52  dealer who had the sports car he had 53 . On the tag was the 54 of his graduation. and the 55  PAID IN FULL. 
36.A. expected.                B. enjoyed.                C. admired.                D. owned 
37 A. finding               B. proving              C. deciding              D. knowing 
38. A. afford.                B. offer                C. keep                 D. like 
39. A. encouraged.           B. comfortable           C. proud.                  D. moved 
40. A. Nervous             B. Serious              C. Careful                D. Curious 
41. A. packed.                B. opened.               C. picked up             D. put aside 
42. A. Angrily              B. Eagerly              C. Calmly               D. Anxiously
43.A. At                    B. From                C. With                 D. To 
44 A. toasting              B. putting             C. forgetting            D. leaving 
45 A. until                  B. as                  C. before                D. unless 
46 A. learned .                 B. realized.               C. recognized.              D. admitted 
47 A. get to                 B. search for           C. turn to               D. leave for 
48 A. much                  B. still                 C. hardly                D. quite 
49 A. year                   B. month             C. week                  D. day 
50 A. clean                   B. read.                  C. turn                   D. count 
51 A. lost                    B. came              C. appeared.                 D. dropped 
52 A. old.                     B. same              C. special                D. new 
53 A. remembered.           B. desired.                 C. found.                   D. met
54. A. Picture            B. place               C. date                 D. met 
55. A. word.            B. information         C. date                 D. card 
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