A particular quirk(古怪举动)of Canadian education is that there isn’t one system but

A particular quirk(古怪举动)of Canadian education is that there isn’t one system but

A particular quirk(古怪举动)of Canadian education is that there isn’t one system but 13. All 10 provinces and all 3 territories have the right to run their own education systems. It’s established in the Constitution.
This means there is no national standard. Nobody agrees on the grade at which one makes the transition from elementary to secondary school, nor on how many years’ schooling is compulsory, nor how many grades there should be before college or university, nor how schools should be funded. Families relocating often get a surprise when they are informed that the children will have to repeat a grade because the one they have just finished does not cover the required courses to pass into the next grade where they are now.
Older children from isolated areas may be sent away to boarding schools, but this practice is falling out of favor. These days children in a very small community are more likely to attend the same school from kindergarten to grade 12(13 in Ontario, 11 in Quebec). In rural areas, pupils are taken to the nearest school in large yellow buses, some spending over an hour on the bus each way. Some never do a spot of homework at home because they always complete it on the bus. With the arrival of computers, high-quality education has now become possible even in very remote areas. It also enables parents to educate their children at home.
Colleges in Canada are sponsored by the state. Fully 75% of Canadian students go on after high school to some sort of further education. Having a university degree is fast becoming the minimum standard for employment but is far from a guarantee of a good job; those with a PhD in Philosophy, if not holding tenure at a university, are likely to be flipping burgers at a fast-food joint.
75 ______________________
Strange education system        
76 _____________
Not one system but 13
No national standard
*No agreement on the grade at which one transfers from elementary to secondary school
*No agreement on 77_______________       
*No agreement on78____________ before college or university
*No consensus about 79________________funding schools
80 ____________
*Older children from isolated areas studying in boarding schools
*Children in a very small community 81________ the same school till Grade 12-13
*Children in rural areas taken to the nearest school spending over an hour in large school buses 82 _______________
College education
* Fully 75% high school students83 ____________    
* Getting a university degree becoming 84 ______________ for employment

75. Canadian Education / Education in Canada 
76. Diversity / Variety / Types / Kinds
77. compulsory schooling duration / compulsory schooling years
78. the needed grades / the exact grades       
79. the ways of 
80. Phenomena / Facts / Current situation
81. likely attending
82. finishing their homework / doing their homework 
83. going to college / attending college
84. the minimum standard

75.根据全文的内容可知标题应该为Canadian education
76.根据表格的提示Not one system but 13可是本段是讲多样性。
77. 根据Nobody agrees on the grade at which one makes the transition from elementary to secondary school, nor on how many years’ schooling is compulsory, nor how many grades there should be before college or university可得答案。
78 同上
1.______you were late for school, for you got up late.
A.No hurryB.No problemC.No worryD.No wonder

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—Do you think the fine weather will keep up?
A.I believe itB.I don’t believe it
C.I believe not soD.I don’t believe so

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—Sorry, I couldn"t find the magazine you asked for.
— ____________.  
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A.Don"t mention itB.No problemC.It"s all the sameD.Thanks anyway
The Story of My Life by Helen Keller is the most __31____(influence) book in my life. It is filled with courage, struggle and faith throughout. Helen Keller was once in deep despair in her __32____, but finally she decided to overcome her physical defects and live happily. Furthermore, she showed great patience__33____ her long and hard learning period.
I have learned, above all, three lessons from her story. First, she taught me that often the road to success is to face hardships __34____(bravety). Maybe you are born under an ill star yet you can stand a better chance _35____ others. It is therefore important that you screw up your courage__36____ courage is needed. Second, the impairment of part of her senses did not stop__37____ learning: on the contrary, she had made continual __38____ to go deeper into the realm of knowledge, and her perseverance had thus helped her overcome many handicaps. __39____, she advised that we should make the most of our sense-organs as if we __40____(lose) them soon because this way we would observe the world more carefully than ever before.
Stepping into an old wardrobe, four English schoolchildren find themselves in the magical world of Narnia. On this delightful land, they find friends among the many talking creatures.
The children soon discover, however, that Narnia is ruled by the White Witch. Edmund, one of the children, falls under her power. Who can free Narnia? Only Aslan, the great and noble lion. He alone knows the Deeper Magic. But the children themselves must help fight the battle against the White Witch and those who serve her.
B. The Old Man and the Sea (Ernest Hemingway)
Santiago, an old Cuban fisherman, hasn’t caught any fish in more than 80 days. Sailing far out from land, the old man hooks an enormous fish. That begins an agonizing threeday battle. First he struggles against the great fish. Then he must fight off the sharks that circle the little boat and threaten to eat his fish. Exhausted and bleeding, the old man arrives back at shore. But his fish, his beautiful fish . . .
Hemingway won the Nobel Prize for this superb story of strength and courage, of victory and regret.
C. A Wrinkle in Time (Madeleine Lingle)
Meg’s father, a U.S. government scientist, has been missing for many months. He had been experimenting with time travel when he mysteriously disappeared.
Now Meg, her little brother Charles Wallace and her friend Calvin will try to rescue him. But first they must outwit the forces of evil they encounter on their journey through time and space. Can they find Meg’s father before it’s too late?
This novel is more than just a sciencefiction adventure. It’s an exploration of the nature of our universe.
D. The Pearl (John Steinbeck)
One day Kino, a poor Mexican pearl diver, finds a magnificent pearl. With it he dreams of buying a better life, new clothes and schooling for his son. Instead, it brings only evil. His wife pleads with him to get rid of it. "No," says Kino. "I will have my chance. I am a man." But when he kills a man who is trying to steal the pearl, Kino and his wife must run for their lives.
This tale of dreams, justice and the power of greed is told simply and beautifully.
E. The Long Winter (Laura Ingalls Wilder)
It’s winter, 1880—1881, on America’s northern prairies. Mr. and Mrs. Ingalls and their four girls stay near the kitchen stove to keep warm. Heavy snowstorms cut them off even from neighbors. With the trains stopped, no supplies can reach the town. Food and fuel are running out. Day after day the girls must grind wheat for bread and twist hay to burn. At times they nearly lose the battle to keep their spirits up.
This story provides a fascinating glimpse into the life of early American settlers.
F. Jane Eyre (Charlotte Brontë)
Jane Eyre ranks as one of the greatest and most perennially popular works of English fiction. Although the poor but plucky heroine is outwardly of plain appearance, she possesses an indomitable spirit, a sharp wit and great courage. She is forced to battle against the exigencies of a cruel guardian, a harsh employer and a rigid social order. All of which circumscribe her life and position when she becomes governess to the daughter of the mysterious, sardonic and attractive Mr Rochester.
However, there is great kindness and warmth in this epic love story, which is set against the magnificent backdrop of the Yorkshire moors.
56. Tom is a manager in a big city so he keeps busy every day. He was born in America but his family move to another country when he was still a child. Tom missed the day spent in America and he is extremely interested in the history of America.
57. George’s father is a lawyer and George loves discussing with his father about justice and crime. He dreams of becoming a professional detective one day. His father encourages him to read English books about dreams and justice.
58. Mike has just graduated from a high school. He got the highest score in his English exam and now he is very proud of his English. He prefers to write something that is abstract, especially stories written by authors who have won the Nobel Prizes.
59. Susan comes from China and she can only read simple English. The film Harry Potter aroused her interest in the magic world so she is eager to read some books on magic.
60. Jan is 13 years old. She is fond of nature and often observes the insects and plants in her garden for hours. She hopes to find a book that is not only interesting but also provides knowledge of nature of our universe.