luckily .all the texahers and stud here are very kind and friendly to me .they show great concer
luckily .all the texahers and stud here are very kind and friendly to me .they show great concer
luckily .all the texahers and stud here are very kind and friendly to me .they show great concern about my life and study .now .i,m glad to say that with the helpof the teachers and my classmates .everything is going welk(翻译)
Luckily .all the teachers and students here are very kind and friendly to me .They show great concern about my life and study .Now .i,m glad to say that with the help of the teachers and my classmates...
- :造简单英文句子4句~
- 甲乙丙三人合租一辆出租车,同往一方向.事先约定三人分摊车费.甲在全程1/3处下车,乙在全程2/3处%C
- 在△ABC中,AB=2,AC=3,BC=4,则△ABC的面积是
- 关于周庄的古诗句
- 求英语作文一篇,感激
- 已知f(x)=log4(2x+3-x2)求f(x)的单调区间;求f(x)的最大值及对应的X的值
- ,跳伞运动员从高空下落时,在他张伞后,所受的空气阻力等于运动员和伞的总重力时,运动员的机械能变化情况
- 反比例函数y=m/x与一次函数y=kx+b交于点A(1,8),和B(4,2),则三角形AOB的面积是____
- 已知等差数列{An},前n项和为Sn.A3=6,S3=12.求数列{2^(n-1)An}的前n项和Bn.
- 一道初二的一元二次方程题目..
- 隔水加热法加热酒精(医用酒精)浓度会发生变化吗?为什么?
- 其实我也想去米兰陪你 英语怎么说 翻译下
- 一块长方形铁板长30分米,宽是长的2/3,在这块铁板上截出一个最大的圆,这个圆的面积是( )分米
- 下列构词方式不同的一项是?
- 将一张直角三角形的硬纸绕AB旋转一周,可以形成一个圆锥.这个圆锥的体积是多少立方厘米?
- this si zhe man( )does well in playing chess【A,chich B,whom C,who D,whose]
- 工程队修一条水渠,第一天修了全长的1/4,第二天修了全长的30%,还剩下900千米没修.这条水渠全长多少米?
- 设集合m={x|-1≤x
- 英语翻译
- 优秀生