Learning English is really deep as some qualified teachers said, "interest is the best teacher." If you do not have the slightest interest in English, then English scores will not be really good. Some time ago, and former classmates to meet and talk to the English, she said that they are completely not interested in English, see English to bored to death, I think this is a lot of students with poor English the biggest problem. In my view, learning a language is a very interesting thing, by learning another language and you not only mastered the ability to communicate in different languages, but also to expand their horizons, to understand the culture do not have joy of life. I try to find fun in learning English, so that you will pay attention to everything in life things related to English, television, advertising, film, street signs, road signs ... ... ... you will find that English is all around us, is Really, not lies.
I learn English does not "back" words. I have always been opposed to the word back, high school morning reading to see a large number of students holding a list of words back word letter by letter, I do not know that they do not back back is maintained, but I'm sure that, even if you are so back, back the living, back fast, then you must also forget faster, and difficult to make good use of these words. I think the correct way to memorize the article to the memory through the multi as articles or as part of the article to improve your reading ability, grammatical learning, word memory is helpful. Article, the words you do not know, you can check, but I want to stress, you have to check very carefully, then put the word pronunciation, meaning, often with a note of as much as possible, and then into the article, then the sentence re-read, so that works well
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