热菜:尖椒炒肉 蒜毫炒肉 柿子椒炒肉 豆角炒肉 葫芦条炒肉 芹菜炒肉 蕨菜炒肉 土豆丝炒肉 素炒茄子 丝瓜炒肉 猪肉炒粉条 香椿炒鸡蛋 小葱炒鸡蛋 卤水豆腐 肉炒山蘑菇 辣豆腐 家常扣肉 白菜炖豆腐 猪肉炖粉条 炸大杏仁 西红柿炒鸡蛋 尖椒炒鸡蛋 酸辣土豆丝 酸菜冻豆腐 葫芦条炖猪肉 炸花椒芽 小鸡炖蘑菇
凉菜:拍黄瓜 糖拌西红柿 香椿拌豆腐 小葱拌豆腐 凉拌土豆丝 炸花生米 拌野菜 木里芽拌豆腐 凉拌蕨菜 拌老虎菜 黄瓜拌豆皮 杏仁瓜丁 黄瓜拌粉丝
请qiaoling 最好有标点啊,我不太懂英语,
Hot dish:Point hot spice plant stir-fries the flesh garlic writing brush stir-frying flesh sweetbell redpepper stir-frying the flesh kidney bean stir-frying the flesh bottle gourd stir-frying the flesh celery stir-frying flesh pfiddlehead stir-frying flesh shredded white potato stir-frying flesh usually stir-frying the eggplant towel gourd stir-frying the flesh pork stir-frying noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch Chinese mahogany scrambled eggs shallot scrambled eggs Salted Tofu meat stir-frying the mountain mushroom burning bean curd domestic trivia button meat Chinese cabbage stewing the bean curd pork stews noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch the pork blowing up the shredded white potato of Jordan almond tomato scrambled eggs point hot spice plant scrambled eggs sour and hot pickled Chinese cabbage frozen bean curd bottle gourd stewing blows up the Chinese prickly ash bud chick stewing to pester a cold dish:Pat cucumber candy stir and mix tomato Chinese mahogany stir and mix the bean curd shallot stirring and mixing bean curd cold and dressed with sauce shredded white potato frying a peanut kernel stir and mix the edible wild herbs Mu Li bud stirring and mixing bean curd cold and dressed with sauce pfiddlehead stirring and mixing tiger dish cucumber stirring and mixing bean skin almond Guading cucumber stirring and mixing vermicelli made from bean starch
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