Early in it's life Excel became the target of a trademark lawsuit by another company already selling a software package named “Excel”in the finance industry.As the result of the dispute Microsoft was required to refer to the program as “Microsoft Excel” in all of its formal press releases and legal document .However ,over time this practice has been ignored ,and Microsoft cleared up the issue permanently when they purchased the trademark of the other program .Microsoft also encouraged the use of the letters XL as shorthand for the program ; while this is no longer common ,the program’s icon on Windows still consists of a stylized combination of the two letters ,and the file extension of the default Excel format is .xls.Excel offers many tweaks over the earliest electronic spreadsheet ;however ,the essence remains ther same as in the original spreadsheet.
Excel软件在诞生后不久就成为了另一家向金融行业销售产品且产品名同样为Excel的公司在诉讼案件中的被告,对方称微软侵犯其商标.作为诉讼官司的结果微软被要求在它所有的官方公告和法律文件中将这一产品改名为“微软Excel 软件”.然而,随着时间的推移这一做法逐渐销声匿迹,之后当微软买下另一产品的商标时,它就把这一隐忧彻底扫清了.微软还鼓励用字母XL作为这一产品的缩写;当这种缩写不大常见之后,这一产品在视窗软件上的图标仍然由另外两个不写实的字母组合构成,并且Excel文件默认的格式后缀还是.xls.Excel在早期电子表格程序上做出了许多轻微调整;然而它的精髓本质仍然与最初的电子表格程序相一致.
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