how to get alone with friends
how to get alone with friends
求英语作文 120字左右 希望分成三段 在第二段中有三个小的主题句 (first second third) 结尾升华 期末考试作文 希望尽力 谢谢
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你的作文题目好像打错了吧,应该是 how to get along with friends
Friends is an important part of my life. To me ,sometimes they are like a mirror, while they are a n effective medicine at times. All in all, I feel we should cherish the friendships with our friends at anytime.
While how to get along with friends may be not an easy matter. I think three factors listed as follows are very significant : Firstly, trust your friends, trust is a key point in every emotional relationships. only if you build trust each other, your friendships wii be permanent. Secondly, learn to share joys and sorrows , keep a sentence in your mind , that is "A friend in need is a friend indeed." Thirdly, treat your friends like your family members, this way can make your friend feel that he occupies an important position in your heart.
Every emotion should be conducted by two sides including friendship, learn to how to get along with your friends will keep your friendships consolidated and ever-lasting.
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