Life Needs to Be Emotionally Moving
It can be seen from the forum that:a student is seeking for an article titled " Life Needs to Be Emotionally Moving".obviously it is a home work disposed for practice to him.considering whatever could be retrived from the powerful internet ,the boy transfer his homework to a qiuz,and sent it to the webset in which any question can be sovled.
The meaning subtly conveyed by the phenomenon is pregnent,and also sarcastic.As the Information Technology fast develops,internet changs our life.It is not only a imperative instrument used to work and study,but a daily life basic tool.The function of a computer connected to internet is so superior than ever before,that it could facilitate you achieve almost everything.
Meanwhile,it bring us a great of convenient ,it also brings lot of nagetive side.As people become more and more dependent on the computer,then become lazy ,and reluctant to movement,and the intellegence diminished.Further more it establish a invisible barrier which beteewn direct communication,and occasions to some psychology disease.
above all ,I would like to give several following suggestion to you,boy.firstly you should enhance your confidence.Aillce.Robert ever sayed:"Every one has the potential capability which could arrive at the miracle".writing a english is a easy job ,so is learning English too.The difficulty is just coused by your lost confidence.Tht way we repel this tough is more practice.
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