The Advantage and Disadvantage of Part-time Job
The Advantage and Disadvantage of Part-time Job
【The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Taking a Part-Time Job】
Taking part-time jobs has become the phenomenon among university students,and some students in Soochow University follow this trend as well.Indeed,there are some advantages; however,there are also some disadvantages.
One of the advantages is that students can earn money.Some students have to earn money on their own to pay the tuition while some students just earn money to pay for their expenditure or satisfy their desire.In this material-oriented society,money is important and indispensable in our daily lives,so it’s a beneficial advantage to work part time.
What’s more,another advantage is that students can acquire more experiences and polish their skills when taking part-time jobs.For example,if you enjoy teaching,working part-time as a tutor may help you improve your teaching skills and gain experiences.Different kinds of jobs require different skills; therefore,you are likely to gain experiences and improve skills as long as you devote yourself to working.
On the contrary,there are some disadvantages,too.For instance,you might be too exhausted after working to focus on your academic studying.It’s inappropriate to skip classes or forget to do assignments due to part-time jobs because a student’s duty is to try effort to do well at school.
Moreover,another disadvantage is that you might be deceived by the advertisement of part-time jobs.It’s the dangerous part when finding or working part-time jobs.
To sum up,as I mentioned above,there are some pros and cons when working part-time jobs.Consequently,all of us should think twice before taking part- time jobs.And when we take part-time jobs,we can’t ignore or forget our duties.
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