求老人与海(The Old Man and the Sea)英文书评
求老人与海(The Old Man and the Sea)英文书评
The Old Man and the Sea may very well become one of the true classics of this generation.Certainly,the qualities of Ernest Hemingway's short novel are those which we associate with many great stories of the past:near perfection of form within the limitations of its subject matter,restraint of treatment,regard for the unities of time and place,and evocative simplicity of style.Also,like most great stories,it can be read on more than one level of meaning.On one it is an exciting but tragic adventure story.Sustained by the pride of his calling,the only pride he has left,a broken old fisherman ventures far out into the Gulf Stream and there hooks the biggest marlin ever seen in those waters.Then,alone and exhausted by his struggle to harpoon the giant fish,he is forced into a losing battle with marauding sharks; they leave him nothing but the skeleton of his catch.On another level the book is a fable of the unconquerable spirit of man,a creature capable of snatching spiritual victory from circumstances of disaster and material defeat.On still another it is a parable of religious significance,its theme supported by the writer's unobtrusive handling of Christian symbols and metaphors.Like Coleridge's Ancient Mariner,Hemingway's Cuban fisherman is a character allowing the imagination of his creator to operate simultaneously in two different worlds of meaning and value,the one real and dramatic,the other moral and devotionally symbolic.
- 1、一辆货车厢是一个长方体,它的长是4米,宽2.5米,高是4米,装满了一车粮食,现在要是把这些粮食卸到一个底面半径是2米的圆柱形粮仓里,能装多高?(得数保留一位小数) 2、院子里有一块长9米,宽6米的
- 塔
- 《诗经》的一段话?
- 我国的外流河、内流河,丰水期都在夏季,其主要原因是( ) A.受气温的影响,夏季全国普遍高温 B.东部季风区受夏季风的影响,西部非季风区受夏季高温的影响 C.全国大多数地区,降
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- 花的四字成语,如:百花盛开
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- 5分之根号2等于sin多少度