1 Advance payment :PEDE will grant to the awarded bidder an advance payment equal to (10%) of the total value of the contract ,which will be paid against submitting commercial invoice and a bank guarantee by the contractor issued by any bank guarantee by the contractor issued by any bank adopted in Syria and equaling to the advance payment.This guarantee must be submitted during a maximum period of one month from the date of commencement order.This guarantee will be reduced gradually in proportion with the values of the delivered equipment and executed services at the rate of once every three months,upon the request of the contractor.
2 Prices should be offered in Euro currency and in Syrian Pounds to cover the value of materials and local services for foreign bidder and in Syrian pounds for local bidder.And it should be fixed and the offer should not include any equation for the revision of the prices,otherwise it may be rejected ,and the Bidder shall be considered as ren
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