

The Persons I’ll Thanks to
First,I’ll thank my parents.They gave me life,and teach me lots of knowledge and truth.The most important is that they teach me how to be a man.They always in my side and protect me.I am a teenager,sometimes I can’t understand them and argue with them.But now I know,they gave me a lot.Thank you,my most beloved people——my mom and dad.
Then,I’ll thank my “second parents”——my teachers.They are the most respected people of mine except my parents.Though they can’t give me money,but they give me more knowledge than my parents.They give me “second home”.So ,I must thank them.
Last,I’ll thank my classmate.They had class with me.And shake they experience with me.I’ll feel lonely without they.They had giving me lots of happiness for many years.They like my brother and sister,which I will thanks to them.
First,i will show my gratitude to my parents who give birth to me and raise me up.My parents taught me knowleges about how to be a real man,which inspired me a lot.futhermore,they always support and protect me.But due to my juveniles and childishness,it might be hard for me to understand them.And i tend to argue with them.Anyhow,they are always the ones that i care and value most.
Moreover,i will appreciate my teachers who educate me.What they could bring to me is diffrent from my parents.I acquire acedemic knowleges anduseful skills from them .And they are patient to help me to overcome difficulties which i encounter.They lead me to the truth.
Last,i will be thankful to my classmates who treat me like siblings.We have been together for years and had lots of fun.We share the same experiences and exchange our thoughts.It would be tough days for me without their existence.可以么?自己改的.


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