“I’m on a diet.” “My overweight is killing me.” Do these phrases sound familiar? They’re said time and time again by young girls, who are constantly being pressured to look “perfect”, But what makes a person “perfect”?
I’d say that a perfect person is someone who is happy and confident, though our society and the media seem to think differently.
Everywhere you look, you see “perfect” images of what young girls should be. We’re shown images of perfect skin, perfect teeth, silky hair and a gorgeous figure. And yet the same magazines and television shows disagree with themselves by telling us that size 16 is normal.
The media put famous people under even more pressure, excepting far too much from them. Calista Flockhart, who plays Ally McBeal, is accused of being too thin, while Jennifer Lopez and Christina Ricci are told they are overweight. The press makes impossible demands on famous people, and then they attack them when they fail to live up to them.
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