1.It's close to the centre and it's quite cheap-for London.
2.She"s very nice, a bit shy, but very intelligent.
3.She cooks great Chinese food.
4.The other flats were too expensive.
5.I'm sharing the flat with a lovely flatmate-Mary.
6.Xiaoyan' working in ABHK Bank.
7.She has a job for one year in the bank' IT department.
8.Mary's a music student, and she has lots of interesting and kind friends.
9.She likes the flat and the garden.
10.Mary's friends are all very friendly and outgoing.
11.It's easy to talk to them.
12.When I'm being noisy, making music with Paul and Ian, she goes into the garden.
13.The flat is beautiful and I have a big bedroom.
14.I hope I'm not too noise with my music.
I don't want her to leave.
15.I love the garden, it is very quiet. Good. Because the music students are very noisy!
16.Anyway, Joe stop in London soon, next time you go back to the U.S.
17.Anyway, Janet, come round for a meal sometimes.
★本人坚决不用软件翻译★【提供翻译如下】:1.It's close to the centre and it's quite cheap-for London.▲那儿离中心不远而且对于在伦敦来说价格相对便宜.2.She"s very nice,a bit shy,but very intelligent.▲...
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