文章长度在一分钟内 主题 随便 读起来要有感觉的那种
Good morning.Today,I would like to share a local news with you.It's about a 17-year-old young man who lost his left hand when making a bomb inside his flat in Tin Shui Wai.The bomb exploded unexpectedly while he was holding it.Eventually,the teenager was sent to hospital for treatment,and the resisdents of the same building were evacuated.In this accident,I think the teenager should bear the greatest responsiblities.Commonly,we are all keenly aware of the danger of a bomb.It seems incredible that he carried out such dangerous task individually.Nevertheless,we should keep thinking about yourself,about the people around you,about everything surrounding you.As we are not living along in the world,we are connected to each other.Even if you do a little thing,it would bring a big trouble to the others.So I think the teenager should apologize to the resisdents for startling the them.At last,I hope he can learn from suffering serious injuries,and I also hope we will have a lesson in such unfortunate incident
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