

There is a sense of fashion, and the pursuit of beauty is a character. It is a kind of aesthetic development, not the pursuit of fashion is a kind of not understanding is not complete, but in the new era, the fashion important in the development of society. If the one-sided understanding of star-chasing fashion, plastic surgery, wore designer clothes, hair, then there is no need to pursue this fashion. Should be the pursuit of life, love life, we as young people, more so. Continue to accept new things, new environment, in order to conform to requirements of social development, showing the rhythm of social life, progress, become the pillars of the motherland. Why do not the students, dressed in a fashion? Or not the students pursue fashion, dress themselves that? Everyone has their own reason to exist, personality Ye Hao, worth mentioning ... the image is represented by each of the different characteristics of the school, there are rules in place, we wear uniforms, pay attention to the dress uniform, which is a discipline problem, also able to represent aspects of the quality of their own discipline, but this does not mean that a school should wear the same uniforms, wearing the same clothes have been through the student career, highlighting his personality, the charm of its own publicity is a kind of good, which is conducive to confused society in the future, give yourself a foothold position. In fact, still have much to say, the key lies with themselves, if they want to be afraid of opposing views meet other people, very concerned about other people's eyes, it is most important to choose their own way to do it. Let's now dozens of high school students who like the simple way I think that some can not, it is a social development, but also can be seen as the progress of society, the environment has affected, as long as enough is enough, and the pursuit of appropriate dress fashion is still possible!


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