求 Our life has changed a lot 的英语作文,用到used to和be used to doing的句型
求 Our life has changed a lot 的英语作文,用到used to和be used to doing的句型
Our life has changed a lot
In the past five years,some changes have taken place in people's diet.The proportion of grain which is the main food of the Chinese people has decreased by 4%.On the contrary,the proportion of milk and meat in people's diet has increased.
These changes in people's diet show some modifications in people's living standard and life style.We used to junk food ,however ,since China began her cconomic reform in 1978,various kinds of food have appeared in the market,milk and meat,which were seldom seen on people's dinner ta hies before,have now become popular food in Chinese familics.
As the living standard of the Chinese people is rising,we look forward to further changes in people's diet.In the future,the proportion of milk and meat is likely to go on increasing and the proportion of fruit and vegetables is likely to increase as well.
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