It's Mother Who Broke It
After supper mother and son were washing bowls and plates while father and daughter were watching TV.Suddenly a sound of bowls and plates broken came from the kitchen.And then the sound died out.The daughter said to her father,“It's mother who broke it.”“How do you know that?”asked the father.“Because mother said nothing.”
What's the Matter with You?
The phone rang and I picked up the receiver.
“Hello”,I said.
“Hello,”said a voice,“Bill here.Is Betty there?”
A few seconds later,the telephone rang again.Just as I expected,it was Bill.“You've made a mistake again,”I explained.
Then the phone rang a third time.This made me angry.I spoke in a loud voice,“Hello,Bill,Betty here.”
For a moment there was complete silence.Then someone said,“What's the matter with you,Tom?”
It was my mother.
New York City
New York City,is the largest city in the United States and one of the largest in the world,on New York Bay①at the mouth oftheHudson River.The total area of New YorkCity is about 300square miles.It hasfiveboroughs②:Manhattan,the Bronx,Queens,Brooklyn and Staten Island.The cityis acenter for commerce and business andoneof the three“world cities”(along with Lon-don and Tokyo).The city is also a placewhere the headquarters of the UnitedNa-tions is located.People from all over theworld live in the city and work at the UnitedNations. New York City is often called“The BigApple”,which was termed by jazz musiciansto describe something that is the ultimate③insize,excitement and achievement.The cityreally has the wonders of the Big Apple—the Statue of Liberty,the World Trade Cen-ter,Wall Street,Broadway,RockefellerCenter and so on. Notes:①bay n.海湾 ②borough n.(美)纽约市行政区 ③ultimate n.极限;顶点
每年四月一日是英美等西方国家传统的节日,即“愚人节”,英语称作“April Fools’Day”.无论男女老少,这天都可以互相开玩笑,就连英国正统的BBC广播公司,为了增加节日气氛,在每年的这天都不止一次地利用电台和电视向听众、观众开玩笑.在学校里,学生们在课堂上往往用粉笔偷偷在别人背后写上“我是笨蛋”、“都来踢我”等字样,互相捉弄.有时老师也会突然发现自己身上被学生画上了可笑的图案或字样,对此哭笑不得.这一天被愚弄的人,在英格兰被称为“四月愚人”,在苏格兰被称为“四月布谷鸟”,在法国则被称为“四月鱼”.
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