A:Hey,Kattie,would you like to join us tonight at the the Pizza Hut around 6pm?
B:What the event,Jash?
C:Let me tell her,Jash.
B:Okay,go ahead,Paul.
C:It is the club meeting and we would love to have you if you can make it.
A:But I am not a member of your club though...
B:Not a problem.Everyone welcomes new-comers and you won't feel left out,I promise.
C:Yeah,you should come besides we are going and you always have us there.Come,please.
A:Well,what are you going to do in the Pizza Hut?
B:We will have pizza,of course,and hang out.It is not an official club event.
C:It is a passing time event and you should come.
A:Okay,if that's the case,where should I meet you guys?Which Pizza Hut?
B:I have an afternoon class till 5:45pm.If you want,we can ride there together.
C:Or I can come over to pick you up if you go home early today?
A:Okay,that sounds better.Are you sure it isn't too much trouble for you to pick me up,Paul?
A:Great.What time are you coming?
C:What about 5:30pm?
A:Sounds good to me.Well,I gotta run now.See you both later.
B:I gotta go too.Peace off,Paul.
C:Alright,see you then.
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- 英语翻译
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- 一道非常简单的英语数学题~
- 以觅春为题写一篇作文!