

1.Jack broke his leg,(
A.did Jack B.didn't Jack C.did he D.didn't he
2.You are hungry,aren't you?
( ).I have just had my lunch.
A.Yes,I am B.Yes,I do C.No,I'm not D.No,Idon't
3.It's a fine day,( ) it?
A.isn't B.wasn't C.doesn't D.hasn't
4.I want to give ham ( ) to eat.
A.something English B.some English thing C.English something D.anything English
5.The TV set is broken,please don't turn ( ).
A.on it B.it on C.it in D.in it
6.My uncle will be back ( ).
A.after half a month B.three days ago C.for three days D.in three days
7.The boy is ( ) to go to school.
A.enough old B.enough young C.old enough D.young enough
8.No hurry.There's ( ) time left.
A.little B.few C.a little D.a few
9.If you don't go,I shall not ( ).
A.too B.also C.neither D.oither
10.The days ( ) shorter in autumn.
A.do B.gets C.get D.take
11.Hello!May I ( ) to Wei Jing,please!
A.talk B.say C.tell D.speak
12.Turn ( ) the radio,please,I want to listen to the weather report.
A.in B.on C.to D.at
13.In the USA,people eat a lot of beef.So ( ) we.
A.are B.does C.do D.and
14.Which is ( ) food in the USA?
A.the most popular B.more popular C.the popularest D.popular
15.I often help my mother ( ) the washing.
A.does B.do C.did D.is doing
1.These flowers are so beautifal.(改为感叹句)
2.He works very hard.(改为感叹句)
3.Miss Gao is a good teacher.(改为反义疑问句)
4.Little water is in the bottle.(给为反义疑问句)
5.Your brother went to Beijing last Sunday.(改为反义疑问句)
三.适用 what,what a (an),how,how a(an),填空
1.Look!( ) fast the boy is running!
2.( ) cold day it was yesterday!
3.( ) heavy the box is!I can't carry it.
4.( ) interesting story he told us!
5.( ) mice the mooncakes are!
6.( ) had weather!
7.( ) clever children all of you are!
8.( ) important news that is!
9.( ) time flies!
10.( ) beautiful flowers you bought me!
1.Do you enjoy ( ) (you)?
Of course we do.
2.It's difficult for us to swim ( ) (cross) the river in five minutes.
3.T和hardwork骂的them( ) (feel) tired.
4.It is hard fot me to learn English well,but I think I must go on ( ) (study) it.
5.This piece of music is so difficult ( ) (play)
6.I am tired now I was ( ) (wake) all night long yesterday.
7.If you want to keep yourself ( ) (health),you have to take more exercise.
8.The teacher told the boy ( ) (not play) in the street...It's too dangerous.
9.Last night Tom did his homework ( ) (listen) to the radio.
10.My head ( ) (hurt) badly yesterday,and I didn't go to school.
1-5 BCAAB 6-10 DCCDB 11-15 DBCAB
1 How beautiful these flowers are!
2. How hard he works!
3. Miss Gao is a good teacher, isn't she?
4. Little water is in the bottle, is it?
5. Your brother went to Beijing last Sunday, didn't he?
1-10 how what a how what an how what what what an how what
1-10 yourselves across feel studying to play awake healthy not to play listening hurt


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