Hello,overseas fans?
The attached file is the final list of overseas fans coming to the fan meeting 31st.Jan.
Those who paid 40,000 won and said "Yes" to the question "Are you coming
to the Fan Meeting?" on the email you sent us for membership application
should be on this list.
If your nickname is on the list,you do not have to do anything.
If not,please send us an email to jinjak84@naver.com with the title
"Not on the FM list (your id)" before 12:00(noon) Wed.,27th.Jan.
In the email please write your ID,nickname,name of the account(as on the receipt),the amount and the currency you transferred,and the date of the transfer.
An example of your reply would be:
iiiiddd/ amcool/ Jang Keunsuk/ 40,000won/ 2010.1.1.
You will be seated in the order of email reception,and those who emailed
before 9:00 am 31st.Dec.will be seated lastly among those who emailed us on 31st.Dec.
Last of all,many of you are curious about if there will be a
Hello,overseas fans?海外的粉丝们.The attached file is the final list of overseas fans coming to the fan meeting 31st.Jan.这个附件是将会来参加在1月31号举行的粉丝聚会者的最终名单.Those who paid 40,000 w...
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